hugo 能做web开发吗

After hosting with Netlify for a few years, I decided to head back to self hosting. There are a few reasons for that, but the main reasoning was that I had more control over how things worked.

在Netlify托管了几年之后,我决定回到自助托管。 这样做有几个原因,但是主要的原因是我对事情的运作方式有更多的控制权。

In this post, I'll show you my workflow for deploying my Hugo generated site (

在这篇文章中,我将向您展示部署Hugo生成的网站( )的工作流程。

Instead of using what most people would go for, I'll be doing all of this using a FreeBSD Jails-based server. Plus I'll show you some tricks I've learned over the years on bulk image resizing and more.

我将不使用大多数人想要的东西,而是使用基于FreeBSD Jails的服务器来完成所有这些工作。 另外,我将向您展示我多年来在批量图像调整大小上学到的一些技巧。

Let's get to it.


在哪里托管? (Where to host?)

If you want to host your own service, you'll need a server. That's where a VPS provider like Digital Ocean or Vultr comes in. I've been a fan and have used Digital Ocean for a while now.

如果要托管自己的服务,则需要一台服务器。 那就是VPS提供商(例如Digital Ocean或Vultr)加入的地方。我一直是粉丝,并且使用Digital Ocean已有一段时间了。

To set up a new server here are some steps:


  1. Login to Digital Ocean. If you don’t have Digital Ocean and would like to support this blog click here to create an account.

    登录到数字海洋。 如果您没有Digital Ocean并想支持此博客,请单击此处创建一个帐户。

  2. Go to Account Settings -> Security and make sure you have an SSH key setup.

    转到Account Settings -> Security ,并确保您具有SSH密钥设置。

  3. Create a new FreeBSD droplet. Make sure you use the UFS version

    创建一个新的FreeBSD Droplet。 确保使用UFS版本

  4. Make sure you select the $5 a month plan. For simple installs, this is more than enough!

    确保选择每月5美元的计划。 对于简单的安装,这已绰绰有余!

  5. Make sure your SSH key is selected


  6. Finally click that green Create Droplet button!


  7. SSH in once you’re done: ssh root@<yourserverip>

    完成后即可使用SSH: ssh root@<yourserverip>

使用Bastille设置FreeBSD服务器 (Setting up your FreeBSD server with Bastille)

Up until recently, everything was running on a Docker based platform using Exoframe. It was easy and almost brainless.

直到最近,一切都使用Exoframe在基于Docker的平台上运行。 这很容易,几乎没有头脑。

The downside was that Docker takes up wayyyy too many resources. Plus managing files within a Docker container is as much or more work than hosting it natively. Oh, and have you checked how much space Docker has been using on your machine lately? On my development machine its was about 19GB of space.

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