
前两天在Hollister听的一首歌 歌词里有 hold on hold on hold on hold on,节奏挺快男的唱的 求歌名

歌曲:Hold On歌手:KT TunstallSay you to meYou're a bird with an eyefor the enemy shiningSearching the landfor a hero of a manYou say I needMore than my fair share of attentionBut I think you knowThat just isn't soOh underneathI felt the fire of a burning questionTearing me apart,Right from the very sta...全部

歌曲:Hold On歌手:KT TunstallSay you to meYou're a bird with an eyefor the enemy shiningSearching the landfor a hero of a manYou say I needMore than my fair share of attentionBut I think you knowThat just isn't soOh underneathI felt the fire of a burning questionTearing me apart,Right from the very start。

And now I see,That it dont take a trickOf the light to excite me。So StrongSo LongYou'll seeHold on to whatyou've been given lately。

Hold on to whatyou know you've got。Hold on to what you'vebeen given lately。Hold on 'cause the world willturn if you're ready or not。

KT Tunstall-Hold OnSimplicity,A heart of gold,an old head and young shouldersQuiet and lovely,Becoming part of me。

And now I seefrom a handful of namesand a thousand faces。One light burningFiercelyI was tired of JanuaryTired of JuneI felt a change comingoh ohI was tired of JanuaryI was tired of JuneI felt a change comingoh ohI felt a change coming,sooonHold on to what you'vebeen given lately。

Hold on to what youknow you've got。Hold on to what you'vebeen given lately。Hold on 'cause the world willturn if you're ready or not。

Hold on to what you'vebeen given lately。Hold on to what youknow you've got。Hold on to what you'vebeen given lately。

Hold on 'cause the world will turnif you're ready or notWell the world will turnif you're ready or notWhoa-oh, Yes the world will turnif you're ready or not。


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