
Going remote with friends and family is helpful when you need to show them how to do something or fix a problem. Here’s how you can offer cross platform remote assistance using only Google Chrome and an extension.

当您需要向朋友和家人展示如何做某事或解决问题时,与之保持联系非常有帮助。 仅使用Google Chrome浏览器和扩展程序,这就是您提供跨平台远程协助的方法。

We have shown you how to go remote with friends and family before using Teamview, when your computer crashes, to your Ubuntu computers, and even to your Android devices. In most cases you need to install software or have a special service running in the background. With Chrome Remote Desktop, all you need is your Chrome browser running to be able to take control and share your screen. Here’s how to install and use it.

我们向您展示了在使用Teamview之前,如何与朋友和家人进行远程控制, 当计算机崩溃时 , 如何与Ubuntu计算机甚至Android设备一起 崩溃 。 在大多数情况下,您需要安装软件或在后台运行特殊服务。 借助Chrome远程桌面,您只需运行Chrome浏览器即可控制并共享屏幕。 这是安装和使用它的方法。

First you need to install Google Chrome if you don’t already have it. Download and install it from the link below.

首先,如果您还没有安装Google Chrome,请先安装它。 从下面的链接下载并安装它。

Then install the Chrome Remote Desktop Beta extension by going to the link below.


During the installation you will be asked to authorize the app to have access to view your email address, view your remote desktop computers, and view and send chat messages.


After it’s installed, open a new tab in Chrome and click the Chrome Remote Desktop BETA app.


Click share this computer and a 12 digit code will be generated for you.


This is a one time code that someone can use to access your computer.


From the other computer, click access a shared computer and type in the first code (spaces are not necessary).


Give it a little bit and the tab will change to the other computers desktop. While in this mode, the computer being shared can either push the disconnect button, Ctrl+Alt+Esc, or close the Google Chrome tab to end the session.

稍等一下,该选项卡将更改为其他计算机的桌面。 在此模式下,共享的计算机可以按断开连接按钮Ctrl + Alt + Esc或关闭Google Chrome浏览器标签以结束会话。

If you have trouble connecting to the remote computer or it hangs when saying verifying access code, try allowing ports 443 and 5222 to have inbound and outbound rules in your windows firewall using both UDP and TCP.


If you need further help check out Google’s help page on the extension below.


Google Chrome Download


Chrome Remote Desktop Beta


Chrome Remote Desktop Beta help page




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