
Sometimes back one of my good friend asked me to assess few job candidates for Java programming. But there were around 20 candidates and I didn’t wanted to waste my time in interviewing all of them. First I wanted to filter some of the candidates that I know are good and leave the ones who are not good in programming. Then I came to know about Tests for Geeks that is an online platform where you can create online tests and send them their unique URL to evaluate them at first level.

有时候,我的一位好朋友要求我评估一下Java编程的应聘者。 但是大约有20位候选人,我不想浪费时间面试所有候选人。 首先,我想过滤一些我所知道的优秀候选人,而将那些不擅长编程的候选人留给他们。 然后,我了解了Tests for Geeks ,它是一个在线平台,您可以在其中创建在线测试并将其唯一的URL发送给他们,以便在第一级进行评估。

I was glad to found there was Java Programming Test too where a candidate has to go through 20 questions in 40 minutes and questions include all the major areas such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Core Java concepts, Collections, Threads and Data Structures. Since I had to test 20 candidates, I took their one month unlimited plan for 100 USD and used it to test the programming level of job candidates. I must say that this was a great decision because it helped me save around 10 hours and based on the test report, I interviewed top 5 candidates and selected 2 of them for my friend start up. As I was very happy with this service, I thought to write an article for it providing useful information for anyone in this situation.

我很高兴发现也有Java编程测试 ,该候选人必须在40分钟内完成20个问题,并且问题包括所有主要领域,例如面向对象编程(OOP),核心Java概念,集合,线程和数据结构。 。 由于我必须测试20名候选人,因此我花了一个月100美元的无限计划,并用它测试了求职者的编程水平。 我必须说这是一个很棒的决定,因为它帮助我节省了大约10个小时,并且根据测试报告,我采访了前5名候选人,并从中选出2名供我的朋友创业。 由于对此服务感到非常满意,因此我想为此撰写一篇文章,为处于这种情况的任何人提供有用的信息。

在Test for Geeks中创建一个帐户 (Creating an account in Test for Geeks)

Creating an account is free, just go through their simple registration process and then order the services that you want to use to test your job candidates.


创建Java编程测试 (Creating Java Programming Test)

After login, just click on the “New Test” link and you will see below window.


After that click on the “Choose a Test” and you will see a list of tests, there are tests on almost all the major technologies. Just click on the “Java” test and you will see below page.

之后,单击“选择测试”,您将看到测试列表,几乎所有主要技术都有测试。 只需单击“ Java”测试,您将看到下一页。

Now click on the “Test Job Candidate” and in next page provide the candidate name and click on “Create the Link” button. This will bring you below page where you can see a unique link created for the candidate.

现在,单击“测试工作候选人”,然后在下一页中提供候选人名称,然后单击“创建链接”按钮。 这将带您到以下页面,您可以在其中看到为该候选人创建的唯一链接。

Just share the link with you candidate via email, Skype or any other way you have and they can take the test.


Java测试求职者 (Java Test for Job Candidate)

When the job candidate will open the test link, it will show below window.


Note that there is no mention of Tests for Geeks, so the candidate will not know which service we are using. Once the candidate is finished with the test, he will get below page and report will be sent to you.

请注意,这里没有提及“极客考试”,因此考生不会知道我们正在使用哪种服务。 考生完成考试后,他将进入下面的页面,并将报告发送给您。

测试结果报告 (Test Result Reports)

We can see the candidate test result in the “My Tests” section as shown below.

Below image shows how the “Java Test” report looks like, I liked the way it’s categorized in different sections.

The candidate report is also sent to your email address, as shown in below image.


下图显示了“ Java测试”报告的外观,我喜欢它在不同部分中的分类方式。


So we have a lot of places to get the results of a candidate and then decide whether we want to pursue the candidate further or not.


测试极客利益 (Tests for Geeks Benefits)

  • Saves a lot of time in assessing job candidates by filtering them with this automated process, just this one time benefit is good enough for me to pay for the service. Imagine the recurring benefit you will receive after hiring the candidate.通过使用此自动化流程过滤求职者,节省了评估求职者的大量时间,仅此一项好处就足以让我支付服务费用。 想象一下,聘用候选人后您将获得的经常性收益。
  • We can use our own sub-domain with logo for branding, this is one of the best benefit for bigger companies who wants to use service like this but also don’t want to publicly show it.


  • Also you can publish the link of the test on your website and candidates will pass the test without your participation. Candidate will just indicate their names and contact info prior to passing the test.您也可以在您的网站上发布测试链接,考生将在没有您参与的情况下通过测试。 考生将在通过考试之前仅注明其姓名和联系方式。
  • A very useful service to evaluate an overseas candidate where live meeting for interview is not possible, such as hiring freelancers.这是一项非常有用的服务,可用于评估无法进行现场会议进行面试的海外候选人,例如雇用自由职业者。

Overall I am very happy with Tests for Geeks service and I will sure use it in future too.

总体而言,我对Tests for Geeks服务非常满意,并且将来一定会使用它。




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