

1.有 1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多 少?

1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #利用1,2,3,4可以组成多少个三位数,并且没有重复数字

4 figure = [1,2,3,4]5 number =06 for x infigure:7 for y infigure:8 if x ==y:9 continue

10 else:11 for z infigure:12 if y == z or z == x: #注意是or不是and

13 continue

14 else:15 number += 1

16 print 100*x + 10*y +z17 print "the number is %s"%number

2.企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I): 低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10%; 高于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10%提成,高于10万元的部分,可提成7.5%;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5%;40万到60万之间时,高于40万元的部分,可提成3%;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5%, 高于100万元时, 超过100万元的部分按1%提成, 从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?

1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #题目不再累述

4 the_profit = float(raw_input("please enter the profit:"))5 money_award = 0.0

6 if the_profit <= 10:7 money_award = the_profit * 0.1

8 elif the_profit <= 20:9 money_award = 10 * 0.1 + (the_profit-10)*0.075

10 elif the_profit <=40:11 money_award = 10*0.1 + 10*0.075 + (the_profit-20)*0.05

12 elif the_profit <= 60:13 money_award = 10*0.1 + 10*0.075 + 20 * 0.05 + (the_profit-40)*0.03

14 elif the_profit <= 100:15 money_award = 10*0.1 + 10*0.075 + 20 * 0.05 + 20*0.03 + (the_profit-60)*0.015

16 elif the_profit > 100:17 money_award = 10*0.1 + 10*0.075 + 20 * 0.05 + 20*0.03 + 40 * 0.015 + (the_profit - 100) * 0.01

18 print "the money award is:%s"%money_award


3.一个整数,它加上 100后是一个完全平方数,再加上168又是一个完全平方数, 请问该数是多少?


1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #找出符合题目要求的数字

4 from math importsqrt5 the_figure =06 whileTrue:7 if sqrt(the_figure + 100) == int(sqrt(the_figure+100)):8 if sqrt(the_figure +268) == int(sqrt(the_figure+268)):9 print "the figure is:%s"%the_figure10

11 the_figure += 1




1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #输入一个时期判断是当年的第几天


5 def ifleapyear(the_year): #判断是不是闰年

6 if the_year % 4 == 0 and the_year % 100 != 0 or the_year %400 ==0:7 returnTrue8 else:9 returnFalse10

11 #主程序

12 year = int(raw_input("please enter the year:"))13 month = int(raw_input("please enter the month:"))14 days = int(raw_input("please enter the days"))15 the_number_day =016 for i in range(1,month):17 if i ==1:18 the_number_day +=31

19 if i == 2:20 ififleapyear(year):21 the_number_day += 29

22 else:23 the_number_day += 28

24 if i ==3:25 the_number_day += 31

26 if i==4:27 the_number_day += 30

28 if i ==5:29 the_number_day += 31

30 if i==6:31 the_number_day +=30

32 if i ==7:33 the_number_day +=31

34 if i ==8:35 the_number_day +=31

36 if i==9:37 the_number_day += 30

38 if i ==10:39 the_number_day += 31

40 if i ==11:41 the_number_day +=30

42 if i==12:43 the_number_day +=31

44 the_number_day +=days45 print("the number of the days is %s"%the_number_day)


1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #运用字典的优越性来解决

4 #判断是不是闰年

5 defifleapyear(the_year):6 if the_year % 4 == 0 and the_year % 100 != 0 or the_year %400 ==0:7 returnTrue8 else:9 returnFalse10

11 #主程序

12 year = int(raw_input("please enter the year:"))13 month = int(raw_input("please enter the month:"))14 days = int(raw_input("please enter the days"))15 the_number_day =016 the_month = {1:31,2:28,3:31,4:30,5:31,6:30,7:31,8:31,9:30,10:31,11:30,12:31}17 ififleapyear(year):18 the_month[2] = 29

19 if month == 1:20 pass

21 else:22 for i inthe_month.keys():23 if i==month:24 break

25 the_number_day +=the_month[i]26 the_number_day +=days27 print("the number of day is %s"%the_number_day)



1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #输入x,y,z 三个数,然后按照从小到大的顺序排列出来

4 x = float(raw_input("please enter x:"))5 y = float(raw_input("please enter y:"))6 z = float(raw_input("please enter z:"))7 lis =[x,y,z]8 lis.sort()9 print lis


1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #利用*输出C的图案

4 print '*'*5

5 print '*'

6 print '*'

7 print '*'*5



1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #利用*输出一个(30 X 20)的矩阵

4 l = '*'*30

5 printl6 for w in range(1,19):7 print '*' + '*'.rjust(29)8 print l


1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #输出9x9的乘法口诀表

4 for x in range(1,10):5 for y in range(1,x+1):6 print '%sx%s=%s'%(y,x,x*y), #如果想让连续输出的print不换行就在后面加上,

7 print ''




1 #for循环实现1000的阶乘

2 the_end = 1

3 for i in range(2,1001):4 the_end = the_end *i5 print the_end


1 #利用递归实现1000的阶乘

2 defprocess(i):3 if i == 1: #这一条一定要加上,要不然会算到负数中造成内存的溢出

4 return 1

5 else:6 return i * process(i-1) #递归函数一定要记的返回值

7 #主程序

8 print process(1000)





1 the_list = [8,12,45,1,2,45,3,0,5]2 for x inrange(len(the_list)):3 for y inrange(x):4 if the_list[x]



1 #实现插入排序

2 #定义一个插入排序的函数

3 defthe_insert(the_list):4 for x inrange(len(the_list)):5 i =x6 whilei:7 if the_list[i] < the_list[i-1]:8 t =the_list[i]9 the_list[i] = the_list[i-1]10 the_list[i-1] =t11 i -= 1

12 returnthe_list13

14 #主函数

15 the_list = [3,2,5,1,0]16 print the_insert(the_list)


1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #选择排序

4 #选择排序函数

5 defthe_choice(the_list):6 for i in range(len(the_list)-1):7 x =i8 while x != len(the_list)-1:9 x += 1

10 if the_list[i] >=the_list[x]:11 t =the_list[i]12 the_list[i] =the_list[x]13 the_list[x] =t14 returnthe_list15 #主函数

16 the_list = [7,3,6,1,7,2,9,11,10]17 print the_choice(the_list)



1 #encoding=utf-8

2 __author__ = 'heng'

3 #利用递归实现快速排序法

4 #用来排序的递归函数

5 defquick_sort(L,low,high):6 i =low7 j =high8 if i >=j:9 returnL10 key =L[i]11 while i



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