本文翻译自:pip install from git repo branch

Trying to pip install a repo's specific branch. 试图pip安装回购协议的特定分支。 Google tells me to Google告诉我

pip install git+ https://github.com/user/repo.git@branch 点安装git + https://github.com/user/repo.git@branch

The branch's name is issue/34/oscar-0.6 so I did pip install https://github.com/tangentlabs/django-oscar-paypal.git@/issue/34/oscar-0.6 but its returning a 404. 分支的名称是issue/34/oscar-0.6所以我确实pip install https://github.com/tangentlabs/django-oscar-paypal.git@/issue/34/oscar-0.6但返回了404。

How do I install this branch? 如何安装此分支?




Prepend the url prefix git+ (See VCS Support ): 在网址前缀git+ (请参阅VCS支持 ):

pip install git+https://github.com/tangentlabs/django-oscar-paypal.git@issue/34/oscar-0.6

And specify the branch name without the leading / . 并指定不带/的分支名称。


Using pip with git+ to clone a repository can be extremely slow (test with https://github.com/django/django@stable/1.6.x for example, it will take a few minutes). 在git +上使用pip克隆存储库可能会非常慢(例如,使用https://github.com/django/django@stable/1.6.x进行测试,这将需要几分钟的时间)。 The fastest thing I've found, which works with GitHub and BitBucket, is: 我发现与GitHub和BitBucket兼容的最快的东西是:

pip install https://github.com/user/repository/archive/branch.zip

which becomes for django master: 成为django master的对象:

pip install https://github.com/django/django/archive/master.zip

for django stable/1.7.x: 对于django stable / 1.7.x:

pip install https://github.com/django/django/archive/stable/1.7.x.zip

With BitBucket it's about the same predictable pattern: 使用BitBucket,它具有相同的可预测模式:

pip install https://bitbucket.org/izi/django-admin-tools/get/default.zip

Here, the master branch is generally named default. 在这里,master分支通常被命名为default。 This will make your requirements.txt installing much faster. 这将使您的requirements.txt安装速度更快。

Some other answers mention variations required when placing the package to be installed into your requirements.txt . 其他一些答案提到将要安装的软件包放入您的requirements.txt Note that with this archive syntax, the leading -e and trailing #egg=blah-blah are not required, and you can just simply paste the URL, so your requirements.txt looks like: 请注意,这个档案的语法,领先-e和尾随#egg=blah-blah 不是必需的,你可以只是简单粘贴URL,所以你requirements.txt的样子:



Just to add an extra, if you want to install it in your pip file it can be added like this: 只是要添加一个额外的内容,如果要在pip文件中安装它,可以这样添加:

-e git+https://github.com/tangentlabs/django-oscar-paypal.git@issue/34/oscar-0.6#egg=django-oscar-paypal

It will be saved as an egg though. 但是它将被保存为鸡蛋。


Instructions to install from private repo using ssh credentials . 使用ssh凭证从专用存储库安装的说明。

For usage: 使用方法:

$ pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/myuser/foo.git@my_version

For development: 开发:

$ git clone git@github.com/myuser/foo.git@my_version
$ pip install --editable ./


You used the egg files install procedure. 您使用了egg文件的安装过程。 This procedure supports installing over git , git+http , git+https , git+ssh , git+git and git+file . 此过程支持通过gitgit+httpgit+httpsgit+sshgit+gitgit+file Some of these are mentioned. 其中提到了一些。

It's good you can use branches, tags, or hashes to install. 可以使用分支,标签或哈希值进行安装是很好的。

@Steve_K noted it can be slow to install with "git+" and proposed installing via zip file: @Steve_K指出,使用“ git +”安装可能会很慢,因此建议通过zip文件进行安装:

pip install https://github.com/user/repository/archive/branch.zip

Alternatively, I suggest you may install using the .whl file if this exists. 或者,建议您使用.whl文件(如果存在)进行安装。

pip install https://github.com/user/repository/archive/branch.whl

It's pretty new format, newer than egg files. 这是一种非常新的格式,比egg文件更新。 It requires wheel and setuptools>=0.8 packages. 它需要wheel和setuptools> = 0.8软件包。 You can find more in here . 您可以在这里找到更多。

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