c语言 函数的参数传递示例

C ++ restder()函数 (C++ remainder() function)

remainder() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to calculate the remainder (IEC 60559), it accepts two parameters (numerator and denominator) and returns the remainder (floating-point) of numerator/denominator rounded to nearest,

restder()函数cmath标头的库函数,用于计算余数(IEC 60559),它接受两个参数( 分子分母 ),并返回四舍五入到最接近的分子 / 分母的余数(浮点数),

    remainder = numerator - rquot * denominator

Where, rquot is the value of numerator/denominator (rounded to the nearest integral value with halfway cases rounded toward the even number.

其中, rquot分子 / 分母的值(四舍五入为最接近的整数值,中位数为四舍五入为偶数)。

Syntax of remainder() function:



C ++ 11:

     double remainder (double numer     , double denom);
float remainder (float numer      , float denom);
long double remainder (long double numer, long double denom);
double remainder (Type1 numer      , Type2 denom);



  • numer, denom – represent the values of numerator and denominator.

    numer,denom –表示分子分母的值。

Return value:


It returns the remainder.




  • If the remainder is 0, then its sign is the same as the sign of numer.


  • If the value of denom is 0, the result may either 0 or it may cause a domain error.




double x = 15.46;
double y = 12.56;
Function call:
remainder(x, y);

C ++代码来演示restder()函数的示例 (C++ code to demonstrate the example of remainder() function)

// C++ code to demonstrate the example of
// remainder() function
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// main() section
int main()
double x;
double y;
x = 10;
y = 2;
cout << "remainder(" << x << "," << y << "): " << remainder(x, y);
cout << endl;
x = 5.3;
y = 2;
cout << "remainder(" << x << "," << y << "): " << remainder(x, y);
cout << endl;
x = 15.46;
y = 12.56;
cout << "remainder(" << x << "," << y << "): " << remainder(x, y);
cout << endl;
x = -10.2;
y = 2;
cout << "remainder(" << x << "," << y << "): " << remainder(x, y);
cout << endl;
return 0;



remainder(10,2): 0
remainder(5.3,2): -0.7
remainder(15.46,12.56): 2.9
remainder(-10.2,2): -0.2

Reference: C++ remainder() function

参考: C ++ restder()函数

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/remainder-function-with-example.aspx

c语言 函数的参数传递示例

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