
1、ASCII to Unicode

函数: wcstombs(VC6)、wcstombs_s


//This example converts a wide character
//string to a multibyte character string.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>#define BUFFER_SIZE 100int main(void)
{size_t i;char *pMBBuffer = (char *)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);wchar_t *pWCBuffer = L"Hello, world.";printf("Convert wide-character string:\n");//Conversionwcstombs_s(&i, pMBBuffer, (size_t)BUFFER_SIZE, pWCBuffer, (size_t)BUFFER_SIZE);//Outputprintf(" Characters converted: %u\n", i);printf(" Multibyte character: %s\n\n", pMBBuffer);//Free multibyte character bufferif (pMBBuffer) {free(pMBBuffer);}

2、Unicode to ASCII

函数: mbstowcs

//compile with: /W3
//illustrates the behavior of the mbstowcs function#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>int main(void)
{size_t size;int nChar = 2; //number of characters to convertint requiredSize;unsigned char *pmbnull = NULL;unsigned char *pmbhello = NULL;char *localeInfo;wchar_t *pwchello = L"\x3042\x3043"; //2 Hiragana characterswchar_t *pwc;/*Enable the Japanese locale and codepage */localeInfo = setlocale(LC_ALL, "Japanese_Japan.932");printf("Locale information set to %s\n", localeInfo);printf("Convert to multibyte string:\n");requiredSize = wcstombs(NULL, pwchello, 0);  //C4966//Note: wcstombs is deprecated; consider using wcstombs_sprintf("Required Size: %d\n", requiredSize);/*Add one to leave room for the null terminator.*/pmbhello = (unsigned char *)malloc(requiredSize + 1);if (!pmbhello) {printf("Memory allocation failure.\n");return 1;}size = wcstombs(pmbhello, pwchello, requiredSize + 1); //C4996//Note: wcstombs is deprecated; consider using wcstombs_sif (size == (size_t)(-1)) {printf("Couldn't convert string. Code page 932 may"" not be available.\n");return 1;}printf("Number of bytes written to multibyte string: %u\n", (unsigned int)size);printf("Hex values of the ");printf("multibyte characters: %#.2x %#.2x %#.2x %#.2x\n",pmbhello[0], pmbhello[1], pmbhello[2], pmbhello[3]);printf(" Codepage 932 uses 0x81 to 0x9f as lead bytes.\n\n");printf("Convert back to wide-character string:\n");/*Assume we don't know the length of the multibyte string.Get the required size in characters, and allocate enough space.*/requiredSize = mbstowcs(NULL, pmbhello, 0); //C4996/*Add one to leave room for the NULL terminator */pwc = (wchar_t *)malloc((requiredSize + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));if (!pwc) {printf("Memory allocation failure.\n");return 1;}size = mbstowcs(pwc, pmbhello, requiredSize+1); //C4996if (size == (size_t)(-1)) {printf("Couldn't convert string--invalid multibyte character.\n");}printf("Characters converted: %u\n", (unsigned int)size);printf("Hex value of first 2");printf("wide characters: %#.4x %#.4x\n\n", pwc[0], pwc[1]);free(pwc);free(pmbhello);


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