

IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® is a bug tracking system that offers flexible defect and change tracking, process automation, reporting and lifecycle traceability for better visibility and control of the development lifecycle.

Rational ClearQuest ALM Appliance is a virtual server with Rational ClearQuest, pre-configured with easy-to-use and flexible change management practices, project iteration planning, work tracking, and access based on web 2.0 for global teams. The appliance includes a pre-configured IBM DB2 database repository and runs as a virtual SUSE Linux server on a VMware hypervisor. After setup, you're ready to go.

Create repeatable, enforceable and predictable processes

IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® helps you improve team collaboration by integrating typically siloed processes such as analysis, development, testing and deployment. Automated workflows and email notification help ensure that appropriate team members are alerted in near real time when action is required. Team members also receive information about any change or update that can impact their activities. Workflows are ready for immediate use to jump-start your implementation.

Get process automation and full lifecycle traceability

This software allows you to customize and enforce consistent development processes to achieve an integrated, consolidated view across the project. In addition to process automation and lifecycle traceability, the IBM Rational ClearQuest security features such as user authentication, user authorization, electronic signatures and audit trails are critical to help ensure compliance with internal and external requirements.

Access the most up-to-date information

This software provides deployments that can support thousands of users, working across dozens of sites. A wide range of access capabilities helps ensure that all team members, local and remote, have access to the most up-to-date information virtually anytime, anywhere. Whether your team is a small workgroup at a single location or a highly distributed team spanning multiple locations, IBM Rational ClearQuest software provides the flexibility and scalability to support your organizational needs.

Get clear insight into your processes

IBM Rational ClearQuest provides support for querying, charting and reporting. Distribution, trend and aging charts help you visualize complex data. Charts can be created and refined to allow you to drill into the area of data that you need. Queries and reports allow you to view the associations of requirements and the status of your test planning, test authoring and test execution activities.

ClearQuest 是IBM Rational提供的缺陷及变更管理工具。它对软件缺陷或功能特性等任务记录提供跟踪管理。提供了查询定制和多种图表报表。每次查询都可以定制,以实现不同管理流程的要求。



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  7. CCIE自学-by闫辉NP视频:QoS小结

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