






#!/usr/bin/env python# This software is Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Dhiru Kholia <dhiru at openwall.com>
# and is licensed under the same license as used by the OleFileIO_PL library,
# which is included below.# olefile (formerly OleFileIO_PL) version 0.41 2014-11-25
# Module to read/write Microsoft OLE2 files (also called Structured Storage or
# Microsoft Compound Document File Format), such as Microsoft Office 97-2003
# documents, Image Composer and FlashPix files, Outlook messages, ...
# This version is compatible with Python 2.6+ and 3.x
# Project website: http://www.decalage.info/olefile
# olefile is copyright (c) 2005-2014 Philippe Lagadec (http://www.decalage.info)
# olefile is based on the OleFileIO module from the PIL library v1.1.6
# See: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm
# The Python Imaging Library (PIL) is
# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by Fredrik Lundh
# See source code and LICENSE.txt for information on usage and redistribution.# Since OleFileIO_PL v0.30, only Python 2.6+ and 3.x is supported
# This import enables print() as a function rather than a keyword
# (main requirement to be compatible with Python 3.x)
# The comment on the line below should be printed on Python 2.5 or older:
from __future__ import print_function   # This version of olefile requires Python 2.6+ or 3.x.__author__  = "Philippe Lagadec"
__date__    = "2014-11-25"
__version__ = '0.41'#--- LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------# olefile (formerly OleFileIO_PL) is copyright (c) 2005-2014 Philippe Lagadec
# (http://www.decalage.info)
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# PIL License:
# olefile is based on source code from the OleFileIO module of the Python
# Imaging Library (PIL) published by Fredrik Lundh under the following license:# The Python Imaging Library (PIL) is
#    Copyright (c) 1997-2005 by Secret Labs AB
#    Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by Fredrik Lundh
# By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its associated
# documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with
# the following terms and conditions:
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies, and that both
# that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation, and that the name of Secret Labs AB or the author(s) not be used
# in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
# without specific, written prior permission.
# PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CHANGELOG: (only olefile/OleFileIO_PL changes compared to PIL 1.1.6)
# 2005-05-11 v0.10 PL: - a few fixes for Python 2.4 compatibility
#                        (all changes flagged with [PL])
# 2006-02-22 v0.11 PL: - a few fixes for some Office 2003 documents which raise
#                        exceptions in _OleStream.__init__()
# 2006-06-09 v0.12 PL: - fixes for files above 6.8MB (DIFAT in loadfat)
#                      - added some constants
#                      - added header values checks
#                      - added some docstrings
#                      - getsect: bugfix in case sectors >512 bytes
#                      - getsect: added conformity checks
#                      - DEBUG_MODE constant to activate debug display
# 2007-09-04 v0.13 PL: - improved/translated (lots of) comments
#                      - updated license
#                      - converted tabs to 4 spaces
# 2007-11-19 v0.14 PL: - added OleFileIO._raise_defect() to adapt sensitivity
#                      - improved _unicode() to use Python 2.x unicode support
#                      - fixed bug in _OleDirectoryEntry
# 2007-11-25 v0.15 PL: - added safety checks to detect FAT loops
#                      - fixed _OleStream which didn't check stream size
#                      - added/improved many docstrings and comments
#                      - moved helper functions _unicode and _clsid out of
#                        OleFileIO class
#                      - improved OleFileIO._find() to add Unix path syntax
#                      - OleFileIO._find() is now case-insensitive
#                      - added get_type() and get_rootentry_name()
#                      - rewritten loaddirectory and _OleDirectoryEntry
# 2007-11-27 v0.16 PL: - added _OleDirectoryEntry.kids_dict
#                      - added detection of duplicate filenames in storages
#                      - added detection of duplicate references to streams
#                      - added get_size() and exists() to _OleDirectoryEntry
#                      - added isOleFile to check header before parsing
#                      - added __all__ list to control public keywords in pydoc
# 2007-12-04 v0.17 PL: - added _load_direntry to fix a bug in loaddirectory
#                      - improved _unicode(), added workarounds for Python <2.3
#                      - added set_debug_mode and -d option to set debug mode
#                      - fixed bugs in OleFileIO.open and _OleDirectoryEntry
#                      - added safety check in main for large or binary
#                        properties
#                      - allow size>0 for storages for some implementations
# 2007-12-05 v0.18 PL: - fixed several bugs in handling of FAT, MiniFAT and
#                        streams
#                      - added option '-c' in main to check all streams
# 2009-12-10 v0.19 PL: - bugfix for 32 bit arrays on 64 bits platforms
#                        (thanks to Ben G. and Martijn for reporting the bug)
# 2009-12-11 v0.20 PL: - bugfix in OleFileIO.open when filename is not plain str
# 2010-01-22 v0.21 PL: - added support for big-endian CPUs such as PowerPC Macs
# 2012-02-16 v0.22 PL: - fixed bug in getproperties, patch by chuckleberryfinn
#                        (https://bitbucket.org/decalage/olefileio_pl/issue/7)
#                      - added close method to OleFileIO (fixed issue #2)
# 2012-07-25 v0.23 PL: - added support for file-like objects (patch by mete0r_kr)
# 2013-05-05 v0.24 PL: - getproperties: added conversion from filetime to python
#                        datetime
#                      - main: displays properties with date format
#                      - new class OleMetadata to parse standard properties
#                      - added get_metadata method
# 2013-05-07 v0.24 PL: - a few improvements in OleMetadata
# 2013-05-24 v0.25 PL: - getproperties: option to not convert some timestamps
#                      - OleMetaData: total_edit_time is now a number of seconds,
#                        not a timestamp
#                      - getproperties: added support for VT_BOOL, VT_INT, V_UINT
#                      - getproperties: filter out null chars from strings
#                      - getproperties: raise non-fatal defects instead of
#                        exceptions when properties cannot be parsed properly
# 2013-05-27       PL: - getproperties: improved exception handling
#                      - _raise_defect: added option to set exception type
#                      - all non-fatal issues are now recorded, and displayed
#                        when run as a script
# 2013-07-11 v0.26 PL: - added methods to get modification and creation times
#                        of a directory entry or a storage/stream
#                      - fixed parsing of direntry timestamps
# 2013-07-24       PL: - new options in listdir to list storages and/or streams
# 2014-02-04 v0.30 PL: - upgraded code to support Python 3.x by Martin Panter
#                      - several fixes for Python 2.6 (xrange, MAGIC)
#                      - reused i32 from Pillow's _binary
# 2014-07-18 v0.31     - preliminary support for 4K sectors
# 2014-07-27 v0.31 PL: - a few improvements in OleFileIO.open (header parsing)
#                      - Fixed loadfat for large files with 4K sectors (issue #3)
# 2014-07-30 v0.32 PL: - added write_sect to write sectors to disk
#                      - added write_mode option to OleFileIO.__init__ and open
# 2014-07-31       PL: - fixed padding in write_sect for Python 3, added checks
#                      - added write_stream to write a stream to disk
# 2014-09-26 v0.40 PL: - renamed OleFileIO_PL to olefile
# 2014-11-09       NE: - added support for Jython (Niko Ehrenfeuchter)
# 2014-11-13 v0.41 PL: - improved isOleFile and OleFileIO.open to support OLE
#                        data in a string buffer and file-like objects.
# 2014-11-21       PL: - updated comments according to Pillow's commits#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO (for version 1.0):
# + get rid of print statements, to simplify Python 2.x and 3.x support
# + add is_stream and is_storage
# + remove leading and trailing slashes where a path is used
# + add functions path_list2str and path_str2list
# + fix how all the methods handle unicode str and/or bytes as arguments
# + add path attrib to _OleDirEntry, set it once and for all in init or
#   append_kids (then listdir/_list can be simplified)
# - TESTS with Linux, MacOSX, Python 1.5.2, various files, PIL, ...
# - add underscore to each private method, to avoid their display in
#   pydoc/epydoc documentation - Remove it for classes to be documented
# - replace all raised exceptions with _raise_defect (at least in OleFileIO)
# - merge code from _OleStream and OleFileIO.getsect to read sectors
#   (maybe add a class for FAT and MiniFAT ?)
# - add method to check all streams (follow sectors chains without storing all
#   stream in memory, and report anomalies)
# - use _OleDirectoryEntry.kids_dict to improve _find and _list ?
# - fix Unicode names handling (find some way to stay compatible with Py1.5.2)
#   => if possible avoid converting names to Latin-1
# - review DIFAT code: fix handling of DIFSECT blocks in FAT (not stop)
# - rewrite OleFileIO.getproperties
# - improve docstrings to show more sample uses
# - see also original notes and FIXME below
# - remove all obsolete FIXMEs
# - OleMetadata: fix version attrib according to
#   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd945671%28v=office.12%29.aspx# IDEAS:
# - in OleFileIO._open and _OleStream, use size=None instead of 0x7FFFFFFF for
#   streams with unknown size
# - use arrays of int instead of long integers for FAT/MiniFAT, to improve
#   performance and reduce memory usage ? (possible issue with values >2^31)
# - provide tests with unittest (may need write support to create samples)
# - move all debug code (and maybe dump methods) to a separate module, with
#   a class which inherits OleFileIO ?
# - fix docstrings to follow epydoc format
# - add support for big endian byte order ?
# - create a simple OLE explorer with wxPython# FUTURE EVOLUTIONS to add write support:
# see issue #6 on Bitbucket:
# https://bitbucket.org/decalage/olefileio_pl/issue/6/improve-olefileio_pl-to-write-ole-files#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTES from PIL 1.1.6:# History:
# 1997-01-20 fl   Created
# 1997-01-22 fl   Fixed 64-bit portability quirk
# 2003-09-09 fl   Fixed typo in OleFileIO.loadfat (noted by Daniel Haertle)
# 2004-02-29 fl   Changed long hex constants to signed integers
# Notes:
# FIXME: sort out sign problem (eliminate long hex constants)
# FIXME: change filename to use "a/b/c" instead of ["a", "b", "c"]
# FIXME: provide a glob mechanism function (using fnmatchcase)
# Literature:
# "FlashPix Format Specification, Appendix A", Kodak and Microsoft,
#  September 1996.
# Quotes:
# "If this document and functionality of the Software conflict,
#  the actual functionality of the Software represents the correct
#  functionality" -- Microsoft, in the OLE format specification#------------------------------------------------------------------------------import sys
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
import io
import struct
import array
import os.path
import datetimeif not PY3:reload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding("utf8")
if PY3:from io import BytesIO as StringIO
else:from StringIO import StringIO#=== COMPATIBILITY WORKAROUNDS ================================================#[PL] Define explicitly the public API to avoid private objects in pydoc:
#TODO: add more
# __all__ = ['OleFileIO', 'isOleFile', 'MAGIC']# For Python 3.x, need to redefine long as int:
if str is not bytes:long = int# Need to make sure we use xrange both on Python 2 and 3.x:
try:# on Python 2 we need xrange:iterrange = xrange
except:# no xrange, for Python 3 it was renamed as range:iterrange = range#[PL] workaround to fix an issue with array item size on 64 bits systems:
if array.array('L').itemsize == 4:# on 32 bits platforms, long integers in an array are 32 bits:UINT32 = 'L'
elif array.array('I').itemsize == 4:# on 64 bits platforms, integers in an array are 32 bits:UINT32 = 'I'
elif array.array('i').itemsize == 4:# On 64 bit Jython, signed integers ('i') are the only way to store our 32# bit values in an array in a *somewhat* reasonable way, as the otherwise# perfectly suited 'H' (unsigned int, 32 bits) results in a completely# unusable behaviour. This is most likely caused by the fact that Java# doesn't have unsigned values, and thus Jython's "array" implementation,# which is based on "jarray", doesn't have them either.# NOTE: to trick Jython into converting the values it would normally# interpret as "signed" into "unsigned", a binary-and operation with# 0xFFFFFFFF can be used. This way it is possible to use the same comparing# operations on all platforms / implementations. The corresponding code# lines are flagged with a 'JYTHON-WORKAROUND' tag below.UINT32 = 'i'
else:raise ValueError('Need to fix a bug with 32 bit arrays, please contact author...')#[PL] These workarounds were inspired from the Path module
# (see http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/python/path/)
#TODO: test with old Python versions# Pre-2.3 workaround for basestring.
