
(时间:120分钟 共100分)

课程编号:080920201、080940201 课程名称:C语言程序设计 试题类别: A考试类型:闭卷

Part Ⅰ

For each of the following questions, fill-in one of either: A, B, C, or D on the blanks.

(There are 15 questions, each of which is worth 2 mark.total 40.)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( )

11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( )

1. The declaration _____ declares the variable which can hold the smallest positive


A) int a; B) float b; C) char c; D) double d;

2. Which one of following operators cannot be used as a unary-operator(单目操作符).

A) + B) - C) * D) / 3. Which one is not used as a character constant. A) " B) \' C) \t D) \n 4. If c is a character variable, its value is 1 or 0 after evaluating the expression ______。 A) c=getchar()!=EOF B) (c=getchar())!=EOF C) c = 1 D) c = 0 5. The precedence of operator _____ is the highest one. A) += B) [ ] C) ? : D) ++ 6. Which one of following marks can be defined as identifier? A) int B)float C) char D)string 7. Which one of the following expressions is equivalent to: a>x>b A. xb B. x>a || xa && xb 8.Having declaration statement: int a=5, b=3, c; after execution ststement c=a>b?a:b;,the value of c is A) 0 B)1 C) 5 D) 3 9. Given the following declarations of arrays, which one is invalid. A) char str[10]= {1,2,3}; B) int a[10] ; C) int x[5] [6 ]; D) int x[ ][6];

10. data type of variable f and i: float f=3.0; int i=5; choose right output format for statement: printf(“ ”, f+i); A) %d B) %f C) %s D) %c 11. Which one of following expression is equivalent to n=*(p++).

A) p+=1,n=*p B) n=*p, p+=1 C) n=*p, n+=1 D) uncertain

12. Having initialization: int a=6,b=5,c=8,d=7,m=2,n=2; the value of m and n after

executed the expression (m=a

A) 0 0 B) 0 2 C) 2 2 D) 2 0

13. Having declaration statement: int a=0; , after excution of statement a = (2*3, 3*4, 4*5, 5*6); the value of a is A) 6 B)12 C) 20 D) 30 14. According to the declaration: int *p[10], p is a

A) pointer B) array C) function D) element of a array 15. The following is a segment of a program: char a[10]=”123456789”; a[5]=0; printf(“%s”,a); What will be output after execution output statement:

A)123406789 B)123450 C)12345 D) 1234

16. What will be output after execution of following programming? main()

{ int n=9;

while(n>=6) {n--;printf(“%d”, n);}

} A) 9876 B) 8765 C)987 D) 876

17. What will be output after execution of following programming? main(){ int a=5,b=8,c=13; printf("%d\n",a>b?a>c?a:c:b>c?b:c); } A) 5 B) 13 C) 1 D) 0 18. What will be output after execution of following programming?

main() { char str[][10]={"China","Beijing"};  printf("%s\n",*(str+1)); }

A) ChinaBejing B) China C) Bejing D)C 19. What will be output after execution of following programming? main() { char a[10]= “012345678”; printf(“%d, %d”,strlen(a), sizeof(a)); } A) 10,0 B) 0,10 C)10,9 D)9,10 20. According to the declaration: int a[10], *p=&a[2]; the last element of the array a is A)p[5] B) p[6] C) p[7] D) p[8] Part Ⅱ


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