
在Kali 2017以前的版本中默认有一款截图工具--screenshot,升级到2017版后找不到了,下面介绍一款同样好用的截图工具---shutter

在Kali 2017以前的版本中默认有一款截图工具--screenshot,升级到2017版后找不到了,下面介绍一款同样好用的截图工具---shutter


root@kali:~# apt-get update

root@kali:~# apt-get install shutter





[email protected]:~# shutter -d SECONDS


WARNING: gnome-web-photo is missing --> screenshots of websites will be disabled!

WARNING: Image::ExifTool is missing --> writing Exif information will be disabled!


shutter [options]


Example 1

shutter -a -p=myprofile --min_at_startup

Example 2

shutter -s=100,100,300,300 -e

Example 3

shutter --window=.*firefox.*

Example 4

shutter --web=http://shutter-project.org/ -e

Capture Mode Options:

-s, --select=[X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT]

Capture an area of the screen. Providing X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT is


-f, --full

Capture the entire screen.

-w, --window=[NAME_PATTERN]

Select a window to capture. Providing a NAME_PATTERN (Perl-style

regex) ist optional.

-a, --active

Capture the current active window.


Capture a section. You will be able to select any child window

by moving the mouse over it.

-m, --menu

Capture a menu.

-t, --tooltip

Capture a tooltip.


Capture a webpage. Providing an URL ist optional.

-r, --redo

Redo last screenshot.

Settings Options:

-p, --profile=NAME

Load a specific profile on startup.

-o, --output=FILENAME

Specify a filename to save the screenshot to (overwrites any

profile-related setting).

Supported image formats: You can save to any popular image

format (e.g. jpeg, png, gif, bmp). Additionally it is possible

to save to pdf, ps or svg.

Please note: There are several wildcards available, like

%Y = year

%m = month

%d = day

%T = time

$w = width

$h = height

$name = multi-purpose (e.g. window title)

$nb_name = like $name but without blanks in resulting strings

$profile = name of current profile

$R = random char (e.g. $RRRR = ag4r)

%NN = counter

The string is interpretted by strftime. See "man strftime" for

more examples.

As an example: shutter -f -e -o './%y-%m-%d_$w_$h.png' would

create a file named '11-10-28_1280_800.png' in the current


-d, --delay=SECONDS

Wait n seconds before taking a screenshot.

-c, --include_cursor

Include cursor when taking a screenshot.

-C, --remove_cursor

Remove cursor when taking a screenshot.

Application Options:

-h, --help

Prints a brief help message and exits.

-v, --version

Prints version information.

--debug Prints a lot of debugging information to STDOUT.


Clears cache, e.g. installed plugins, at startup.


Starts Shutter minimized to tray.


Disables systray icon.

-e, --exit_after_capture

Exit after the first capture has been made. This is useful when

using Shutter in scripts.

-n, --no_session

Do not add the screenshot to the session. This is useful when

using Shutter in scripts.

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