except NameError:try:# is Unicode supported (Python >2.0 or >1.6 ?)basestring = (str, unicode)except NameError:basestring = str#[PL] Experimental setting: if True, OLE filenames will be kept in Unicode
# if False (default PIL behaviour), all filenames are converted to Latin-1.
KEEP_UNICODE_NAMES = False#=== DEBUGGING ===============================================================#TODO: replace this by proper logging#[PL] DEBUG display mode: False by default, use set_debug_mode() or "-d" on
# command line to change it.
def debug_print(msg):print(msg)
def debug_pass(msg):pass
debug = debug_passdef set_debug_mode(debug_mode):"""Set debug mode on or off, to control display of debugging messages.:param mode: True or False"""global DEBUG_MODE, debugDEBUG_MODE = debug_modeif debug_mode:debug = debug_printelse:debug = debug_pass#=== CONSTANTS ===============================================================# magic bytes that should be at the beginning of every OLE file:
MAGIC = b'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'#[PL]: added constants for Sector IDs (from AAF specifications)
DIFSECT    = 0xFFFFFFFC # (-4) denotes a DIFAT sector in a FAT
FATSECT    = 0xFFFFFFFD # (-3) denotes a FAT sector in a FAT
ENDOFCHAIN = 0xFFFFFFFE # (-2) end of a virtual stream chain
FREESECT   = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated sector#[PL]: added constants for Directory Entry IDs (from AAF specifications)
MAXREGSID  = 0xFFFFFFFA # (-6) maximum directory entry ID
NOSTREAM   = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated directory entry#[PL] object types in storage (from AAF specifications)
STGTY_EMPTY     = 0 # empty directory entry (according to OpenOffice.org doc)
STGTY_STORAGE   = 1 # element is a storage object
STGTY_STREAM    = 2 # element is a stream object
STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3 # element is an ILockBytes object
STGTY_PROPERTY  = 4 # element is an IPropertyStorage object
STGTY_ROOT      = 5 # element is a root storage#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# property typesVT_EMPTY=0; VT_NULL=1; VT_I2=2; VT_I4=3; VT_R4=4; VT_R8=5; VT_CY=6;
VT_UI2=18; VT_UI4=19; VT_I8=20; VT_UI8=21; VT_INT=22; VT_UINT=23;
VT_VECTOR=0x1000;# map property id to name (for debugging purposes)VT = {}
for keyword, var in list(vars().items()):if keyword[:3] == "VT_":VT[var] = keyword#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some common document types (root.clsid fields)WORD_CLSID = "00020900-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
#TODO: check Excel, PPT, ...#[PL]: Defect levels to classify parsing errors - see OleFileIO._raise_defect()
DEFECT_UNSURE =    10    # a case which looks weird, but not sure it's a defect
DEFECT_POTENTIAL = 20    # a potential defect
DEFECT_INCORRECT = 30    # an error according to specifications, but parsing# can go on
DEFECT_FATAL =     40    # an error which cannot be ignored, parsing is# impossible# Minimal size of an empty OLE file, with 512-bytes sectors = 1536 bytes
# (this is used in isOleFile and OleFile.open)
MINIMAL_OLEFILE_SIZE = 1536#[PL] add useful constants to __all__:
# for key in list(vars().keys()):
#     if key.startswith('STGTY_') or key.startswith('DEFECT_'):
#         __all__.append(key)#=== FUNCTIONS ===============================================================def isOleFile (filename):"""Test if a file is an OLE container (according to the magic bytes in its header).:param filename: string-like or file-like object, OLE file to parse- if filename is a string smaller than 1536 bytes, it is the pathof the file to open. (bytes or unicode string)- if filename is a string longer than 1535 bytes, it is parsedas the content of an OLE file in memory. (bytes type only)- if filename is a file-like object (with read and seek methods),it is parsed as-is.:returns: True if OLE, False otherwise."""# check if filename is a string-like or file-like object:if hasattr(filename, 'read'):# file-like object: use it directlyheader = filename.read(len(MAGIC))# just in case, seek back to start of file:filename.seek(0)elif isinstance(filename, bytes) and len(filename) >= MINIMAL_OLEFILE_SIZE:# filename is a bytes string containing the OLE file to be parsed:header = filename[:len(MAGIC)]else:# string-like object: filename of file on diskheader = open(filename, 'rb').read(len(MAGIC))if header == MAGIC:return Trueelse:return Falseif bytes is str:# version for Python 2.xdef i8(c):return ord(c)
else:# version for Python 3.xdef i8(c):return c if c.__class__ is int else c[0]#TODO: replace i16 and i32 with more readable struct.unpack equivalent?def i16(c, o = 0):"""Converts a 2-bytes (16 bits) string to an integer.:param c: string containing bytes to convert:param o: offset of bytes to convert in string"""return i8(c[o]) | (i8(c[o+1])<<8)def i32(c, o = 0):"""Converts a 4-bytes (32 bits) string to an integer.:param c: string containing bytes to convert:param o: offset of bytes to convert in string"""
##    return int(ord(c[o])+(ord(c[o+1])<<8)+(ord(c[o+2])<<16)+(ord(c[o+3])<<24))
##    # [PL]: added int() because "<<" gives long int since Python 2.4# copied from Pillow's _binary:return i8(c[o]) | (i8(c[o+1])<<8) | (i8(c[o+2])<<16) | (i8(c[o+3])<<24)def _clsid(clsid):"""Converts a CLSID to a human-readable string.:param clsid: string of length 16."""assert len(clsid) == 16# if clsid is only made of null bytes, return an empty string:# (PL: why not simply return the string with zeroes?)if not clsid.strip(b"\0"):return ""return (("%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-" + "%02X" * 6) %((i32(clsid, 0), i16(clsid, 4), i16(clsid, 6)) +tuple(map(i8, clsid[8:16]))))# UNICODE support:
# (necessary to handle storages/streams names which use Unicode)def _unicode(s, errors='replace'):"""Map unicode string to Latin 1. (Python with Unicode support):param s: UTF-16LE unicode string to convert to Latin-1:param errors: 'replace', 'ignore' or 'strict'."""#TODO: test if it OleFileIO works with Unicode strings, instead of#      converting to Latin-1.try:# First the string is converted to plain Unicode:# (assuming it is encoded as UTF-16 little-endian)u = s.decode('UTF-16LE', errors)if bytes is not str or KEEP_UNICODE_NAMES:return uelse:# Second the unicode string is converted to Latin-1return u.encode('latin_1', errors)except:# there was an error during Unicode to Latin-1 conversion:raise IOError('incorrect Unicode name')def filetime2datetime(filetime):"""convert FILETIME (64 bits int) to Python datetime.datetime"""# TODO: manage exception when microseconds is too large# inspired from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/511425-filetime-to-datetime/_FILETIME_null_date = datetime.datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)#debug('timedelta days=%d' % (filetime//(10*1000000*3600*24)))return _FILETIME_null_date + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=filetime//10)#=== CLASSES ==================================================================class OleMetadata:"""class to parse and store metadata from standard properties of OLE files.Available attributes:codepage, title, subject, author, keywords, comments, template,last_saved_by, revision_number, total_edit_time, last_printed, create_time,last_saved_time, num_pages, num_words, num_chars, thumbnail,creating_application, security, codepage_doc, category, presentation_target,bytes, lines, paragraphs, slides, notes, hidden_slides, mm_clips,scale_crop, heading_pairs, titles_of_parts, manager, company, links_dirty,chars_with_spaces, unused, shared_doc, link_base, hlinks, hlinks_changed,version, dig_sig, content_type, content_status, language, doc_versionNote: an attribute is set to None when not present in the properties of theOLE file.References for SummaryInformation stream:- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942545.aspx- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd925819%28v=office.12%29.aspx- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380376%28v=vs.85%29.aspx- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372045.aspx- http://sedna-soft.de/summary-information-stream/- http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hpsf/SummaryInformation.htmlReferences for DocumentSummaryInformation stream:- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd945671%28v=office.12%29.aspx- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380374%28v=vs.85%29.aspx- http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hpsf/DocumentSummaryInformation.htmlnew in version 0.25"""# attribute names for SummaryInformation stream properties:# (ordered by property id, starting at 1)SUMMARY_ATTRIBS = ['codepage', 'title', 'subject', 'author', 'keywords', 'comments','template', 'last_saved_by', 'revision_number', 'total_edit_time','last_printed', 'create_time', 'last_saved_time', 'num_pages','num_words', 'num_chars', 'thumbnail', 'creating_application','security']# attribute names for DocumentSummaryInformation stream properties:# (ordered by property id, starting at 1)DOCSUM_ATTRIBS = ['codepage_doc', 'category', 'presentation_target', 'bytes', 'lines', 'paragraphs','slides', 'notes', 'hidden_slides', 'mm_clips','scale_crop', 'heading_pairs', 'titles_of_parts', 'manager','company', 'links_dirty', 'chars_with_spaces', 'unused', 'shared_doc','link_base', 'hlinks', 'hlinks_changed', 'version', 'dig_sig','content_type', 'content_status', 'language', 'doc_version']def __init__(self):"""Constructor for OleMetadataAll attributes are set to None by default"""# properties from SummaryInformation streamself.codepage = Noneself.title = Noneself.subject = Noneself.author = Noneself.keywords = Noneself.comments = Noneself.template = Noneself.last_saved_by = Noneself.revision_number = Noneself.total_edit_time = Noneself.last_printed = Noneself.create_time = Noneself.last_saved_time = Noneself.num_pages = Noneself.num_words = Noneself.num_chars = Noneself.thumbnail = Noneself.creating_application = Noneself.security = None# properties from DocumentSummaryInformation streamself.codepage_doc = Noneself.category = Noneself.presentation_target = Noneself.bytes = Noneself.lines = Noneself.paragraphs = Noneself.slides = Noneself.notes = Noneself.hidden_slides = Noneself.mm_clips = Noneself.scale_crop = Noneself.heading_pairs = Noneself.titles_of_parts = Noneself.manager = Noneself.company = Noneself.links_dirty = Noneself.chars_with_spaces = Noneself.unused = Noneself.shared_doc = Noneself.link_base = Noneself.hlinks = Noneself.hlinks_changed = Noneself.version = Noneself.dig_sig = Noneself.content_type = Noneself.content_status = Noneself.language = Noneself.doc_version = Nonedef parse_properties(self, olefile):"""Parse standard properties of an OLE file, from the streams"\x05SummaryInformation" and "\x05DocumentSummaryInformation",if present.Properties are converted to strings, integers or python datetime objects.If a property is not present, its value is set to None."""# first set all attributes to None:for attrib in (self.SUMMARY_ATTRIBS + self.DOCSUM_ATTRIBS):setattr(self, attrib, None)if olefile.exists("\x05SummaryInformation"):# get properties from the stream:# (converting timestamps to python datetime, except total_edit_time,# which is property #10)props = olefile.getproperties("\x05SummaryInformation",convert_time=True, no_conversion=[10])# store them into this object's attributes:for i in range(len(self.SUMMARY_ATTRIBS)):# ids for standards properties start at 0x01, until 0x13value = props.get(i+1, None)setattr(self, self.SUMMARY_ATTRIBS[i], value)if olefile.exists("\x05DocumentSummaryInformation"):# get properties from the stream:props = olefile.getproperties("\x05DocumentSummaryInformation",convert_time=True)# store them into this object's attributes:for i in range(len(self.DOCSUM_ATTRIBS)):# ids for standards properties start at 0x01, until 0x13value = props.get(i+1, None)setattr(self, self.DOCSUM_ATTRIBS[i], value)def dump(self):"""Dump all metadata, for debugging purposes."""print('Properties from SummaryInformation stream:')for prop in self.SUMMARY_ATTRIBS:value = getattr(self, prop)print('- %s: %s' % (prop, repr(value)))print('Properties from DocumentSummaryInformation stream:')for prop in self.DOCSUM_ATTRIBS:value = getattr(self, prop)print('- %s: %s' % (prop, repr(value)))#--- _OleStream ---------------------------------------------------------------class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):"""OLE2 StreamReturns a read-only file object which can be used to readthe contents of a OLE stream (instance of the BytesIO class).To open a stream, use the openstream method in the OleFile class.This function can be used with either ordinary streams,or ministreams, depending on the offset, sectorsize, andfat table arguments.Attributes:- size: actual size of data stream, after it was opened."""