篇一:大学英语作文之我理想的工作my ideal job

My Ideal Job

As college students, we will step into the society, and now we need to prepare for our future and arrange for our future career life, we need to take into consideration what to do in the future. my ideal job is to be a teacher.This three reasons support my idea.

First, I think to be a teacher is very interesting for me. I like to play with children and stay with them because of their innocence and purity, what's more, children's enthusiasm affect me and make me happy. Since I was young, I always played as a teacher,and taught my little sister their lessons. If I can be a teacher, I can stay with them all days and realize my dream. Therefore, to be a teacher is my personal favourite job.

Second, I admire this job. To be a teacher is a holy job. Teachers spend their whole life on spreading their knowledge and morality to students. Teachers waste their youth to make contribution to our nation. Teachers cultivate some great person who make beneficial to the society. For example, Confucius was a great teacher in our country, and his achievement is so great that no one can surpass him.

Third, I think to be a teacher depends on my character. I am outgoing and I have a strong responsibility. I like to communicate with others about books or something else. I used to tutor my classmates about our book theory, and I used to find some part—time jobs like tutor. my students said that I was a responsible teacher.

In conclusion, to be a teacher is my dream and I will try my best to make it come true.


As a college student,I can be responsible to say that all my classmates dream about getting a satisfying job,and devote themselves to this career in an perfect environment.Certainly I am not an exception too,though nowadays there is a growing employment pressure . For many students, a satisfying work environment may be the aim of four-year college life,I also hope I can work in a colorful and competitive climate in the future .At first,I can get a handsome salary so that I live a comfortable life .Although salary is not the main factor , most of people they cannot neglect salary,because job with low salary cannot hold water for the young men . What's more, I can learn more working experience and get a wide view to increase my knowledge,because I think there is no limit to knowledge and if one person wants to take a great progress in his career learning is the only way .In finally ,I hope I can meet a competitive opponent.There was a saying by Charles darwin:” It is not the strongest of the species that survive,but the one most responsive to change”.So I think competition is conducive to progress. There is no doubt that everybody want to get a perfect job,but employment pressure has been a problem that we cannot overlook.So we have to spare no effects to improve ourselves ,I believe that we can get a satisfying job as long as we constantly strive to study.







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