

If you have a relatively small collection of key-values that you'd like to save, you should use theSharedPreferences APIs. ASharedPreferences object points to a file containing key-value pairs and provides simple methods to read and write them. EachSharedPreferences file is managed by the framework and can be private or shared.

如果你有一个相对较小的键-值对集合想要存储,你应该使用SharedPreferences APIs。一个SharedPreferences对象指向一个包含键值对的文件,并且提供了一些简单的方法来进行读取和写入它们。每个SharedPreferences文件可以是私有的或是共享的,靠framework来管理它们。

This class shows you how to use the SharedPreferences APIs to store and retrieve simple values.

这节课演示如何使用SharedPreferences APIs来存储和检索简单的值。

Note: The SharedPreferences APIs are only for reading and writing key-value pairs and you should not confuse them with thePreference APIs, which help you build a user interface for your app settings (although they useSharedPreferences as their implementation to save the app settings). For information about using thePreference APIs, see theSettings guide.

注意:SharedPreferences APIs不仅仅可以读取和写入键值对,而且你不应该把它们和Preference APIs相混淆,后者帮助你为你的app设置建立一个用户接口(尽管在存储app设置时它们使用SharedPreferences实现)。

Get a Handle to a SharedPreferences ——得到一个SharedPreferences的句柄

You can create a new shared preference file or access an existing one by calling one of two methods:

  • getSharedPreferences() — Use this if you need multiple shared preference files identified by name, which you specify with the first parameter. You can call this from anyContext in your app.
  • getPreferences() — Use this from anActivity if you need to use only one shared preference file for the activity. Because this retrieves a default shared preference file that belongs to the activity, you don't need to supply a name.


  • getSharedPreferences()——如果你需要多个 依靠名字(第一个参数)定义的共享引用文件,你可以使用这个函数。你可以从你的app中的任意Context里调用它。
  • getPreferences()——如果你在这个activity中仅仅需要使用一个共享应用文件,就使用这个方法。因为它检索一个属于这个activity的默认共享应用文件,你不需要提供一个名称。

For example, the following code is executed inside a Fragment. It accesses the shared preferences file that's identified by the resource stringR.string.preference_file_key and opens it using the private mode so the file is accessible by only your app.


Context context = getActivity();
SharedPreferences sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences(getString(R.string.preference_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

When naming your shared preference files, you should use a name that's uniquely identifiable to your app, such as"com.example.myapp.PREFERENCE_FILE_KEY"

Alternatively, if you need just one shared preference file for your activity, you can use thegetPreferences() method:


SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

Caution: If you create a shared preferences file withMODE_WORLD_READABLE orMODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, then any other apps that know the file identifier can access your data.

警告:如果你使用MODE_WORLD_READABLE 或者MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE ,那么其他任何apps都知道这个文件标识符可以访问你的数据。

Write to Shared Preferences —— 向共享引用写入数据

To write to a shared preferences file, create a SharedPreferences.Editor by callingedit() on yourSharedPreferences.

为了向一个共享的应用文件写入,通过在你的SharedPreferences调用edit() 来创建一个SharedPreferences.Editor。

Pass the keys and values you want to write with methods such as putInt() andputString(). Then callcommit() to save the changes. For example:

利用putInt() 和putString()这样的方法传递你想要写入的键和值。然后调用commit()来存储变化。例如:

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Read from Shared Preferences —— 从共享引用中读取数据

To retrieve values from a shared preferences file, call methods such as getInt() andgetString(), providing the key for the value you want, and optionally a default value to return if the key isn't present. For example:

为了从一个共享引用文件中检索数值,调用getInt() andgetString()等方法,提供一个你想到得到的键,和一个供选择的默认返回值(如果这个键不存在的话)。例如:

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore = sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), defaultValue);



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