# FIXME: should store the list of sects obtained by following# the fat chain, and load new sectors on demand instead of# loading it all in one go.def __init__(self, fp, sect, size, offset, sectorsize, fat, filesize):"""Constructor for _OleStream class.:param fp: file object, the OLE container or the MiniFAT stream:param sect: sector index of first sector in the stream:param size: total size of the stream:param offset: offset in bytes for the first FAT or MiniFAT sector:param sectorsize: size of one sector:param fat: array/list of sector indexes (FAT or MiniFAT):param filesize: size of OLE file (for debugging):returns: a BytesIO instance containing the OLE stream"""debug('_OleStream.__init__:')debug('  sect=%d (%X), size=%d, offset=%d, sectorsize=%d, len(fat)=%d, fp=%s'%(sect,sect,size,offset,sectorsize,len(fat), repr(fp)))#[PL] To detect malformed documents with FAT loops, we compute the# expected number of sectors in the stream:unknown_size = Falseif size==0x7FFFFFFF:# this is the case when called from OleFileIO._open(), and stream# size is not known in advance (for example when reading the# Directory stream). Then we can only guess maximum size:size = len(fat)*sectorsize# and we keep a record that size was unknown:unknown_size = Truedebug('  stream with UNKNOWN SIZE')nb_sectors = (size + (sectorsize-1)) // sectorsizedebug('nb_sectors = %d' % nb_sectors)# This number should (at least) be less than the total number of# sectors in the given FAT:if nb_sectors > len(fat):raise IOError('malformed OLE document, stream too large')# optimization(?): data is first a list of strings, and join() is called# at the end to concatenate all in one string.# (this may not be really useful with recent Python versions)data = []# if size is zero, then first sector index should be ENDOFCHAIN:if size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:debug('size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:')raise IOError('incorrect OLE sector index for empty stream')#[PL] A fixed-length for loop is used instead of an undefined while# loop to avoid DoS attacks:for i in range(nb_sectors):# Sector index may be ENDOFCHAIN, but only if size was unknownif sect == ENDOFCHAIN:if unknown_size:breakelse:# else this means that the stream is smaller than declared:debug('sect=ENDOFCHAIN before expected size')raise IOError('incomplete OLE stream')# sector index should be within FAT:if sect<0 or sect>=len(fat):debug('sect=%d (%X) / len(fat)=%d' % (sect, sect, len(fat)))debug('i=%d / nb_sectors=%d' %(i, nb_sectors))
##                tmp_data = b"".join(data)
##                f = open('test_debug.bin', 'wb')
##                f.write(tmp_data)
##                f.close()
##                debug('data read so far: %d bytes' % len(tmp_data))raise IOError('incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range')#TODO: merge this code with OleFileIO.getsect() ?#TODO: check if this works with 4K sectors:try:fp.seek(offset + sectorsize * sect)except:debug('sect=%d, seek=%d, filesize=%d' %(sect, offset+sectorsize*sect, filesize))raise IOError('OLE sector index out of range')sector_data = fp.read(sectorsize)# [PL] check if there was enough data:# Note: if sector is the last of the file, sometimes it is not a# complete sector (of 512 or 4K), so we may read less than# sectorsize.if len(sector_data)!=sectorsize and sect!=(len(fat)-1):debug('sect=%d / len(fat)=%d, seek=%d / filesize=%d, len read=%d' %(sect, len(fat), offset+sectorsize*sect, filesize, len(sector_data)))debug('seek+len(read)=%d' % (offset+sectorsize*sect+len(sector_data)))raise IOError('incomplete OLE sector')data.append(sector_data)# jump to next sector in the FAT:try:sect = fat[sect] & 0xFFFFFFFF  # JYTHON-WORKAROUNDexcept IndexError:# [PL] if pointer is out of the FAT an exception is raisedraise IOError('incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range')#[PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:if sect != ENDOFCHAIN:raise IOError('incorrect last sector index in OLE stream')data = b"".join(data)# Data is truncated to the actual stream size:if len(data) >= size:data = data[:size]# actual stream size is stored for future use:self.size = sizeelif unknown_size:# actual stream size was not known, now we know the size of read# data:self.size = len(data)else:# read data is less than expected:debug('len(data)=%d, size=%d' % (len(data), size))raise IOError('OLE stream size is less than declared')# when all data is read in memory, BytesIO constructor is calledio.BytesIO.__init__(self, data)# Then the _OleStream object can be used as a read-only file object.#--- _OleDirectoryEntry -------------------------------------------------------class _OleDirectoryEntry:"""OLE2 Directory Entry"""#[PL] parsing code moved from OleFileIO.loaddirectory# struct to parse directory entries:# <: little-endian byte order, standard sizes#    (note: this should guarantee that Q returns a 64 bits int)# 64s: string containing entry name in unicode (max 31 chars) + null char# H: uint16, number of bytes used in name buffer, including null = (len+1)*2# B: uint8, dir entry type (between 0 and 5)# B: uint8, color: 0=black, 1=red# I: uint32, index of left child node in the red-black tree, NOSTREAM if none# I: uint32, index of right child node in the red-black tree, NOSTREAM if none# I: uint32, index of child root node if it is a storage, else NOSTREAM# 16s: CLSID, unique identifier (only used if it is a storage)# I: uint32, user flags# Q (was 8s): uint64, creation timestamp or zero# Q (was 8s): uint64, modification timestamp or zero# I: uint32, SID of first sector if stream or ministream, SID of 1st sector#    of stream containing ministreams if root entry, 0 otherwise# I: uint32, total stream size in bytes if stream (low 32 bits), 0 otherwise# I: uint32, total stream size in bytes if stream (high 32 bits), 0 otherwiseSTRUCT_DIRENTRY = '<64sHBBIII16sIQQIII'# size of a directory entry: 128 bytesDIRENTRY_SIZE = 128assert struct.calcsize(STRUCT_DIRENTRY) == DIRENTRY_SIZEdef __init__(self, entry, sid, olefile):"""Constructor for an _OleDirectoryEntry object.Parses a 128-bytes entry from the OLE Directory stream.:param entry  : string (must be 128 bytes long):param sid    : index of this directory entry in the OLE file directory:param olefile: OleFileIO containing this directory entry"""self.sid = sid# ref to olefile is stored for future useself.olefile = olefile# kids is a list of children entries, if this entry is a storage:# (list of _OleDirectoryEntry objects)self.kids = []# kids_dict is a dictionary of children entries, indexed by their# name in lowercase: used to quickly find an entry, and to detect# duplicatesself.kids_dict = {}# flag used to detect if the entry is referenced more than once in# directory:self.used = False# decode DirEntry(name,namelength,self.entry_type,self.color,self.sid_left,self.sid_right,self.sid_child,clsid,self.dwUserFlags,self.createTime,self.modifyTime,self.isectStart,sizeLow,sizeHigh) = struct.unpack(_OleDirectoryEntry.STRUCT_DIRENTRY, entry)if self.entry_type not in [STGTY_ROOT, STGTY_STORAGE, STGTY_STREAM, STGTY_EMPTY]:olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'unhandled OLE storage type')# only first directory entry can (and should) be root:if self.entry_type == STGTY_ROOT and sid != 0:olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'duplicate OLE root entry')if sid == 0 and self.entry_type != STGTY_ROOT:olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'incorrect OLE root entry')#debug (struct.unpack(fmt_entry, entry[:len_entry]))# name should be at most 31 unicode characters + null character,# so 64 bytes in total (31*2 + 2):if namelength>64:olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'incorrect DirEntry name length')# if exception not raised, namelength is set to the maximum value:namelength = 64# only characters without ending null char are kept:name = name[:(namelength-2)]# name is converted from unicode to Latin-1:self.name = _unicode(name)debug('DirEntry SID=%d: %s' % (self.sid, repr(self.name)))debug(' - type: %d' % self.entry_type)debug(' - sect: %d' % self.isectStart)debug(' - SID left: %d, right: %d, child: %d' % (self.sid_left,self.sid_right, self.sid_child))# sizeHigh is only used for 4K sectors, it should be zero for 512 bytes# sectors, BUT apparently some implementations set it as 0xFFFFFFFF, 1# or some other value so it cannot be raised as a defect in general:if olefile.sectorsize == 512:if sizeHigh != 0 and sizeHigh != 0xFFFFFFFF:debug('sectorsize=%d, sizeLow=%d, sizeHigh=%d (%X)' %(olefile.sectorsize, sizeLow, sizeHigh, sizeHigh))olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_UNSURE, 'incorrect OLE stream size')self.size = sizeLowelse:self.size = sizeLow + (long(sizeHigh)<<32)debug(' - size: %d (sizeLow=%d, sizeHigh=%d)' % (self.size, sizeLow, sizeHigh))self.clsid = _clsid(clsid)# a storage should have a null size, BUT some implementations such as# Word 8 for Mac seem to allow non-null values => Potential defect:if self.entry_type == STGTY_STORAGE and self.size != 0:olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_POTENTIAL, 'OLE storage with size>0')# check if stream is not already referenced elsewhere:if self.entry_type in (STGTY_ROOT, STGTY_STREAM) and self.size>0:if self.size < olefile.minisectorcutoff \and self.entry_type==STGTY_STREAM: # only streams can be in MiniFAT# ministream objectminifat = Trueelse:minifat = Falseolefile._check_duplicate_stream(self.isectStart, minifat)def build_storage_tree(self):"""Read and build the red-black tree attached to this _OleDirectoryEntryobject, if it is a storage.Note that this method builds a tree of all subentries, so it shouldonly be called for the root object once."""debug('build_storage_tree: SID=%d - %s - sid_child=%d'% (self.sid, repr(self.name), self.sid_child))if self.sid_child != NOSTREAM:# if child SID is not NOSTREAM, then this entry is a storage.# Let's walk through the tree of children to fill the kids list:self.append_kids(self.sid_child)# Note from OpenOffice documentation: the safest way is to# recreate the tree because some implementations may store broken# red-black trees...# in the OLE file, entries are sorted on (length, name).# for convenience, we sort them on name instead:# (see rich comparison methods in this class)self.kids.sort()def append_kids(self, child_sid):"""Walk through red-black tree of children of this directory entry to addall of them to the kids list. (recursive method):param child_sid : index of child directory entry to use, or None when calledfirst time for the root. (only used during recursion)"""#[PL] this method was added to use simple recursion instead of a complex# algorithm.# if this is not a storage or a leaf of the tree, nothing to do:if child_sid == NOSTREAM:return# check if child SID is in the proper range:if child_sid<0 or child_sid>=len(self.olefile.direntries):self.olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'OLE DirEntry index out of range')# get child direntry:child = self.olefile._load_direntry(child_sid) #direntries[child_sid]debug('append_kids: child_sid=%d - %s - sid_left=%d, sid_right=%d, sid_child=%d'% (child.sid, repr(child.name), child.sid_left, child.sid_right, child.sid_child))# the directory entries are organized as a red-black tree.