

At home

  1. Install cygwin and openssh package in my home's PC
  2. Install pagekite and run following command as a scheduled job python.exe pagekite.py 22 ssh:YOU.pagekite.me

At workstation

  1. Use putty to login YOU.pagekite.me:22 through http proxy YOU.pagekite.me:443
  2. Create dynamic port forwarding -D1080 in localhost
  3. In putty: Connection -> Seconds between keepalives should be larger than 0(such as 10)
  4. Setup firefox to use socks proxy localhost:1080

Another method(Using Squid)

  1. at home: install squid
  2. at workstation: using putty to create local port forwarding: -L3128:localhost:3128
  3. Setup firefox to use http proxy localhost:3128

PS: Proxy tools

connect or netcat or corkscrew or nc
proxycap or httptunnel

Reverse Proxy



vnc loopback connections are not enabled
Solved: 1. enable **Allow loopback connections ** 2. uncheck the Use password
1.Tunnelling VNC over SSH
2.VNC: Server Error message "Loopback connections are disabled"


ssh pagekite
putty pagekite
安裝 Squid Proxy Server @ Windows XP

setup dynamic port forwarding
SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

SSH using a SOCKS or HTTP proxy
Network error: Software caused connection abort
How can I use SSH with a SOCKS 5 proxy

Others(must read)
SSH as socks proxy through multiple hosts (with http proxy involved)
SSH as socks proxy through multiple hosts SSH Through or Over Proxy
Proxy Firefox through a SSH tunnel
What's the difference between SSH and Squid when using them as proxies
SSH Tunneling Explained PySocksipyChain Secure+Tunnels/Hack+76+Encrypt+and+Tunnel+Traffic+with+SSL/


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