



时代:一个时代是用作测量其他时刻的起源的瞬间。 时代是在1970-01-01T00:00:00Z。时代之后的时刻具有正值,而时代之前的时刻具有负值。

java 8类说明

java.time 包含的api都是基于iso 8601的。




[Y] represents a digit used in the time element “year”;

[M] represents a digit used in the time element “month”;

[D] represents a digit used in the time element “day”;

[w] represents a digit used in the time element “week”;

[h] represents a digit used in the time element “hour”;

[m] represents a digit used in the time element “minute”;

[s] represents a digit used in the time element “second”;

[n] represents a digit from a positive integer or zero;

[±] represents a plus sign [+] if in combination with the following element a positive value or zero needs to be represented (in this case, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the plus sign shall not be omitted), or a minus sign [−] if in combination with the following element a negative value needs to be represented.

In addition the following convention applies:

[_] When any of the characters representing a digit is underlined, it represents zero or more digits

in the corresponding date and time representation.

Other characters in the date and time format representations are copied in the date and time







yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z

2018/05/16 15:09:02 +0800


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