# (cf. Wikipedia for details)# First walk through left side of the tree:self.append_kids(child.sid_left)# Check if its name is not already used (case-insensitive):name_lower = child.name.lower()if name_lower in self.kids_dict:self.olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT,"Duplicate filename in OLE storage")# Then the child_sid _OleDirectoryEntry object is appended to the# kids list and dictionary:self.kids.append(child)self.kids_dict[name_lower] = child# Check if kid was not already referenced in a storage:if child.used:self.olefile._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT,'OLE Entry referenced more than once')child.used = True# Finally walk through right side of the tree:self.append_kids(child.sid_right)# Afterwards build kid's own tree if it's also a storage:child.build_storage_tree()def __eq__(self, other):"Compare entries by name"return self.name == other.namedef __lt__(self, other):"Compare entries by name"return self.name < other.namedef __ne__(self, other):return not self.__eq__(other)def __le__(self, other):return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other)# Reflected __lt__() and __le__() will be used for __gt__() and __ge__()#TODO: replace by the same function as MS implementation ?# (order by name length first, then case-insensitive order)def dump(self, tab = 0):"Dump this entry, and all its subentries (for debug purposes only)"TYPES = ["(invalid)", "(storage)", "(stream)", "(lockbytes)","(property)", "(root)"]print(" "*tab + repr(self.name), TYPES[self.entry_type], end=' ')if self.entry_type in (STGTY_STREAM, STGTY_ROOT):print(self.size, "bytes", end=' ')print()if self.entry_type in (STGTY_STORAGE, STGTY_ROOT) and self.clsid:print(" "*tab + "{%s}" % self.clsid)for kid in self.kids:kid.dump(tab + 2)def getmtime(self):"""Return modification time of a directory entry.:returns: None if modification time is null, a python datetime objectotherwise (UTC timezone)new in version 0.26"""if self.modifyTime == 0:return Nonereturn filetime2datetime(self.modifyTime)def getctime(self):"""Return creation time of a directory entry.:returns: None if modification time is null, a python datetime objectotherwise (UTC timezone)new in version 0.26"""if self.createTime == 0:return Nonereturn filetime2datetime(self.createTime)#--- OleFileIO ----------------------------------------------------------------class OleFileIO:"""OLE container objectThis class encapsulates the interface to an OLE 2 structuredstorage file.  Use the listdir and openstream methods toaccess the contents of this file.Object names are given as a list of strings, one for each subentrylevel.  The root entry should be omitted.  For example, the followingcode extracts all image streams from a Microsoft Image Composer file::ole = OleFileIO("fan.mic")for entry in ole.listdir():if entry[1:2] == "Image":fin = ole.openstream(entry)fout = open(entry[0:1], "wb")while True:s = fin.read(8192)if not s:breakfout.write(s)You can use the viewer application provided with the Python ImagingLibrary to view the resulting files (which happens to be standardTIFF files)."""def __init__(self, filename=None, raise_defects=DEFECT_FATAL,write_mode=False, debug=False):"""Constructor for the OleFileIO class.:param filename: file to open.- if filename is a string smaller than 1536 bytes, it is the pathof the file to open. (bytes or unicode string)- if filename is a string longer than 1535 bytes, it is parsedas the content of an OLE file in memory. (bytes type only)- if filename is a file-like object (with read, seek and tell methods),it is parsed as-is.:param raise_defects: minimal level for defects to be raised as exceptions.(use DEFECT_FATAL for a typical application, DEFECT_INCORRECT for asecurity-oriented application, see source code for details):param write_mode: bool, if True the file is opened in read/write mode insteadof read-only by default.:param debug: bool, set debug mode"""set_debug_mode(debug)# minimal level for defects to be raised as exceptions:self._raise_defects_level = raise_defects# list of defects/issues not raised as exceptions:# tuples of (exception type, message)self.parsing_issues = []self.write_mode = write_modeself._filesize = Noneself.fp = Noneif filename:self.open(filename, write_mode=write_mode)def _raise_defect(self, defect_level, message, exception_type=IOError):"""This method should be called for any defect found during file parsing.It may raise an IOError exception according to the minimal level chosenfor the OleFileIO object.:param defect_level: defect level, possible values are:- DEFECT_UNSURE    : a case which looks weird, but not sure it's a defect- DEFECT_POTENTIAL : a potential defect- DEFECT_INCORRECT : an error according to specifications, but parsing can go on- DEFECT_FATAL     : an error which cannot be ignored, parsing is impossible:param message: string describing the defect, used with raised exception.:param exception_type: exception class to be raised, IOError by default"""# added by [PL]if defect_level >= self._raise_defects_level:raise exception_type(message)else:# just record the issue, no exception raised:self.parsing_issues.append((exception_type, message))def open(self, filename, write_mode=False):"""Open an OLE2 file in read-only or read/write mode.Read and parse the header, FAT and directory.:param filename: string-like or file-like object, OLE file to parse- if filename is a string smaller than 1536 bytes, it is the pathof the file to open. (bytes or unicode string)- if filename is a string longer than 1535 bytes, it is parsedas the content of an OLE file in memory. (bytes type only)- if filename is a file-like object (with read, seek and tell methods),it is parsed as-is.:param write_mode: bool, if True the file is opened in read/write mode insteadof read-only by default. (ignored if filename is not a path)"""self.write_mode = write_mode#[PL] check if filename is a string-like or file-like object:# (it is better to check for a read() method)if hasattr(filename, 'read'):#TODO: also check seek and tell methods?# file-like object: use it directlyself.fp = filenameelif isinstance(filename, bytes) and len(filename) >= MINIMAL_OLEFILE_SIZE:# filename is a bytes string containing the OLE file to be parsed:# convert it to BytesIOself.fp = io.BytesIO(filename)else:# string-like object: filename of file on diskif self.write_mode:# open file in mode 'read with update, binary'# According to https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#open# 'w' would truncate the file, 'a' may only append on some Unixesmode = 'r+b'else:# read-only mode by defaultmode = 'rb'self.fp = open(filename, mode)# obtain the filesize by using seek and tell, which should work on most# file-like objects:#TODO: do it above, using getsize with filename when possible?#TODO: fix code to fail with clear exception when filesize cannot be obtainedfilesize=0self.fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)try:filesize = self.fp.tell()finally:self.fp.seek(0)self._filesize = filesize# lists of streams in FAT and MiniFAT, to detect duplicate references# (list of indexes of first sectors of each stream)self._used_streams_fat = []self._used_streams_minifat = []header = self.fp.read(512)if len(header) != 512 or header[:8] != MAGIC:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "not an OLE2 structured storage file")# [PL] header structure according to AAF specifications:##Header##struct StructuredStorageHeader { // [offset from start (bytes), length (bytes)]##BYTE _abSig[8]; // [00H,08] {0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0, 0xa1, 0xb1,##                // 0x1a, 0xe1} for current version##CLSID _clsid;   // [08H,16] reserved must be zero (WriteClassStg/##                // GetClassFile uses root directory class id)##USHORT _uMinorVersion; // [18H,02] minor version of the format: 33 is##                       // written by reference implementation##USHORT _uDllVersion;   // [1AH,02] major version of the dll/format: 3 for##                       // 512-byte sectors, 4 for 4 KB sectors##USHORT _uByteOrder;    // [1CH,02] 0xFFFE: indicates Intel byte-ordering##USHORT _uSectorShift;  // [1EH,02] size of sectors in power-of-two;##                       // typically 9 indicating 512-byte sectors##USHORT _uMiniSectorShift; // [20H,02] size of mini-sectors in power-of-two;##                          // typically 6 indicating 64-byte mini-sectors##USHORT _usReserved; // [22H,02] reserved, must be zero##ULONG _ulReserved1; // [24H,04] reserved, must be zero##FSINDEX _csectDir; // [28H,04] must be zero for 512-byte sectors,##                   // number of SECTs in directory chain for 4 KB##                   // sectors##FSINDEX _csectFat; // [2CH,04] number of SECTs in the FAT chain##SECT _sectDirStart; // [30H,04] first SECT in the directory chain##DFSIGNATURE _signature; // [34H,04] signature used for transactions; must##                        // be zero. The reference implementation##                        // does not support transactions##ULONG _ulMiniSectorCutoff; // [38H,04] maximum size for a mini stream;##                           // typically 4096 bytes##SECT _sectMiniFatStart; // [3CH,04] first SECT in the MiniFAT chain##FSINDEX _csectMiniFat; // [40H,04] number of SECTs in the MiniFAT chain##SECT _sectDifStart; // [44H,04] first SECT in the DIFAT chain##FSINDEX _csectDif; // [48H,04] number of SECTs in the DIFAT chain##SECT _sectFat[109]; // [4CH,436] the SECTs of first 109 FAT sectors##};# [PL] header decoding:# '<' indicates little-endian byte ordering for Intel (cf. struct module help)fmt_header = '<8s16sHHHHHHLLLLLLLLLL'header_size = struct.calcsize(fmt_header)debug( "fmt_header size = %d, +FAT = %d" % (header_size, header_size + 109*4) )header1 = header[:header_size](self.Sig,self.clsid,self.MinorVersion,self.DllVersion,self.ByteOrder,self.SectorShift,self.MiniSectorShift,self.Reserved, self.Reserved1,self.csectDir,self.csectFat,self.sectDirStart,self.signature,self.MiniSectorCutoff,self.MiniFatStart,self.csectMiniFat,self.sectDifStart,self.csectDif) = struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1)debug( struct.unpack(fmt_header,    header1))if self.Sig != MAGIC:# OLE signature should always be presentself._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "incorrect OLE signature")if self.clsid != bytearray(16):# according to AAF specs, CLSID should always be zeroself._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect CLSID in OLE header")debug( "MinorVersion = %d" % self.MinorVersion )debug( "DllVersion   = %d" % self.DllVersion )if self.DllVersion not in [3, 4]:# version 3: usual format, 512 bytes per sector# version 4: large format, 4K per sectorself._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect DllVersion in OLE header")debug( "ByteOrder    = %X" % self.ByteOrder )if self.ByteOrder != 0xFFFE:# For now only common little-endian documents are handled correctlyself._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "incorrect ByteOrder in OLE header")# TODO: add big-endian support for documents created on Mac ?# But according to [MS-CFB] ? v20140502, ByteOrder MUST be 0xFFFE.self.SectorSize = 2**self.SectorShiftdebug( "SectorSize   = %d" % self.SectorSize )if self.SectorSize not in [512, 4096]:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect SectorSize in OLE header")if (self.DllVersion==3 and self.SectorSize!=512) \or (self.DllVersion==4 and self.SectorSize!=4096):self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "SectorSize does not match DllVersion in OLE header")self.MiniSectorSize = 2**self.MiniSectorShiftdebug( "MiniSectorSize   = %d" % self.MiniSectorSize )if self.MiniSectorSize not in [64]:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect MiniSectorSize in OLE header")if self.Reserved != 0 or self.Reserved1 != 0:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect OLE header (non-null reserved bytes)")debug( "csectDir     = %d" % self.csectDir )# Number of directory sectors (only allowed if DllVersion != 3)if self.SectorSize==512 and self.csectDir!