
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Using the new Audio Sharing feature introduced in iOS 13.1 and iPadOS 13.1, you can share audio from one iPhone with two AirPods. You can watch a video or listen to a song along with your friend in just a tap!

使用iOS 13.1和iPadOS 13.1中引入的新音频共享功能,您可以与两台AirPods共享一台iPhone的音频。 您可以与您的朋友一起观看视频或听歌!

There are two main ways to share audio from one device to two AirPods. We’ve already covered how to directly connect two AirPods to a single iPhone or iPad.

将音频从一台设备共享到两个AirPods的主要方法有两种。 我们已经介绍了如何将两个AirPods直接连接到单个iPhone或iPad。

In this guide, we’ll focus on using the Share Audio feature available on devices running iOS 13.1, iPadOS 13.1, and above that lets you share audio between devices without the need for pairing both sets of AirPods.

在本指南中,我们将重点介绍在运行iOS 13.1,iPadOS 13.1及更高版本的设备上可用的共享音频功能,该功能使您可以在设备之间共享音频,而无需将两组AirPods配对。

要求 (Requirements)

As mentioned above, this feature works on devices running iOS 13.1, iPadOS 13.1, or higher, and ones that support Bluetooth 5.0. The feature will work for iPhone 8 and higher, iPad Pros, iPad (5th gen and later), iPad Air (3rd gen), iPad mini (5th gen), and the iPod Touch (7th gen).

如上所述,此功能可在运行iOS 13.1,iPadOS 13.1或更高版本以及支持蓝牙5.0的设备上使用。 此功能适用于iPhone 8和更高版本,iPad Pro,iPad(第5代及更高版本),iPad Air(第3代),iPad mini(第5代)和iPod Touch(第7代)。

When it comes to headphones, Apple supports a range of AirPods and Beats headphones. The feature will work on AirPods, AirPods Pro, Powerbeats Pro, Powerbeats 3, Beats Solo Pro, Beats Solo 3 Wireless, Beats Studio 3 Wireless, and Beats X. Basically, any of Apple’s headphones that include the W1 or H1 chip.

在耳机方面,Apple支持一系列AirPods和Beats耳机。 该功能可在AirPods,AirPods Pro,Powerbeats Pro,Powerbeats 3,Beats Solo Pro,Beats Solo 3 Wireless,Beats Studio 3 Wireless和Beats X上使用。基本上,包括W1或H1芯片的任何Apple耳机。

如何使用音频共享功能 (How to Use the Audio Sharing Feature)

The Audio Sharing feature can be accessed using the Control Center.


On your iPhone or iPad with a software home bar, swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen (where you can see the status symbols) to access the Control Center.


If you have an iPhone or iPad with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen to reveal the Control Center.

如果您的iPhone或iPad带有“主页”按钮,请从屏幕底部向上滑动以显示Control Center。

From the Control Center, press and hold on the “Now Playing” toggle.


Here, tap on the AirPlay button.


You can also get to this screen by tapping on the AirPlay button from the Music app or the Now Playing widget on the lockscreen.

您还可以通过点击“音乐”应用程序中的“ AirPlay”按钮或锁定屏幕上的“正在播放”小部件来进入此屏幕。

Along with your connected AirPods, you’ll see a new “Share Audio” button. Tap on it.

连同连接的AirPods,您将看到一个新的“共享音频”按钮。 点击它。

Now, bring the other iPhone or iPad near your device, with the headphones connected to them. You can also bring their AirPods or headphones near your device.

现在,将另一部iPhone或iPad靠近您的设备,并连接耳机。 您也可以将其AirPods或耳机带到设备附近。

You’ll see the paired device in the popup. Here, tap on the “Share Audio” button.

您将在弹出窗口中看到已配对的设备。 在这里,点击“共享音频”按钮。

Now both devices will be connected to your iPhone or iPad.


You’ll see checkmarks next to the two devices. The current device will have a checkmark next to it. To connect to the second pair of headphones, just tap on it.

您会在两个设备旁边看到复选标记。 当前设备旁边将带有复选标记。 要连接第二副耳机,只需点按它即可。

Both devices are now connected to your iOS or iPadOS device. Start playing media, and it will start playing on both headphones simultaneously.

这两个设备现在都已连接到您的iOS或iPadOS设备。 开始播放媒体,它将同时在两个耳机上播放。

To disconnect one of the sets of earbuds or headphones, go back to the AirPlay screen and tap on the checkmark icon again. You can also turn the headphones off or put the AirPods back in the case to stop the audio sharing.

要断开一组耳塞或耳机的连接,请返回AirPlay屏幕并再次点击对勾图标。 您也可以关闭耳机或将AirPods放回外壳中以停止音频共享。

Take a look at these eight settings once you’ve upgraded to iOS13 to get the most out of the update.





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