Happy New Year from all of us at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy!

We noticed that you have not yet submitted your application for admission to the graduate programs at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College. We would like to let you know that you still have time and it is free to apply (no application fee!).

The application deadline is listed as January 10, 2021. However, since that is a Sunday, we have moved our deadline to Monday, January 11, 2021 (11:59 PM EST). This will allow our staff to provide better support to our applicants with any last minute questions or concerns. We hope the additional 24 hours to work on your application will be helpful!

More good news… We do allow a grace period for your supporting materials to reach us. Your official test scores (if applicable), transcript/evaluation report and recommendation forms (uploaded online) may all arrive AFTER the deadline without impacting your application or opportunity for scholarship.

We’d be more than happy to answer any questions (via email or phone) that you might have regarding our application process. We also welcome you to join our upcoming “Ask us Anything” live chat sessions on January 6th (Register here) and January 7th (Register here).

Many FAQs can also be answered by visiting our website, heinz.cmu.edu! If you’d prefer to view previously recorded webinars on specific topics, you can find those as well.

Warm regards,

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