
Today is the 30th anniversary of the first release of Microsoft Excel. To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I invited you to share your memories of getting started with Excel, and thank you for your contributions!

今天是Microsoft Excel首次发行30周年。 为了庆祝这个吉祥的日子,我邀请您分享您开始使用Excel的回忆,并感谢您的贡献!

In 2005 there was a 20th anniversary celebration, and I wasn't invited to the party, but I was at Microsoft that day. There was a party that night at Seattle's Experience Music Project, and we formed a band – Excelerongs – for a special one-night appearance. That's Dick Kusleika at the left, and I'm 3rd from the right.

在2005年有20周年庆典,我没有被邀请参加聚会,但是那天我在微软。 那天晚上,在西雅图的体验音乐项目中举行了一个聚会,我们组建了一支乐队– Excelerongs –进行了特别的一晚演出。 左边是Dick Kusleika,右边是我第3位。

So take time to celebrate today, and form your own band to sing the praises of Excel.


Excel记忆 (Excel Memories)

Some people started using Excel when they were school-aged, and others started much later in life. The contributors have used Excel for all kinds of tasks, and from very basic spreadsheets, to sophisticated applications. It's a fascinating collection, and the stories are listed below, in alphabetical order of given name.

有些人在学龄时就开始使用Excel,而另一些人的生活则晚得多。 贡献者已将Excel用于各种任务,从最基本的电子表格到复杂的应用程序。 这是一个引人入胜的收藏,下面以给定名称的字母顺序列出了故事。

Which stories sound most similar to your early Excel memories? Was your story completely different? Let me know in the comments.

哪些故事听起来与您早期的Excel记忆最相似? 你的故事完全不同吗? 在评论中让我知道。

阿尔贝托·阿尔莫加拉(Alberto Almoguera) (Alberto Almoguera)

I started using Excel 2.2 in a Macintosh Plus with RAM 256 Kbs and an external HDD of 20 MB and the Black & White screen was 9 inches. Something heavy like a hundred iPads but only as powerful as 1/100 iPad. I was 12 years old and it was 27 years ago... (more or less). Now I spend 8 hours a day with the Excel 2013... more than with my wife... and... I knew it before knowing her... she should be a bit jealous.

我开始在具有256 Kbs RAM和20 MB外部HDD的Macintosh Plus中使用Excel 2.2,而黑白屏幕为9英寸。 像一百台iPad一样重,但功能却只有1/100 iPad。 我当时12岁,那是27年前...(或多或少)。 现在我每天花8个小时在Excel 2013上,比花在我妻子身上的时间更多……而且……在认识她之前我就知道了……她应该有点嫉妒。

安妮卡·埃里克森(Annika Eriksson) (Annika Eriksson)

Late 80's -- Installing Excel with 6 floppy disks. After 20 minutes and changing all the disks the program asks what screen I have. EGA? CGA? VGA? Even more alternatives. I pick one. The installation program says "Wrong" and ends. I have to start all over again. And again. It took two hours to be able to start Excel.

80年代后期-使用6张软盘安装Excel。 20分钟后,更换所有磁盘后,程序将询问我所显示的屏幕。 EGA? CGA? VGA? 甚至更多的选择。 我选一个。 安装程序显示“错误”并结束。 我必须重新开始。 然后再次。 花了两个小时才能启动Excel。

Then choose correct printer with the possibility to get country specific characters so Excel could print. There was a short list of printers that worked. Or we could write our own printer driver, wasn't that difficult for a programmer.

然后选择正确的打印机,以获取特定于国家/地区的字符,以便Excel可以打印。 可以使用的打印机很短。 或者,我们可以编写自己的打印机驱动程序,对于程序员而言并不难。

By then I had a computer with a 20 MB drive, it was oceans of space.

到那时,我有一台具有20 MB驱动器的计算机,那是一片浩瀚的太空。

丹·卡彭特 (Dan Carpenter)

I started using Excel about 15 yrs ago. When I began, as a hairstylist, I started out with a client listing. I chose it over a word processor because of the ease of columns and the ability to sort in various ways. As I became more familiar, I started using it for other things like budgets, mortgage calculators and various projects. In 2004, I created a sophisticated spreadsheet for the firm I worked with by creating a listing of all the manufacturing parts and their costs. At the time, steel prices were escalating and it was necessary to estimate the increases in costs vs selling price.

我大约15年以前开始使用Excel。 当我开始做发型师时,我首先列出了一个客户清单。 我之所以选择它而不是文字处理程序,是因为其列的易用性以及以各种方式进行排序的能力。 随着我越来越熟悉,我开始将它用于预算,抵押计算器和各种项目等其他方面。 2004年,我通过创建所有制造零件及其成本的清单,为与我合作的公司创建了一个复杂的电子表格。 当时,钢铁价格不断上涨,有必要估算成本与售价之间的增长。

We were in the business of manufacturing farm gates of all sizes as well as many other accessory parts. The system was designed to input variable steel, energy and labour costs and have it reflect all the products. It was so effective that the company actually purchased its own steel tube mill to manufacture the steel tubing for the gates and it paid for itself in less than a year with the bonus of keeping the product selling price at a very modest increase versus what costs would have been at market price. Additionally, we began selling tubing to other customers at a better price than market.