=0:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect csectDir in OLE header")debug( "csectFat     = %d" % self.csectFat )# csectFat = number of FAT sectors in the filedebug( "sectDirStart = %X" % self.sectDirStart )# sectDirStart = 1st sector containing the directorydebug( "signature    = %d" % self.signature )# Signature should be zero, BUT some implementations do not follow this# rule => only a potential defect:# (according to MS-CFB, may be != 0 for applications supporting file# transactions)if self.signature != 0:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_POTENTIAL, "incorrect OLE header (signature>0)")debug( "MiniSectorCutoff = %d" % self.MiniSectorCutoff )# MS-CFB: This integer field MUST be set to 0x00001000. This field# specifies the maximum size of a user-defined data stream allocated# from the mini FAT and mini stream, and that cutoff is 4096 bytes.# Any user-defined data stream larger than or equal to this cutoff size# must be allocated as normal sectors from the FAT.if self.MiniSectorCutoff != 0x1000:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect MiniSectorCutoff in OLE header")debug( "MiniFatStart     = %X" % self.MiniFatStart )debug( "csectMiniFat     = %d" % self.csectMiniFat )debug( "sectDifStart     = %X" % self.sectDifStart )debug( "csectDif         = %d" % self.csectDif )# calculate the number of sectors in the file# (-1 because header doesn't count)self.nb_sect = ( (filesize + self.SectorSize-1) // self.SectorSize) - 1debug( "Number of sectors in the file: %d" % self.nb_sect )#TODO: change this test, because an OLE file MAY contain other data# after the last sector.# file clsidself.clsid = _clsid(header[8:24])#TODO: remove redundant attributes, and fix the code which uses them?self.sectorsize = self.SectorSize #1 << i16(header, 30)self.minisectorsize = self.MiniSectorSize  #1 << i16(header, 32)self.minisectorcutoff = self.MiniSectorCutoff # i32(header, 56)# check known streams for duplicate references (these are always in FAT,# never in MiniFAT):self._check_duplicate_stream(self.sectDirStart)# check MiniFAT only if it is not empty:if self.csectMiniFat:self._check_duplicate_stream(self.MiniFatStart)# check DIFAT only if it is not empty:if self.csectDif:self._check_duplicate_stream(self.sectDifStart)# Load file allocation tablesself.loadfat(header)# Load direcory.  This sets both the direntries list (ordered by sid)# and the root (ordered by hierarchy) members.self.loaddirectory(self.sectDirStart)#i32(header, 48))self.ministream = Noneself.minifatsect = self.MiniFatStart #i32(header, 60)def close(self):"""close the OLE file, to release the file object"""self.fp.close()def _check_duplicate_stream(self, first_sect, minifat=False):"""Checks if a stream has not been already referenced elsewhere.This method should only be called once for each known stream, and onlyif stream size is not null.:param first_sect: int, index of first sector of the stream in FAT:param minifat: bool, if True, stream is located in the MiniFAT, else in the FAT"""if minifat:debug('_check_duplicate_stream: sect=%d in MiniFAT' % first_sect)used_streams = self._used_streams_minifatelse:debug('_check_duplicate_stream: sect=%d in FAT' % first_sect)# some values can be safely ignored (not a real stream):if first_sect in (DIFSECT,FATSECT,ENDOFCHAIN,FREESECT):returnused_streams = self._used_streams_fat#TODO: would it be more efficient using a dict or hash values, instead#      of a list of long ?if first_sect in used_streams:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'Stream referenced twice')else:used_streams.append(first_sect)def dumpfat(self, fat, firstindex=0):"Displays a part of FAT in human-readable form for debugging purpose"# [PL] added only for debugif not DEBUG_MODE:return# dictionary to convert special FAT values in human-readable stringsVPL = 8 # values per line (8+1 * 8+1 = 81)fatnames = {FREESECT:   "..free..",ENDOFCHAIN: "[ END. ]",FATSECT:    "FATSECT ",DIFSECT:    "DIFSECT "}nbsect = len(fat)nlines = (nbsect+VPL-1)//VPLprint("index", end=" ")for i in range(VPL):print("%8X" % i, end=" ")print()for l in range(nlines):index = l*VPLprint("%8X:" % (firstindex+index), end=" ")for i in range(index, index+VPL):if i>=nbsect:breaksect = fat[i]aux = sect & 0xFFFFFFFF  # JYTHON-WORKAROUNDif aux in fatnames:name = fatnames[aux]else:if sect == i+1:name = "    --->"else:name = "%8X" % sectprint(name, end=" ")print()def dumpsect(self, sector, firstindex=0):"Displays a sector in a human-readable form, for debugging purpose."if not DEBUG_MODE:returnVPL=8 # number of values per line (8+1 * 8+1 = 81)tab = array.array(UINT32, sector)if sys.byteorder == 'big':tab.byteswap()nbsect = len(tab)nlines = (nbsect+VPL-1)//VPLprint("index", end=" ")for i in range(VPL):print("%8X" % i, end=" ")print()for l in range(nlines):index = l*VPLprint("%8X:" % (firstindex+index), end=" ")for i in range(index, index+VPL):if i>=nbsect:breaksect = tab[i]name = "%8X" % sectprint(name, end=" ")print()def sect2array(self, sect):"""convert a sector to an array of 32 bits unsigned integers,swapping bytes on big endian CPUs such as PowerPC (old Macs)"""a = array.array(UINT32, sect)# if CPU is big endian, swap bytes:if sys.byteorder == 'big':a.byteswap()return adef loadfat_sect(self, sect):"""Adds the indexes of the given sector to the FAT:param sect: string containing the first FAT sector, or array of long integers:returns: index of last FAT sector."""# a FAT sector is an array of ulong integers.if isinstance(sect, array.array):# if sect is already an array it is directly usedfat1 = sectelse:# if it's a raw sector, it is parsed in an arrayfat1 = self.sect2array(sect)self.dumpsect(sect)# The FAT is a sector chain starting at the first index of itself.for isect in fat1:isect = isect & 0xFFFFFFFF  # JYTHON-WORKAROUNDdebug("isect = %X" % isect)if isect == ENDOFCHAIN or isect == FREESECT:# the end of the sector chain has been reacheddebug("found end of sector chain")break# read the FAT sectors = self.getsect(isect)# parse it as an array of 32 bits integers, and add it to the# global FAT arraynextfat = self.sect2array(s)self.fat = self.fat + nextfatreturn isectdef loadfat(self, header):"""Load the FAT table."""# The 1st sector of the file contains sector numbers for the first 109# FAT sectors, right after the header which is 76 bytes long.# (always 109, whatever the sector size: 512 bytes = 76+4*109)# Additional sectors are described by DIF blockssect = header[76:512]debug( "len(sect)=%d, so %d integers" % (len(sect), len(sect)//4) )#fat    = []# [PL] FAT is an array of 32 bits unsigned ints, it's more effective# to use an array than a list in Python.# It's initialized as empty first:self.fat = array.array(UINT32)self.loadfat_sect(sect)#self.dumpfat(self.fat)
##      for i in range(0, len(sect), 4):
##          ix = i32(sect, i)
##          #[PL] if ix == -2 or ix == -1: # ix == 0xFFFFFFFE or ix == 0xFFFFFFFF:
##          if ix == 0xFFFFFFFE or ix == 0xFFFFFFFF:
##              break
##          s = self.getsect(ix)
##          #fat    = fat + [i32(s, i) for i in range(0, len(s), 4)]
##          fat = fat + array.array(UINT32, s)if self.csectDif != 0:# [PL] There's a DIFAT because file is larger than 6.8MB# some checks just in case:if self.csectFat <= 109:# there must be at least 109 blocks in header and the rest in# DIFAT, so number of sectors must be >109.self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'incorrect DIFAT, not enough sectors')if self.sectDifStart >= self.nb_sect:# initial DIFAT block index must be validself._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'incorrect DIFAT, first index out of range')debug( "DIFAT analysis..." )# We compute the necessary number of DIFAT sectors :# Number of pointers per DIFAT sector = (sectorsize/4)-1# (-1 because the last pointer is the next DIFAT sector number)nb_difat_sectors = (self.sectorsize//4)-1# (if 512 bytes: each DIFAT sector = 127 pointers + 1 towards next DIFAT sector)nb_difat = (self.csectFat-109 + nb_difat_sectors-1)//nb_difat_sectorsdebug( "nb_difat = %d" % nb_difat )if self.csectDif != nb_difat:raise IOError('incorrect DIFAT')isect_difat = self.sectDifStartfor i in iterrange(nb_difat):debug( "DIFAT block %d, sector %X" % (i, isect_difat) )#TODO: check if corresponding FAT SID = DIFSECTsector_difat = self.getsect(isect_difat)difat = self.sect2array(sector_difat)self.dumpsect(sector_difat)self.loadfat_sect(difat[:nb_difat_sectors])# last DIFAT pointer is next DIFAT sector:isect_difat = difat[nb_difat_sectors]debug( "next DIFAT sector: %X" % isect_difat )# checks:if isect_difat not in [ENDOFCHAIN, FREESECT]:# last DIFAT pointer value must be ENDOFCHAIN or FREESECTraise IOError('incorrect end of DIFAT')
##          if len(self.fat) != self.csectFat:
##              # FAT should contain csectFat blocks
##              print("FAT length: %d instead of %d" % (len(self.fat), self.csectFat))
##              raise IOError('incorrect DIFAT')# since FAT is read from fixed-size sectors, it may contain more values# than the actual number of sectors in the file.# Keep only the relevant sector indexes:if len(self.fat) > self.nb_sect:debug('len(fat)=%d, shrunk to nb_sect=%d' % (len(self.fat), self.nb_sect))self.fat = self.fat[:self.nb_sect]debug('\nFAT:')self.dumpfat(self.fat)def loadminifat(self):"""Load the MiniFAT table."""# MiniFAT is stored in a standard  sub-stream, pointed to by a header# field.# NOTE: there are two sizes to take into account for this stream:# 1) Stream size is calculated according to the number of sectors#    declared in the OLE header. This allocated stream may be more than#    needed to store the actual sector indexes.# (self.csectMiniFat is the number of sectors of size self.SectorSize)stream_size = self.csectMiniFat * self.SectorSize# 2) Actually used size is calculated by dividing the MiniStream size#    (given by root entry size) by the size of mini sectors, *4 for#    32 bits indexes:nb_minisectors = (self.root.size + self.MiniSectorSize-1) // self.MiniSectorSizeused_size = nb_minisectors * 4debug('loadminifat(): minifatsect=%d, nb FAT sectors=%d, used_size=%d, stream_size=%d, nb MiniSectors=%d' %(self.minifatsect, self.csectMiniFat, used_size, stream_size, nb_minisectors))if used_size > stream_size:# This is not really a problem, but may indicate a wrong implementation:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'OLE MiniStream is larger than MiniFAT')# In any case, first read stream_size:s = self._open(self.minifatsect, stream_size, force_FAT=True).read()#[PL] Old code replaced by an array:#self.minifat = [i32(s, i) for i in range(0, len(s), 4)]self.minifat = self.sect2array(s)# Then shrink the array to used size, to avoid indexes out of MiniStream:debug('MiniFAT shrunk from %d to %d sectors' % (len(self.minifat), nb_minisectors))self.minifat = self.minifat[:nb_minisectors]debug('loadminifat(): len=%d' % len(self.minifat))debug('\nMiniFAT:')self.dumpfat(self.minifat)def getsect(self, sect):"""Read given sector from file on disk.:param sect: int, sector index:returns: a string containing the sector data."""# From [MS-CFB]: A sector number can be converted into a byte offset# into the file by using the following formula:# (sector number + 1) x Sector Size.# This implies that sector #0 of the file begins at byte offset Sector# Size, not at 0.# [PL] the original code in PIL was wrong when sectors are 4KB instead of# 512 bytes:#self.fp.seek(512 + self.sectorsize * sect)#[PL]: added safety checks:#print("getsect(%X)" % sect)try:self.fp.seek(self.sectorsize * (sect+1))except:debug('getsect(): sect=%X, seek=%d, filesize=%d' %(sect, self.sectorsize*(sect+1), self._filesize))self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'OLE sector index out of range')sector = self.fp.read(self.sectorsize)if len(sector) != self.sectorsize:debug('getsect(): sect=%X, read=%d, sectorsize=%d' %(sect, len(sector), self.sectorsize))self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'incomplete OLE sector')return sectordef write_sect(self, sect, data, padding=b'\x00'):"""Write given sector to file on disk.:param sect: int, sector index:param data: bytes, sector data:param padding: single byte, padding character if data < sector size"""if not isinstance(data, bytes):raise TypeError("write_sect: data must be a bytes string")if not isinstance(padding, bytes) or len(padding)!