目前,在博客园上,相对写得比较好的两个关于Direct2D的教程系列,分别是万一的Direct2D系列和zdd的Direct2D系列。有兴趣的网友可以去看看。本系列也是介绍Direct2D的教程,是基于Windows API Code Pack 1.1的Direct2D的教程,如果要调试文中的代码的话,还得参考前文 Direct2D教程I——简介及首个例子 下载导入Windows API Code Pack 1.1的动态库

在前文 Direct2D教程I——简介及首个例子 简单介绍了Direct2D,并给了一个简单的示例。接下来,本文对一些基本的绘图命令做个介绍



Public Sub DrawLine(firstPoint As Direct2D1.Point2F, secondPoint As Direct2D1.Point2F, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, skrokeWidth As Single, strokeStyle As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle)

Public Sub DrawRectangle(rect As Direct2D1.RectF, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single) 
Public Sub DrawRectangle(rect As Direct2D1.RectF, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single, strokeStyle As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle) 
Public Sub FillRectangle(rect As Direct2D1.RectF, brush As Direct2D1.Brush)

Public Sub DrawRoundedRectangle(roundedRect As Direct2D1.RoundedRect, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single)
Public Sub DrawRoundedRectangle(roundedRect As Direct2D1.RoundedRect, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single, strokeStyle As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle) 
Public Sub FillRoundedRectangle(roundedRect As Direct2D1.RoundedRect, brush As Direct2D1.Brush)

Public Sub DrawEllipse(ellipse As Direct2D1.Ellipse, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single)
Public Sub DrawEllipse(ellipse As Direct2D1.Ellipse, brush As Direct2D1.Brush, strokeWidth As Single, strokeStyle As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle) 
Public Sub FillEllipse(ellipse As Direct2D1.Ellipse, brush As Direct2D1.Brush)





Direct2D1. Point2F(x As Single, y As Single)
Direct2D1. RectF(left As Single, top As Single, right As Single, buttom As Single)
Direct2D1. RoundedRect(rect As Direct2D1. RectF, radiusX As Single, radiusY As Single)
Direct2D1. Ellipse(point As Direct2D1. Point2F, radiusX As Single, radiusY As Single)


Public  Class  clsDirect2DSample2
    Inherits  clsDirect2DSample

Public  Shadows  Sub Render()
        If  Not _renderTarget Is  Nothing  Then

With _renderTarget

Dim F1 As  New Direct2D1. RectF(0, 0, 100, 50)
                Dim F2 As  New Direct2D1. RectF(200, 200, 300, 250)
                Dim B As Direct2D1. SolidColorBrush = _renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush( New Direct2D1. ColorF(1, 0, 0))

_renderTarget.DrawRectangle(F1, B, 10)
                _renderTarget.DrawRectangle(F2, B, 10)

            End  With

End  If
    End  Sub

End  Class







Public Function CreateStrokeStyle(strokeStyleProperties As Direct2D1.StrokeStyleProperties) As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle
Public Function CreateStrokeStyle(strokeStyleProperties As Direct2D1.StrokeStyleProperties, dashes() As Single) As Direct2D1.StrokeStyle


Direct2D1.StrokeStyleProperties(startCap As Direct2D1.CapStyle, endCap As Direct2D1.CapStyle, dashCap As Direct2D1.CapStyle, _
                                            lineJoin As Direct2D1.LineJoin, miterLimit As Single, _
                                            dashStyle As Direct2D1.DashStyle, dashOffset As Single)
Public Enum CapStyle
    Flat = 0
    Square = 1
    Round = 2
    Triangle = 3
End Enum
Public Enum LineJoin
    Miter = 0
    Bevel = 1
    Round = 2
    MiterOrBevel = 3
End Enum
Public Enum DashStyle
    Solid = 0
    Dash = 1
    Dot = 2
    DashDot = 3
    DashDotDot = 4
    Custom = 5
End Enum





Public  Class  clsDirect2DSample3
    Inherits  clsDirect2DSample

Public  Shadows  Sub Render()
        If  Not _renderTarget Is  Nothing  Then

With _renderTarget

Dim B As Direct2D1. SolidColorBrush = _renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush( New Direct2D1. ColorF(1, 0, 0))
                Dim SP As  New Direct2D1. StrokeStyleProperties()
                Dim S As Direct2D1. StrokeStyle