我们从事制造各种尺寸的农用大门以及许多其他配件的业务。 该系统旨在输入可变的钢材,能源和人工成本,并能反映所有产品。 它是如此有效,以至于该公司实际上购买了自己的钢管厂来制造大门用钢管,并在不到一年的时间内收回了投资,并获得了将产品销售价格保持在相对于成本将非常适度增长的优势。一直以市场价格。 此外,我们开始以比市场更好的价格向其他客户出售管道。

戴维·昂格 (David Unger)

My first encounter with a spreadsheet program period was circa 1981, with Tandy’s TRS-80 Model III, running VisiCalc. Seemed impressive at the time, but only found limited uses for it. Had to wait for MS Office 97 to come out, then you could really start doing something useful. I built a number of applications for the office using Excel 97, they were in use for a number of years. Since then, I’ve learned to employ VBA as well, this can make Excel do almost anything.

我第一次遇到电子表格程序期间是在1981年左右,当时是Tandy的TRS-80 Model III运行VisiCalc。 当时看似令人印象深刻,但仅发现了有限的用途。 必须等待MS Office 97发布,然后您才能真正开始做一些有用的事情。 我使用Excel 97为办公室构建了许多应用程序,这些应用程序使用了很多年。 从那时起,我还学会了使用VBA,这可以使Excel几乎可以执行任何操作。

亨利·皮埃尔·查瓦兹 (Henri-Pierre Chavaz)

My first contact with a spreadsheet was with Visicalc on an APPLE ][ in 1979/1980. In the early 80’s, we were Multiplan users on MSDOS computers. And, in 1985 we bought two Macs essentially to run MacProject. Excel came in a sort of a bundle with the Macs.

我与电子表格的第一次接触是在1979/1980年在Apple []上使用Visicalc。 在80年代初,我们是MSDOS计算机上的Multiplan用户。 而且,在1985年,我们购买了两台本质上运行MacProject的Mac。 Excel与Mac捆绑在一起。

Working for a state administration, I lost the link with Microsoft Software for a time. But when a few year later the first usable Windows (3.1) came it seemed that everyone switched to Excel.

在为州政府工作时,我有一段时间失去了与Microsoft软件的链接。 但是,几年后,当第一个可用的Windows(3.1)出现时,似乎所有人都转向了Excel。

约翰·米卡洛迪斯(John Michaloudis) (John Michaloudis)

Do you remember when you started using Excel? I first laid my eyes on Excel back at university in 1998

您还记得开始使用Excel的时候吗? 1998年我第一次回到大学时就开始关注Excel

Was it your first spreadsheet? Yes it was my first spreadsheet, I did not have the privilege to have a taste of Lotus or VisiCalc.

这是您的第一个电子表格吗? 是的,这是我的第一个电子表格,我没有特权品尝Lotus或VisiCalc。

Did you dive right in? I was very reluctant.  I saw a blank page with lots of cells and did not know what to do.  I entered a few numbers. Some text and lots of crazy colors!

你潜水了吗? 我很不情愿。 我看到一个空白页面,里面有很多单元格,不知道该怎么办。 我输入了几个数字。 一些文字和许多疯狂的色彩!

What projects were you working on? It was a university project for Financial Accounting…how boring!

您正在从事哪些项目? 这是一个大学的财务会计项目,真是无聊!

What else do you remember? I remember switching it off and not using it for some months down the track.  I was lost in Excel!  Thanks to the introduction of the Ribbon menu my love for Excel began…

你还记得什么? 我记得关闭它并且在几个月后一直没有使用它。 我迷失在Excel中! 由于功能区菜单的引入,我对Excel的热爱开始了……

凯文·莱尔巴斯 (Kevin Lehrbass)

When I was teaching English in Mexico I remember stopping by a friend's desk and seeing an Excel spreadsheet. It seemed so interesting.

在墨西哥教英语时,我记得在朋友的办公桌旁停下来,看到一个Excel电子表格。 看起来真有趣。

I eventually took a very basic course. The first big leap was when I bought the Excel Bible by John W. and read it cover to cover. I remember the chapter intro to array formulas. The next chapter was called something like "Doing Magic with Array Formulas". I was hooked for life!

我最终参加了非常基础的课程。 第一个重大飞跃是当我购买John W.撰写的Excel圣经并仔细阅读该圣经时。 我记得本章介绍数组公式。 下一章称为“用数组公式做魔术”。 我迷上了生命!

库什诺德·维卡吉(Khushnood Viccaji) (Khushnood Viccaji)

My earliest brush with Excel was back in 1994. Around mid-1993, I had completed an exciting transition from Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS to Quattro Pro 4.0 / 5.0 for DOS. I had even mastered the QPro programming language from an 800 page book


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