=1:raise TypeError("write_sect: padding must be a bytes string of 1 char")#TODO: we could allow padding=None for no padding at alltry:self.fp.seek(self.sectorsize * (sect+1))except:debug('write_sect(): sect=%X, seek=%d, filesize=%d' %(sect, self.sectorsize*(sect+1), self._filesize))self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'OLE sector index out of range')if len(data) < self.sectorsize:# add paddingdata += padding * (self.sectorsize - len(data))elif len(data) < self.sectorsize:raise ValueError("Data is larger than sector size")self.fp.write(data)def loaddirectory(self, sect):"""Load the directory.:param sect: sector index of directory stream."""# The directory is  stored in a standard# substream, independent of its size.# open directory stream as a read-only file:# (stream size is not known in advance)self.directory_fp = self._open(sect)#[PL] to detect malformed documents and avoid DoS attacks, the maximum# number of directory entries can be calculated:max_entries = self.directory_fp.size // 128debug('loaddirectory: size=%d, max_entries=%d' %(self.directory_fp.size, max_entries))# Create list of directory entries#self.direntries = []# We start with a list of "None" objectself.direntries = [None] * max_entries
##        for sid in iterrange(max_entries):
##            entry = fp.read(128)
##            if not entry:
##                break
##            self.direntries.append(_OleDirectoryEntry(entry, sid, self))# load root entry:root_entry = self._load_direntry(0)# Root entry is the first entry:self.root = self.direntries[0]# read and build all storage trees, starting from the root:self.root.build_storage_tree()def _load_direntry (self, sid):"""Load a directory entry from the directory.This method should only be called once for each storage/stream whenloading the directory.:param sid: index of storage/stream in the directory.:returns: a _OleDirectoryEntry object:exception IOError: if the entry has always been referenced."""# check if SID is OK:if sid<0 or sid>=len(self.direntries):self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "OLE directory index out of range")# check if entry was already referenced:if self.direntries[sid] is not None:self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT,"double reference for OLE stream/storage")# if exception not raised, return the objectreturn self.direntries[sid]self.directory_fp.seek(sid * 128)entry = self.directory_fp.read(128)self.direntries[sid] = _OleDirectoryEntry(entry, sid, self)return self.direntries[sid]def dumpdirectory(self):"""Dump directory (for debugging only)"""self.root.dump()def _open(self, start, size = 0x7FFFFFFF, force_FAT=False):"""Open a stream, either in FAT or MiniFAT according to its size.(openstream helper):param start: index of first sector:param size: size of stream (or nothing if size is unknown):param force_FAT: if False (default), stream will be opened in FAT or MiniFATaccording to size. If True, it will always be opened in FAT."""debug('OleFileIO.open(): sect=%d, size=%d, force_FAT=%s' %(start, size, str(force_FAT)))# stream size is compared to the MiniSectorCutoff threshold:if size < self.minisectorcutoff and not force_FAT:# ministream objectif not self.ministream:# load MiniFAT if it wasn't already done:self.loadminifat()# The first sector index of the miniFAT stream is stored in the# root directory entry:size_ministream = self.root.sizedebug('Opening MiniStream: sect=%d, size=%d' %(self.root.isectStart, size_ministream))self.ministream = self._open(self.root.isectStart,size_ministream, force_FAT=True)return _OleStream(fp=self.ministream, sect=start, size=size,offset=0, sectorsize=self.minisectorsize,fat=self.minifat, filesize=self.ministream.size)else:# standard streamreturn _OleStream(fp=self.fp, sect=start, size=size,offset=self.sectorsize,sectorsize=self.sectorsize, fat=self.fat,filesize=self._filesize)def _list(self, files, prefix, node, streams=True, storages=False):"""listdir helper:param files: list of files to fill in:param prefix: current location in storage tree (list of names):param node: current node (_OleDirectoryEntry object):param streams: bool, include streams if True (True by default) - new in v0.26:param storages: bool, include storages if True (False by default) - new in v0.26(note: the root storage is never included)"""prefix = prefix + [node.name]for entry in node.kids:if entry.kids:# this is a storageif storages:# add it to the listfiles.append(prefix[1:] + [entry.name])# check its kidsself._list(files, prefix, entry, streams, storages)else:# this is a streamif streams:# add it to the listfiles.append(prefix[1:] + [entry.name])def listdir(self, streams=True, storages=False):"""Return a list of streams and/or storages stored in this file:param streams: bool, include streams if True (True by default) - new in v0.26:param storages: bool, include storages if True (False by default) - new in v0.26(note: the root storage is never included):returns: list of stream and/or storage paths"""files = []self._list(files, [], self.root, streams, storages)return filesdef _find(self, filename):"""Returns directory entry of given filename. (openstream helper)Note: this method is case-insensitive.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree (except root entry), either:- a string using Unix path syntax, for example:'storage_1/storage_1.2/stream'- or a list of storage filenames, path to the desired stream/storage.Example: ['storage_1', 'storage_1.2', 'stream']:returns: sid of requested filename:exception IOError: if file not found"""# if filename is a string instead of a list, split it on slashes to# convert to a list:if isinstance(filename, basestring):filename = filename.split('/')# walk across storage tree, following given path:node = self.rootfor name in filename:for kid in node.kids:if kid.name.lower() == name.lower():breakelse:raise IOError("file not found")node = kidreturn node.siddef openstream(self, filename):"""Open a stream as a read-only file object (BytesIO).Note: filename is case-insensitive.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree (except root entry), either:- a string using Unix path syntax, for example:'storage_1/storage_1.2/stream'- or a list of storage filenames, path to the desired stream/storage.Example: ['storage_1', 'storage_1.2', 'stream']:returns: file object (read-only):exception IOError: if filename not found, or if this is not a stream."""sid = self._find(filename)entry = self.direntries[sid]if entry.entry_type != STGTY_STREAM:raise IOError("this file is not a stream")return self._open(entry.isectStart, entry.size)def write_stream(self, stream_name, data):"""Write a stream to disk. For now, it is only possible to replace anexisting stream by data of the same size.:param stream_name: path of stream in storage tree (except root entry), either:- a string using Unix path syntax, for example:'storage_1/storage_1.2/stream'- or a list of storage filenames, path to the desired stream/storage.Example: ['storage_1', 'storage_1.2', 'stream']:param data: bytes, data to be written, must be the same size as the originalstream."""if not isinstance(data, bytes):raise TypeError("write_stream: data must be a bytes string")sid = self._find(stream_name)entry = self.direntries[sid]if entry.entry_type != STGTY_STREAM:raise IOError("this is not a stream")size = entry.sizeif size != len(data):raise ValueError("write_stream: data must be the same size as the existing stream")if size < self.minisectorcutoff:raise NotImplementedError("Writing a stream in MiniFAT is not implemented yet")sect = entry.isectStart# number of sectors to writenb_sectors = (size + (self.sectorsize-1)) // self.sectorsizedebug('nb_sectors = %d' % nb_sectors)for i in range(nb_sectors):
##            try:
##                self.fp.seek(offset + self.sectorsize * sect)
##            except:
##                debug('sect=%d, seek=%d' %
##                    (sect, offset+self.sectorsize*sect))
##                raise IOError('OLE sector index out of range')# extract one sector from data, the last one being smaller:if i<(nb_sectors-1):data_sector = data [i*self.sectorsize : (i+1)*self.sectorsize]#TODO: comment this if it worksassert(len(data_sector)==self.sectorsize)else:data_sector = data [i*self.sectorsize:]#TODO: comment this if it worksdebug('write_stream: size=%d sectorsize=%d data_sector=%d size%%sectorsize=%d'% (size, self.sectorsize, len(data_sector), size % self.sectorsize))assert(len(data_sector) % self.sectorsize==size % self.sectorsize)self.write_sect(sect, data_sector)
##            self.fp.write(data_sector)# jump to next sector in the FAT:try:sect = self.fat[sect]except IndexError:# [PL] if pointer is out of the FAT an exception is raisedraise IOError('incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range')#[PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:if sect != ENDOFCHAIN:raise IOError('incorrect last sector index in OLE stream')def get_type(self, filename):"""Test if given filename exists as a stream or a storage in the OLEcontainer, and return its type.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree. (see openstream for syntax):returns: False if object does not exist, its entry type (>0) otherwise:- STGTY_STREAM: a stream- STGTY_STORAGE: a storage- STGTY_ROOT: the root entry"""try:sid = self._find(filename)entry = self.direntries[sid]return entry.entry_typeexcept:return Falsedef getmtime(self, filename):"""Return modification time of a stream/storage.:param filename: path of stream/storage in storage tree. (see openstream forsyntax):returns: None if modification time is null, a python datetime objectotherwise (UTC timezone)new in version 0.26"""sid = self._find(filename)entry = self.direntries[sid]return entry.getmtime()def getctime(self, filename):"""Return creation time of a stream/storage.:param filename: path of stream/storage in storage tree. (see openstream forsyntax):returns: None if creation time is null, a python datetime objectotherwise (UTC timezone)new in version 0.26"""sid = self._find(filename)entry = self.direntries[sid]return entry.getctime()def exists(self, filename):"""Test if given filename exists as a stream or a storage in the OLEcontainer.Note: filename is case-insensitive.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree. (see openstream for syntax):returns: True if object exist, else False."""try:sid = self._find(filename)return Trueexcept:return Falsedef get_size(self, filename):"""Return size of a stream in the OLE container, in bytes.