

Paper Submission Deadline (for both English and Chinese tracks): May 9, 2022

September 22-25, 2022, Guilin, Guangxi, China

About NLPCC 2022

The CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC) is the annual meeting of CCF-NLP (Technical Committee of Natural Language Processing, China Computer Federation, formerly known as Technical Committee of Chinese Information, China Computer Federation). NLPCC is a leading international conference specialized in the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Chinese Computing (CC). NLPCC is in the list of CS conferences recommended by CCF. It serves as a main forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to share their ideas, research results and experiences, and to promote their research and technical innovations in the fields. Previous NLPCC conferences were successfully held in Beijing (2012), Chongqing (2013), Shenzhen (2014), Nanchang (2015), Kunming (2016), Dalian (2017), Hohhot (2018), Dunhuang (2019), Zhengzhou (2020), and Qingdao (2021).

Today, NLP and CC technologies are among the most active research and development areas due to the rapid advancement of the Internet as well as the worldwide proliferation of mobile devices and social media. The fields are facing many new challenges arising from intelligent applications and big data, such as business intelligence, social analytics, etc.

NLPCC 2022 welcomes original technical papers on new concepts, innovative research, systems, standards, resources & evaluation, applications, and industrial case studies related to NLP & CC. Authors are invited to submit complete and unpublished papers in English or Chinese in the following categories:

◇ Applications/tools

◇ Empirical/data-driven approaches

◇ Resources and evaluation

◇ Theoretical

◇ Survey papers

Papers currently under review in other conferences or journals are acceptable; however, commitment to the conference must be made upon acceptance.

Relevant topics of NLPCC 2022 include, but are not limited to, the following:

◇ Computational Social Science and Social Media

◇ Dialogue and Interactive Systems

◇ Discourse and Pragmatics

◇ Ethics and NLP

◇ Information Extraction and Knowledge Acquisition

◇ Information Retrieval and Text Mining

◇ Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP

◇ Linguistic Theories, Cognitive Modeling and Psycholinguistics

◇ Machine Learning for NLP

◇ Machine Translation and Multilinguality

◇ NLP Applications

◇ Phonology, Morphology and Word Segmentation

◇ Question Answering

◇ Resources and Evaluation

◇ Semantics

◇ Sentiment Analysis

◇ Speech and Multimodality

◇ Syntax: Tagging, Chunking and Parsing

◇ Text Summarization and Generation

Submission Guidelines

The proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume in the Springer LNAI series (EI & ISTP indexed, for English papers), and the ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (EI and Scopus indexed, for Chinese papers), respectively. English submissions should follow the LNCS formatting instructions. The maximum paper length is 12 pages (including references and appendix). The submissions must therefore be formatted in accordance with the standard Springer style sheets. Submissions in Chinese should follow the formatting instructions of the ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, without exceeding eight (8) pages (including references) in A4 (210 × 297 mm) size. All submissions should be prepared in the PDF format. The template files can be downloaded from http://tcci.ccf.org.cn/conference/2022/cfp.php.

Manuscripts (including both English and Chinese papers) should be submitted electronically through the Softconf START conference management system and the submission site will be available later. After logging in, please click the "make a new submission" button, and select the corresponding link according to your paper's language. Email submissions will not be accepted. Authors of Chinese submissions are required to provide Chinese titles in the submission system.

Double-Blind Reviewing:

Anonymity Requirements for Double-Blind Reviewing:

Every research paper submitted to NLPCC 2022 will undergo a "double-blind" reviewing process: the PC members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors. To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must prepare their manuscript as follows:

1. Authors' names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.

2. Funding sources must not be acknowledged on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.

3. Research group members, or other colleagues or collaborators, must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper.

4. The paper's file name must not identify the authors of the paper. It is strongly suggested that the submitted file be named with the assigned submission number.

5. You must also use care when referring to related previous work, particularly your own work, in the paper. For example, if you are Jane Smith, the following text gives away the authorship of the submitted paper:

In our previous work [1,2], we presented two algorithms for ... In this paper, we build on that work by ...


[1] Jane Smith, "A Simple Algorithm for ...," Proceedings of ACL 2007, pp. 1-8.

[2] Jane Smith, "A More Complicated Algorithm for ...," Proceedings of ACL 2008, pp.33-40.

The solution is to reference your past work in the third person (just as you would any other piece of work that is related to the submitted paper). This allows you to set the context for the submitted paper, while at the same time preserving anonymity:

In previous work [1,2], algorithms were presented for ... In this paper, we build on that work by ...


[1] Jane Smith, "A Simple Algorithm for ...," Proceedings of ACL 2007, pp. 1-8.

[2] Jane Smith, "A More Complicated Algorithm for ...," Proceedings of ACL 2008, pp.33-40.

It is the responsibility of authors to do their very best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines here, or otherwise potentially reveal the identity of the authors, are subject to rejection without review.


Several workshops will be held in conjunction with NLPCC, including student workshop, evaluation workshop, and technical workshops. The Call for Papers for workshops will be available on the conference website soon.

All papers accepted by NLPCC 2022 workshops will be published in a combined volume of the NLPCC 2022 Proceedings.

Important Dates:

◇ Paper Submission Deadline: May 9, 2022

◇ Paper Notification: July 4, 2022

◇ Camera-ready Deadline: July 18, 2022

◇ Tutorials: September 22-23, 2022

◇ Main Conference: September 24-25, 2022

All deadlines are 23:59 PM, Beijing.


◇ Organizer:

  • China Computer Federation (CCF)

◇ Hosts:

  • Guilin University of Electronic Technology

◇ Publishers:

  • Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer Verlag

  • ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

◇ General Chairs:

  • Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh

  • Ya Zhou, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

◇ PC Chairs:

  • Wei Lu, Singapore University of Technology and Design

  • Shujian Huang, Nanjing University

◇ Student Workshop Chairs:

  • Zhongqing Wang, Soochow University

  • Piji Li, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

◇ Evaluation Chairs:

  • Yunbo Cao, Tencent

  • Youzheng Wu, JD AI Research

◇ Tutorial Chairs:

  • Hai Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • Yang Feng, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

◇ Publication Chairs:

  • Yu Hong, Soochow University

  • Xiabing Zhou, Soochow University

◇ Journal Coordinator:

  • Yunfang Wu, Peking University

◇ Conference Handbook Chair:

  • Jun Li, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

◇ Sponsorship Chairs:

  • Haofen Wang, Tongji University

  • Ruifeng Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

  • Guoyong Cai, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

◇ Publicity Chairs:

  • Jianxing Yu, Sun Yat-Sen University

  • Siyou Liu, Macao Polytechnic University

◇ Organization Chairs:

  • Guimin Huang, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

  • Xiaojun Wan, Peking University

◇ Treasurer:

  • Yajing Zhang, Soochow University

  • Xueying Zhang, Peking University

◇ Webmaster:

  • Hui Liu, Peking University


If you have any question about paper submission, please contact program co-chairs via nlpcc2022-pc-chairs@googlegroups.com. For more information about the conference, please email to nlpcc@pku.edu.cn.

For more details, visit NLPCC 2022 Website: http://tcci.ccf.org.cn/conference/2022/

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