1. 关键词替换

1.here - there
2.now - then
3.this - that
4.tomorrow - the next day
5.yesterday - the day before
6.today - that day
7.tonight - that night
8.last week - the week before
9.next week - the next week

2. 填空训练

2.that place
3.the week before
4.the day before

5.that day
6.that night
7.the next day.

3. 改写训练

1.He said he was really happy there.
2.He said he loved that place.
3.He said he had seen a great film the day before.
4.He said he was going to another party that night.
5.He asked me if / whether I wanted to play tennis the next day.
6.She said his girfriend would be there the next week.

3. 选词填空

1.the day after
2.there that day.

3.me that evening.
5.the week before.

6.the / that
7.right away / next
8.that morning.

9.that night
10.the day before.


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