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree (see openstream for syntax):returns: size in bytes (long integer):exception IOError: if file not found:exception TypeError: if this is not a stream."""sid = self._find(filename)entry = self.direntries[sid]if entry.entry_type != STGTY_STREAM:#TODO: Should it return zero instead of raising an exception ?raise TypeError('object is not an OLE stream')return entry.sizedef get_rootentry_name(self):"""Return root entry name. Should usually be 'Root Entry' or 'R' in mostimplementations."""return self.root.namedef getproperties(self, filename, convert_time=False, no_conversion=None):"""Return properties described in substream.:param filename: path of stream in storage tree (see openstream for syntax):param convert_time: bool, if True timestamps will be converted to Python datetime:param no_conversion: None or list of int, timestamps not to be converted(for example total editing time is not a real timestamp):returns: a dictionary of values indexed by id (integer)"""# make sure no_conversion is a list, just to simplify code below:if no_conversion == None:no_conversion = []# stream path as a string to report exceptions:streampath = filenameif not isinstance(streampath, str):streampath = '/'.join(streampath)fp = self.openstream(filename)data = {}try:# headers = fp.read(28)clsid = _clsid(s[8:24])# format ids = fp.read(20)fmtid = _clsid(s[:16])fp.seek(i32(s, 16))# get sections = b"****" + fp.read(i32(fp.read(4))-4)# number of properties:num_props = i32(s, 4)except BaseException as exc:# catch exception while parsing property header, and only raise# a DEFECT_INCORRECT then return an empty dict, because this is not# a fatal error when parsing the whole filemsg = 'Error while parsing properties header in stream %s: %s' % (repr(streampath), exc)self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, msg, type(exc))return datafor i in range(num_props):try:id = 0 # just in case of an exceptionid = i32(s, 8+i*8)offset = i32(s, 12+i*8)type = i32(s, offset)debug ('property id=%d: type=%d offset=%X' % (id, type, offset))# test for common types first (should perhaps use# a dictionary instead?)if type == VT_I2: # 16-bit signed integervalue = i16(s, offset+4)if value >= 32768:value = value - 65536elif type == VT_UI2: # 2-byte unsigned integervalue = i16(s, offset+4)elif type in (VT_I4, VT_INT, VT_ERROR):# VT_I4: 32-bit signed integer# VT_ERROR: HRESULT, similar to 32-bit signed integer,# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc230330.aspxvalue = i32(s, offset+4)elif type in (VT_UI4, VT_UINT): # 4-byte unsigned integervalue = i32(s, offset+4) # FIXMEelif type in (VT_BSTR, VT_LPSTR):# CodePageString, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942354.aspx# size is a 32 bits integer, including the null terminator, and# possibly trailing or embedded null chars#TODO: if codepage is unicode, the string should be converted as suchcount = i32(s, offset+4)value = s[offset+8:offset+8+count-1]# remove all null chars:value = value.replace(b'\x00', b'')elif type == VT_BLOB:# binary large object (BLOB)# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942282.aspxcount = i32(s, offset+4)value = s[offset+8:offset+8+count]elif type == VT_LPWSTR:# UnicodeString# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942313.aspx# "the string should NOT contain embedded or additional trailing# null characters."count = i32(s, offset+4)value = _unicode(s[offset+8:offset+8+count*2])elif type == VT_FILETIME:value = long(i32(s, offset+4)) + (long(i32(s, offset+8))<<32)# FILETIME is a 64-bit int: "number of 100ns periods# since Jan 1,1601".if convert_time and id not in no_conversion:debug('Converting property #%d to python datetime, value=%d=%fs'%(id, value, float(value)/10000000))# convert FILETIME to Python datetime.datetime# inspired from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/511425-filetime-to-datetime/_FILETIME_null_date = datetime.datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)debug('timedelta days=%d' % (value//(10*1000000*3600*24)))value = _FILETIME_null_date + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=value//10)else:# legacy code kept for backward compatibility: returns a# number of seconds since Jan 1,1601value = value // 10000000 # secondselif type == VT_UI1: # 1-byte unsigned integervalue = i8(s[offset+4])elif type == VT_CLSID:value = _clsid(s[offset+4:offset+20])elif type == VT_CF:# PropertyIdentifier or ClipboardData??# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd941945.aspxcount = i32(s, offset+4)value = s[offset+8:offset+8+count]elif type == VT_BOOL:# VARIANT_BOOL, 16 bits bool, 0x0000=Fals, 0xFFFF=True# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc237864.aspxvalue = bool(i16(s, offset+4))else:value = None # everything else yields "None"debug ('property id=%d: type=%d not implemented in parser yet' % (id, type))# missing: VT_EMPTY, VT_NULL, VT_R4, VT_R8, VT_CY, VT_DATE,# VT_DECIMAL, VT_I1, VT_I8, VT_UI8,# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942033.aspx# FIXME: add support for VT_VECTOR# VT_VECTOR is a 32 uint giving the number of items, followed by# the items in sequence. The VT_VECTOR value is combined with the# type of items, e.g. VT_VECTOR|VT_BSTR# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942011.aspx#print("%08x" % id, repr(value), end=" ")#print("(%s)" % VT[i32(s, offset) & 0xFFF])data[id] = valueexcept BaseException as exc:# catch exception while parsing each property, and only raise# a DEFECT_INCORRECT, because parsing can go onmsg = 'Error while parsing property id %d in stream %s: %s' % (id, repr(streampath), exc)self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, msg, type(exc))return datadef get_metadata(self):"""Parse standard properties streams, return an OleMetadata objectcontaining all the available metadata.(also stored in the metadata attribute of the OleFileIO object)new in version 0.25"""self.metadata = OleMetadata()self.metadata.parse_properties(self)return self.metadata##### library ends, program starts #####from struct import unpack
import binasciidef find_rc4_passinfo_xls(filename, stream):"""Initial version of this function was based on a blog entry posted byWorawit (sleepya) at http://auntitled.blogspot.in site.Since then this function has been heavily modified and extended.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd908560%28v=office.12%29http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd920360%28v=office.12%29"""while True:pos = stream.tell()if pos >= stream.size:break  # eoftype = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]length = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]data = stream.read(length)if type == 0x2f:  # FILEPASSif data[0:2] == b"\x00\x00":  # XOR obfuscationsys.stderr.write("%s : XOR obfuscation detected, key : %s, hash : %s\n" % \(filename, binascii.hexlify(data[2:4]), binascii.hexlify(data[4:6])))elif data[0:6] == b'\x01\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00':# RC4 encryption header structuredata = data[6:]salt = data[:16]verifier = data[16:32]verifierHash = data[32:48]return (salt, verifier, verifierHash)elif data[0:4] == b'\x01\x00\x02\x00' or data[0:4] == b'\x01\x00\x03\x00':# If RC4 CryptoAPI encryption is used, certain storages and streams are stored in Encryption Streamstm = StringIO(data)stm.read(2)  # unused# RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption Headerunpack("<h", stm.read(2))[0]  # major_versionunpack("<h", stm.read(2))[0]  # minor_versionunpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # encryptionFlagsheaderLength = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # skipFlagsheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # sizeExtraheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # algIdheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # algHashIdheaderLength -= 4keySize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]if keySize == 40:typ = 3else:typ = 4headerLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # providerTypeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4CSPName = stm.read(headerLength)provider = CSPName.decode('utf-16').lower()# Encryption verifiersaltSize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]assert(saltSize == 16)salt = stm.read(saltSize)encryptedVerifier = stm.read(16)verifierHashSize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]assert(verifierHashSize == 20)encryptedVerifierHash = stm.read(verifierHashSize)sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifierHash).decode("ascii")))return Nonedef find_doc_type(filename, stream):w_ident = stream.read(2)assert(w_ident == b"\xec\xa5")stream.read(9)  # unusedflags = ord(stream.read(1))if (flags & 1) != 0:F = 1else:F = 0if (flags & 128) != 0:M = 1else:M = 0if F == 1 and M == 1:stream.read(2)  # unusedi_key = stream.read(4)sys.stderr.write("%s : XOR obfuscation detected, Password Verifier : %s\n" % \(filename, binascii.hexlify(i_key)))return Trueif F == 0:sys.stderr.write("%s : Document is not encrypted!\n" % (filename))return Truedef find_ppt_type(filename, stream):# read CurrentUserRec's RecordHeaderstream.read(2)  # unusedunpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]  # recTypeunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # recLen# read rest of CurrentUserRecunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # sizeunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # headerTokenoffsetToCurrentEdit = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]return offsetToCurrentEditdef find_rc4_passinfo_doc(filename, stream):major_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]minor_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]if major_version == 1 or minor_version == 1:data = stream.read(48)salt = data[:16]verifier = data[16:32]verifierHash = data[32:48]return (salt, verifier, verifierHash)elif major_version >= 2 and minor_version == 2:# RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption Headerunpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # encryptionFlagsheaderLength = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # skipFlagsheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # sizeExtraheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # algIdheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # algHashIdheaderLength -= 4keySize = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # keySizeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # providerTypeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4CSPName = stream.read(headerLength)provider = CSPName.decode('utf-16').lower()if keySize == 128:typ = 4elif keySize == 40:typ = 3else:sys.stderr.write("%s : invalid keySize\n" % filename)# Encryption verifiersaltSize = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]assert(saltSize == 16)salt = stream.read(saltSize)encryptedVerifier = stream.read(16)verifierHashSize = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]assert(verifierHashSize == 20)encryptedVerifierHash = stream.read(verifierHashSize)if not have_summary:sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifierHash).decode("ascii")))else:sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s:::%s::%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),# this code was developed while listening to The Wedding Present "Sea Monsters"typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifierHash).decode("ascii"), summary, filename))else:sys.stderr.write("%s : Cannot find RC4 pass info, is document encrypted?\n" % filename)def find_rc4_passinfo_ppt(filename, stream, offset):stream.read(offset)  # unused# read UserEditAtom's RecordHeaderstream.read(2)  # unusedrecType = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]recLen = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]if recLen != 32:sys.stderr.write("%s : Document is not encrypted!\n" % (filename))returnif recType != 0x0FF5:sys.stderr.write("%s : Document is corrupt!\n" % (filename))return# read reset of UserEditAtomunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # lastSlideRefunpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]  # versionord(stream.read(1))  # minorVersionord(stream.read(1))  # majorVersionunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # offsetLastEditoffsetPersistDirectory = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # docPersistIdRefunpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]  # persistIdSeedunpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]  # lastViewunpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]  # unusedencryptSessionPersistIdRef = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]# if( offset.LowPart < userAtom.offsetPersistDirectory ||# userAtom.offsetPersistDirectory < userAtom.offsetLastEdit )# goto CorruptFile;# jump and read RecordHeaderstream.seek(offsetPersistDirectory, 0)stream.read(2)  # unusedrecType = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]recLen = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]# BUGGY: PersistDirectoryAtom and PersistDirectoryEntry processingi = 0stream.read(4)  # unusedwhile i < encryptSessionPersistIdRef:i += 1persistOffset = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]# print persistOffset# go to the offset of encryption headerstream.seek(persistOffset, 0)# read RecordHeaderstream.read(2)  # unusedrecType = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]recLen = unpack("<L", stream.read(4))[0]major_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]minor_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]if major_version >= 2 and minor_version == 2:# RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption Headerunpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # encryptionFlagsheaderLength = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # skipFlagsheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # sizeExtraheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # algIdheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # algHashIdheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # keySizeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # providerTypeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]headerLength -= 4unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]headerLength -= 4CSPName = stream.read(headerLength)provider = CSPName.decode('utf-16').lower()if "strong" in provider:typ = 4else:typ = 3# Encryption verifiersaltSize = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]assert(saltSize == 16)salt = stream.read(saltSize)encryptedVerifier = stream.read(16)verifierHashSize = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]assert(verifierHashSize == 20)encryptedVerifierHash = stream.read(verifierHashSize)sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifierHash).decode("ascii")))else:sys.stderr.write("%s : Cannot find RC4 pass info, is document encrypted?\n" % filename)from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
