Applying for a Visa (签证) (43)

Key vocabulary

1.  remain=stay

2.  approximately=an amount that is almost, but not exact

3.  sponsor=someone who takes the responsibility for a person applying for a visa(担保人)

4.  invitation letter=a formal letter asking a person to come to a place

5.  tie=responsibility that links a person to a place or a thing

6.  evidence=something that shows the thing is true

7.  financially independent=have enough money to live alone, do not need help with money

8.  assets=things that are worth money that you own

9.  grant=let you some something(给予)

A: So, you are applying for a B2 visa, where is your final destination and what’s the purpose of your trip to the United States?

B: I’m going to visit my brother; he’s just had a baby. He lives in Minneapolis.

A: How long do you plan to remain in the United States?

B: I will be here for approximately three weeks. See, here’s my return ticket for the twenty-sixth of March.

A: And , who is sponsoring your trip?

B: My brother, here, this is an invitation letter from him. I will stay with him and his family in their home.

A: Alright, tell me about the ties you have to your home country.

B: Well, I own a house, actually, I am leaving my dog there with my neighbors. I have a car at home, and oh, my job! I’m employed by Tornel as an engineer. Actually, I only have three weeks’ vacation, so I have to go back to work at the end of March.

A: And what evidence do you have that you are financially independent?

B: Well, I do have assets in my country; like I said, I own a house, and see, here’s a bank statement, showing my investments, and my bank balance.

A: I’m sorry, sir, we can’t grant you a B2 visa at this time, instead, you are granted a resident visa! Congratulations, you are the million person to apply for a visa! You win! Congratulations!

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