SP.StartCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Flat
                SP.EndCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Flat
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 20), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 20), B, 8, S)

SP.StartCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Square
                SP.EndCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Square
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 40), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 40), B, 8, S)

SP.StartCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Round
                SP.EndCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Round
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 60), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 60), B, 8, S)

SP.StartCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Triangle
                SP.EndCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Triangle
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 80), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 80), B, 8, S)

SP.StartCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Flat
                SP.EndCap = Direct2D1. CapStyle.Flat
                SP.DashCap = Direct2D1.CapStyle.Round

SP.DashStyle = Direct2D1. DashStyle.Solid
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 120), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 120), B, 6, S)

SP.DashStyle = Direct2D1. DashStyle.Dash
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 140), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 140), B, 6, S)

SP.DashStyle = Direct2D1. DashStyle.Dot
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 160), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 160), B, 6, S)

SP.DashStyle = Direct2D1. DashStyle.DashDot
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 180), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 180), B, 6, S)

SP.DashStyle = Direct2D1. DashStyle.DashDotDot
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)
                _renderTarget.DrawLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(10, 200), New Direct2D1. Point2F(200, 200), B, 6, S)

            End  With
        End  If
    End  Sub
End  Class













Public  Class  clsDirect2DSample4
    Inherits  clsDirect2DSample

Public  Shadows  Sub Render()
        If  Not _renderTarget Is  Nothing  Then

With _renderTarget

Dim B As Direct2D1. SolidColorBrush = _renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush( New Direct2D1. ColorF(1, 0, 0))
                Dim SP As  New Direct2D1. StrokeStyleProperties()
                Dim S As Direct2D1. StrokeStyle

Dim PG As Direct2D1. PathGeometry
                Dim sink As Direct2D1. GeometrySink

PG = _d2DFactory.CreatePathGeometry
                sink = PG.Open

sink.BeginFigure( New Direct2D1. Point2F(17, 17), Direct2D1. FigureBegin.Hollow)

sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(45, 85))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(85, 45))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(85, 125))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(165, 17))

sink.EndFigure(Direct2D1. FigureEnd.Open)

SP.LineJoin = Direct2D1. LineJoin.Miter
                SP.MiterLimit = 3
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)

.DrawGeometry(PG, B, 10, S)

PG = _d2DFactory.CreatePathGeometry
                sink = PG.Open

sink.BeginFigure( New Direct2D1. Point2F(217, 17), Direct2D1. FigureBegin.Hollow)

sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(245, 85))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(285, 45))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(285, 125))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(365, 17))

sink.EndFigure(Direct2D1. FigureEnd.Open)

SP.LineJoin = Direct2D1. LineJoin.Bevel
                SP.MiterLimit = 3
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)

.DrawGeometry(PG, B, 10, S)

PG = _d2DFactory.CreatePathGeometry
                sink = PG.Open

sink.BeginFigure( New Direct2D1. Point2F(17, 217), Direct2D1. FigureBegin.Hollow)

sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(45, 285))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(85, 245))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(85, 325))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(165, 217))

sink.EndFigure(Direct2D1. FigureEnd.Open)

SP.LineJoin = Direct2D1. LineJoin.Round
                SP.MiterLimit = 3
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)

.DrawGeometry(PG, B, 10, S)

PG = _d2DFactory.CreatePathGeometry
                sink = PG.Open

sink.BeginFigure( New Direct2D1. Point2F(217, 217), Direct2D1. FigureBegin.Hollow)

sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(245, 285))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(285, 245))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(285, 325))
                sink.AddLine( New Direct2D1. Point2F(365, 217))

sink.EndFigure(Direct2D1. FigureEnd.Open)

SP.LineJoin = Direct2D1. LineJoin.MiterOrBevel
                SP.MiterLimit = 3
                S = _d2DFactory.CreateStrokeStyle(SP)

.DrawGeometry(PG, B, 10, S)

            End  With

End  If
    End  Sub

End  Class





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