import base64def process_new_office(filename):# detect version of new Office used by reading "EncryptionInfo" streamole = OleFileIO(filename)stream = ole.openstream("EncryptionInfo")major_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]minor_version = unpack("<h", stream.read(2))[0]encryptionFlags = unpack("<I", stream.read(4))[0]  # encryptionFlagsif encryptionFlags == 16:  # fExternalsys.stderr.write("%s : An external cryptographic provider is not supported!\n" % filename)return -1if major_version == 0x04 and minor_version == 0x04:# Office 2010 and 2013 file detectedif encryptionFlags != 0x40:  # fAgilesys.stderr.write("%s : The encryption flags are not consistent with the encryption type\n" % filename)return -2# rest of the data is in XML formatdata = StringIO(stream.read())tree = ElementTree()tree.parse(data)for node in tree.getiterator('{http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/keyEncryptor/password}encryptedKey'):spinCount = node.attrib.get("spinCount")assert(spinCount)saltSize = node.attrib.get("saltSize")assert(saltSize)blockSize = node.attrib.get("blockSize")assert(blockSize)keyBits = node.attrib.get("keyBits")hashAlgorithm = node.attrib.get("hashAlgorithm")if hashAlgorithm == "SHA1":version = 2010elif hashAlgorithm == "SHA512":version = 2013else:sys.stderr.write("%s uses un-supported hashing algorithm %s, please file a bug! \n" \% (filename, hashAlgorithm))return -3cipherAlgorithm = node.attrib.get("cipherAlgorithm")if not cipherAlgorithm.find("AES") > -1:sys.stderr.write("%s uses un-supported cipher algorithm %s, please file a bug! \n" \% (filename, cipherAlgorithm))return -4saltValue = node.attrib.get("saltValue")assert(saltValue)encryptedVerifierHashInput = node.attrib.get("encryptedVerifierHashInput")encryptedVerifierHashValue = node.attrib.get("encryptedVerifierHashValue")encryptedVerifierHashValue = binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(encryptedVerifierHashValue.encode()))sys.stdout.write("%s:$office$*%d*%d*%d*%d*%s*%s*%s\n" % \(os.path.basename(filename), version,int(spinCount), int(keyBits), int(saltSize),binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(saltValue.encode())).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(encryptedVerifierHashInput.encode())).decode("ascii"),encryptedVerifierHashValue[0:64].decode("ascii")))return 0else:# Office 2007 file detected, process CryptoAPI Encryption Headerstm = streamheaderLength = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # skipFlagsheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # sizeExtraheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # algIdheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # algHashIdheaderLength -= 4keySize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]headerLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # providerTypeheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]  # unusedheaderLength -= 4CSPName = stm.read(headerLength)provider = CSPName.decode('utf-16').lower()# Encryption verifiersaltSize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]assert(saltSize == 16)salt = stm.read(saltSize)encryptedVerifier = stm.read(16)verifierHashSize = unpack("<I", stm.read(4))[0]encryptedVerifierHash = stm.read(verifierHashSize)sys.stdout.write("%s:$office$*%d*%d*%d*%d*%s*%s*%s\n" % \(os.path.basename(filename), 2007, verifierHashSize,keySize, saltSize, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(encryptedVerifierHash)[0:64].decode("ascii")))def xml_metadata_parser(data, filename):# Assuming Office 2010 and 2013 filedata = StringIO(data)tree = ElementTree()tree.parse(data)for node in tree.getiterator('{http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/keyEncryptor/password}encryptedKey'):spinCount = node.attrib.get("spinCount")assert(spinCount)saltSize = node.attrib.get("saltSize")assert(saltSize)blockSize = node.attrib.get("blockSize")assert(blockSize)keyBits = node.attrib.get("keyBits")hashAlgorithm = node.attrib.get("hashAlgorithm")if hashAlgorithm == "SHA1":version = 2010elif hashAlgorithm == "SHA512":version = 2013else:sys.stderr.write("%s uses un-supported hashing algorithm %s, please file a bug! \n" \% (filename, hashAlgorithm))return -3cipherAlgorithm = node.attrib.get("cipherAlgorithm")if not cipherAlgorithm.find("AES") > -1:sys.stderr.write("%s uses un-supported cipher algorithm %s, please file a bug! \n" \% (filename, cipherAlgorithm))return -4saltValue = node.attrib.get("saltValue")assert(saltValue)encryptedVerifierHashInput = node.attrib.get("encryptedVerifierHashInput")encryptedVerifierHashValue = node.attrib.get("encryptedVerifierHashValue")encryptedVerifierHashValue = binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(encryptedVerifierHashValue.encode()))sys.stdout.write("%s:$office$*%d*%d*%d*%d*%s*%s*%s\n" % \(os.path.basename(filename), version,int(spinCount), int(keyBits), int(saltSize),binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(saltValue.encode())).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(base64.decodestring(encryptedVerifierHashInput.encode())).decode("ascii"),encryptedVerifierHashValue[0:64].decode("ascii")))return 0have_summary = False
summary = []import redef remove_html_tags(data):p = re.compile(r'<.*?>', re.DOTALL)return p.sub('', str(data))def remove_extra_spaces(data):p = re.compile(r'\s+')return p.sub(' ', data)def process_file(filename):# Test if a file is an OLE container:try:f = open(filename, "rb")data = f.read(81920)  # is this enough?if data[0:2] == b"PK":sys.stderr.write("%s : zip container found, file is " \"unencrypted?, invalid OLE file!\n" % filename)f.close()return 1f.close()# ACCDB handling hack for MS Access >= 2007 (Office 12)accdb_magic = "Standard ACE DB"accdb_xml_start = '<?xml version="1.0"'accdb_xml_trailer = '</encryption>'if accdb_magic in data and accdb_xml_start in data:# find start and the end of the XML metadata streamstart = data.find(accdb_xml_start)trailer = data.find(accdb_xml_trailer)xml_metadata_parser(data[start:trailer+len(accdb_xml_trailer)], filename)returnif not isOleFile(filename):sys.stderr.write("%s : Invalid OLE file\n" % filename)return 1except Exception:e = sys.exc_info()[1]import tracebacktraceback.print_exc()sys.stderr.write("%s : OLE check failed, %s\n" % (filename, str(e)))return 2# Open OLE file:ole = OleFileIO(filename)stream = None# find "summary" streamsglobal have_summary, summaryhave_summary = Falsesummary = []for streamname in ole.listdir():streamname = streamname[-1]if streamname[0] == "\005":have_summary = Trueprops = ole.getproperties(streamname)for k, v in props.items():if v is None:continueif not PY3:if not isinstance(v, unicode): # We are only interested in stringscontinueelse:if not isinstance(v, str): # We are only interested in stringscontinuev = remove_html_tags(v)v = v.replace(":", "")v = remove_extra_spaces(v)#words = v.split()#words = filter(lambda x: len(x) < 20, words)#v = " ".join(words)summary.append(v)summary = " ".join(summary)summary = remove_extra_spaces(summary)if ["EncryptionInfo"] in ole.listdir():# process Office 2003 / 2010 / 2013 filesreturn process_new_office(filename)if ["Workbook"] in ole.listdir():stream = "Workbook"elif ["WordDocument"] in ole.listdir():stream = "1Table"elif ["PowerPoint Document"] in ole.listdir():stream = "Current User"else:sys.stderr.write("%s : No supported streams found\n" % filename)return 2try:workbookStream = ole.openstream(stream)except:import tracebacktraceback.print_exc()sys.stderr.write("%s : stream %s not found!\n" % (filename, stream))return 2if workbookStream is None:sys.stderr.write("%s : Error opening stream, %s\n" % filename)(filename, stream)return 3if stream == "Workbook":typ = 0passinfo = find_rc4_passinfo_xls(filename, workbookStream)if passinfo is None:return 4elif stream == "1Table":typ = 1sdoc = ole.openstream("WordDocument")ret = find_doc_type(filename, sdoc)if not ret:passinfo = find_rc4_passinfo_doc(filename, workbookStream)if passinfo is None:return 4else:return 5else:sppt = ole.openstream("Current User")offset = find_ppt_type(filename, sppt)sppt = ole.openstream("PowerPoint Document")find_rc4_passinfo_ppt(filename, sppt, offset)return 6(salt, verifier, verifierHash) = passinfoif not have_summary:sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(verifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(verifierHash).decode("ascii")))else:sys.stdout.write("%s:$oldoffice$%s*%s*%s*%s:::%s::%s\n" % (os.path.basename(filename),typ, binascii.hexlify(salt).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(verifier).decode("ascii"),binascii.hexlify(verifierHash).decode("ascii"),summary, filename))workbookStream.close()ole.close()return 0if __name__ == "__main__":if len(sys.argv) < 2:sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s <encrypted Office file(s)>\n" % sys.argv[0])sys.exit(1)#set_debug_mode(1)for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):if not PY3:ret = process_file(sys.argv[i].decode("utf8"))else:ret = process_file(sys.argv[i])



awk -F “:” ‘{print $2}’ hash.txt > hashhc.txt


hashcat -m 9500 hashhc.txt -a 3 ?b?b?b?b?b -w 3 -o out.txt

-w 选择掩码模式,hashcat内置有字符集,可以在这些字符集基础上使用–custom-charset再进行自定义:

-m                           指定哈希类型-a                            指定破解模式-V                            查看版本信息-o                            将输出结果储存到指定文件--force                     忽略警告--show                    仅显示破解的hash密码和对应的明文--remove                 从源文件中删除破解成功的hash--username             忽略hash表中的用户名-b                             测试计算机破解速度和相关硬件信息-O                            限制密码长度-T                            设置线程数-r                             使用规则文件-1                             自定义字符集  -1 0123asd     ?1={0123asd}-2                             自定义字符集  -2 0123asd    ?2={0123asd}-3                             自定义字符集  -3 0123asd    ?3={0123asd}-i                              启用增量破解模式--increment-min       设置密码最小长度--increment-max      设置密码最大长度hashcat破解模式介绍
0    straight                                           字典破解1    combination                                    将字典中密码进行组合(1 2>11 22 12 213    brute-force                                      使用指定掩码破解6    Hybrid Wordlist + Mask                  字典+掩码破解7    Hybrid Mask  + Wordlist                 掩码+字典破解
?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 代表小写字母
?d = 0123456789 代表数字
?s = !”#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ 代表特殊字符
?a = ?l?u?d?s 大小写数字及特殊字符的组合
?b = 0×000xff

hashcat.exe -m 9600 old.txt --custom-charset1 ?d?l -a3 ?1?1?1?1?1?1 -w 3 -o out.txt -O




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