
做很多项目。 (Do lots of projects.)

I'm not kidding, it's really that simple. If you've internalized this, stop reading and go work.

我不是在开玩笑,这真的很简单。 如果您已将其内部化,请停止阅读并开始工作。

项目无处不在 (Projects Everywhere)

  • When you get the job, you'll do projects.


  • When you find a better job, you'll lead projects.


  • When you open that multi-million dollar consulting company you're dreaming of, you'll run many projects.


So to become a distinguished developer you must—say it with me now—do lots of projects!

因此,要成为一名杰出的开发人员,您必须-现在与我一起说- 做很多项目

那么书籍和课程呢? (What About Books and Courses?)

In theory, they're great.


But in reality, they can be a brilliant source of procrastination.


Of all your learning material, how much did you finish? Even better, how much of it directly impacted your career?

在所有学习材料中,您完成了多少? 更好的是,其中多少直接影响了您的职业?

Little to none? Trust me I've been there. My own physical and virtual libraries are packed with the same dusty volumes.

几乎没有? 相信我,我去过那里。 我自己的物理和虚拟库挤满了相同的尘土卷。

It's because we're doing it backwards.


使用它们作为参考 (Use Them as References)

First tackle a problem or interesting idea, then maybe buy something. Because without action, books and courses are just interesting information.

首先解决问题或有趣的主意,然后也许买些东西。 因为没有行动,书籍和课程只是有趣的信息。

You'll sound very smart, but you won't be very useful.


In the context of a project, however, all of that information is invaluable to better understanding your problem space.


I love books! I'm not saying "Don't read".

我喜欢书! 我不是说“不读”。

I'm saying find a project that intimidates you a little. Try to complete it, then use your material as a reference when you inevitably get stuck.

我说的是找到一个使您感到有些恐惧的项目。 尝试完成它,然后在不可避免地卡住时将您的材料用作参考。

Do this and watch your gains fly to the moon.


我是Web开发的新手,从哪里开始? (I'm New to Web Development, Where Do I Start?)

I can't emphasize this enough–pick a project!

我对此不够强调– 选择一个项目

After that, the process is simple:


  • Learn just enough to move forward


  • Get stuck卡住了
  • Learn just enough to move forward


Over and over again.


It's maddeningly simple, that's why hardly anyone does it. We look for a grand, overly-complex system that'll "drive us to success", while ignoring this timeless principle...

这非常简单,这就是为什么几乎没有人这样做。 我们正在寻找一个宏伟的,过于复杂的系统,它将“驱使我们走向成功”,而忽略了这一永恒的原则……

Find something you can't do, and figure out how to do it. Whatever it takes.

找到您无法做的事情,并找出解决方法。 不管付出什么代价。

终极入门项目 (The Ultimate Beginner Project)

In my opinion, TodoMVC is the ultimate beginner project. It's conceptually simple, yet has an interesting design and nice amount of functionality.

我认为TodoMVC是最终的初学者项目。 它在概念上很简单,但是却具有有趣的设计和丰富的功能。

  1. Add todos添加待办事项
  2. Edit todos by double-clicking双击编辑待办事项
  3. Delete todos删除待办事项
  4. Check/Uncheck todos选中/取消选中待办事项
  5. Filters for complete/active todos筛选完整/有效待办事项
  6. Counts how many todos are left计算剩余的待办事项数
  7. Todos are saved to LocalStorage待办事项已保存到LocalStorage

Code a pixel-perfect copy in HTML/CSS, then implement the functionality in JavaScript.

用HTML / CSS编写像素完美的副本,然后用JavaScript实现功能。

Do whatever it takes to get this done. If you buy a book or course, it's specifically to complete TodoMVC.

尽一切努力完成此任务。 如果您购买一本书或一门课程,则专门用来完成TodoMVC。

You shouldn't need any though. Google and FreeCodeCamp are perfect resources, and their total cost is $0.

您什么也不需要。 Google和FreeCodeCamp是完美的资源,它们的总成本为$ 0。

As a professional web developer, I've personally used TodoMVC to...


  • Sharpen my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills.增强我HTML,CSS和JavaScript技能。
  • Learn React two weeks before starting my role as a Lead React developer.在开始担任Lead React开发人员的角色前两周,学习React。
  • Acquaint myself with a whole new programming language.熟悉一种全新的编程语言。

Wherever you are, whatever you're learning, TodoMVC is the perfect introductory project.


After that, pick something new or even a harder version TodoMVC.


  • Allow users to sign in with GitHub允许用户使用GitHub登录
  • Save users' todos in a database将用户的待办事项保存在数据库中
  • Show them next time they log in下次登录时显示给他们
  • Fall back to LocalStorage if they don't want to sign in如果他们不想登录,请退回到LocalStorage

The complexity can scale almost indefinitely. If you hate todo lists for whatever reason, fine. My advice still stands—pick a project.

复杂性几乎可以无限扩展。 如果您出于任何原因讨厌待办事项清单,则可以。 我的建议仍然有效- 选择一个项目

那简历,GitHub等呢? (What About Resume, GitHub, etc?)

These are your finishing touches.


First lay a strong foundation of quality projects, then feature them everywhere–on your GitHub, Resume, LinkedIn, personal website.


For extra credit, learn to use Git/GitHub as you're doing the project. The workflow will eventually feel comfortable, and you'll be simulating a work environment much closer.

要获得额外的荣誉,请在执行项目时学习使用Git / GitHub。 工作流程最终将使您感到舒适,并且您将更接近地模拟工作环境。

Whether it's open source, a meetup, or by yourself, just do lots of projects.


需要免费辅导吗? (Want Free Coaching?)

If you'd like to schedule a free 15-30 minute call to discuss Front-End development questions regarding code, interviews, career, or anything else follow me on Twitter and DM me.

如果您想安排15-30分钟的免费电话来讨论有关代码,面试,职业或其他方面的前端开发问题,请在Twitter和DM me上关注我 。

After that if you enjoy our first meeting, we can discuss an ongoing coaching relationship that'll help you reach your Front-End development goals!


谢谢阅读 (Thanks for reading)

For more content like this, check out https://yazeedb.com!


Until next time!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-guaranteed-fastest-way-to-break-into-web-development/



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