When collaborating on a document with several people, leaving comments is an essential part of the process. You can print the document along with comments, but what if you want you print just the comments? You can do that.

与多人协作处理文档时,留下评论是该过程的重要组成部分。 您可以将文档和注释一起打印,但是如果仅打印注释该怎么办? 你可以做到的。

Why would you want to print out only the comments on a document? There are several reasons. Maybe you just want a hard copy of the comments you can preserve for your records. Or maybe you want to sit down with collaborators as a group and look at the document and the comments separately. After all, a printed page full of edits and comments can be a little overwhelming. Whatever your reason, Word makes it easy to do.

您为什么只想打印文档中的注释? 有几个原因。 也许您只是想要一份可以保留下来的注释的纸质副本,以备记录。 或者,您可能想与协作者一起坐下来,分别查看文档和注释。 毕竟,一个充满编辑和评论的打印页面可能会有些不知所措。 无论您出于什么原因,Word都使它易于实现。

仅打印注释 (Printing Out Comments Only)

First, open up the document that contains the comments you want to print. On the “Review” tab, click the “Show Markup” button.

首先,打开包含要打印的注释的文档。 在“审阅”选项卡上,单击“显示标记”按钮。

At the top of the dropdown menu, you will see “Comments.” If there’s a check mark beside it, then nothing needs to be done here. If not, go ahead and select that.

在下拉菜单的顶部,您将看到“评论”。 如果旁边有一个复选标记,则此处无需执行任何操作。 如果没有,请继续进行选择。

It’s also worth mentioning that you have the option to, instead of printing out all comments, print out only reviewer-specific comments. To do this, select “Specific People” from the menu and select the specific reviewer whose comments you’d like to keep from the list that appears. Otherwise, keep “All Reviewers” selected.

还值得一提的是,您可以选择仅打印审阅者特定的注释,而不是打印所有注释。 为此,请从菜单中选择“特定人员”,然后从显示的列表中选择要保留其评论的特定审阅者。 否则,请选择“所有审阅者”。

Next, select the “File” tab.


In the left-hand pane, select the “Print” option.


Several different options will appear, along with a preview of the document. At the top of the “Settings” section, select the “Print All Pages” option.

将出现几个不同的选项,以及文档的预览。 在“设置”部分的顶部,选择“打印所有页面”选项。

On the Document menu that appears, in the “Document Info” section, select the “List of Markup” option. Also, make sure the “Print Markup” option is selected at the bottom.

在出现的“文档”菜单上的“文档信息”部分,选择“标记列表”选项。 另外,确保在底部选择“打印标记”选项。

Next, above the “Settings” menu, click “Print.”


You will now have a printed version of only the comments of the document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406916/how-to-print-comments-only-in-word/


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