
DBMS College professor once realized that students feel sad when they see their friend's marks higher than them and it creates a negative impact on them. It gave the Professor an idea to create a view table in his student academic result database.

DBMS学院的教授曾经意识到,当学生看到朋友的标记比他们高时会感到难过,这会对他们产生负面影响。 这给了教授一个想法, 可以在他的学生学术成绩数据库中创建视图表

In the database, View is a virtual table that combines the result set of a stored query. It is very important when we want to restrict a certain user from accessing the entire database. View is dynamic and can be computed from the data in the database. Changing the data in a table alters the data shown in the view as well.

在数据库中, View是一个虚拟表,它结合了存储查询的结果集 。 当我们想限制某个用户访问整个数据库时,这一点非常重要。 视图是动态的,可以根据数据库中的数据进行计算。 更改表中的数据也会更改视图中显示的数据。

When the Professor applies this technique, the student got to see their marks only and thus create a positive impact on the students as they are now competing with the one person only, themselves.


In a relational database, a view is not the part of a relational schema.

在关系数据库中, 视图不是关系模式的一部分。

1.创建视图 (1. Create view)

Syntax to create a view:


    create or replace
view view_name
select column_name1, column_name2,...
from table_name
where condition;



Suppose, we have to create a student view table of view10.


view view10
select marks from student
where rollno = 10;

2.放下视图 (2. Drop View)

Syntax to drop a view:


    drop view viewname;



If view10 table has to be dropped, the command looks like:


drop view view10;

DBMS中视图的优点 (Advantages of a view in DBMS)

  1. Views can subset the data in a table.


  2. Views can join and simplify the tables in a virtual table.


  3. Views do not require additional storage.


  4. Views can hide the complexity of the database and the data the user must hide that.


  5. Views can act as aggregated tables where aggregated data (sum, average, etc.) are calculated and presented as part of data.


  6. Views can provide additional security from unauthorized users and unauthorized access.


DBMS中视图的缺点 (Disadvantages of a view in DBMS)

Database view may be slow if it is approved from a view table that is generated from another view.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dbms/views-in-dbms.aspx



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