
Have you been excited about a new nightly build of Firefox, gotten it set up on your computer, and then found out that you can not install your favourite extensions? Say goodbye to that frustration! With a little tweak to the about:config settings, you can get those extensions installed and working.

您是否对夜间使用Firefox的新版本感到兴奋,并在计算机上进行了设置,然后发现无法安装自己喜欢的扩展程序? 告别沮丧吧! 稍微调整about:config设置,即可安装并运行这些扩展。

Trouble Adding Your Favourite Extensions


After you have just installed your new nightly build of Firefox, a quick check of your version should look like this.


But when you go to install your favourite extensions, you see a message that looks like this (Delicious Bookmarks extension used here).

但是,当您安装自己喜欢的扩展程序时,会看到一条类似以下的消息(此处使用了“ Delicious Bookmarks”扩展程序)。

That is definitely frustrating, especially if it is one of the extensions that you use on a daily basis. Now what do you do? Fix the problem with a little bit of tweaking magic.

这绝对令人沮丧,尤其是如果它是您每天使用的扩展之一。 现在你怎么办? 通过一点调整魔术来解决问题。

Tweaking the about:config Settings


You will need to type “about:config” (without the quote marks) into the address bar and hit “Enter”.

您需要在地址栏中输入“ about:config”(不带引号),然后按“ Enter”。

The first thing you will see in your browser window will be this message warning against making changes to the about:config settings. Click on “I’ll be careful, I promise!”.

您将在浏览器窗口中看到的第一件事是此消息,警告您不要更改about:config设置。 单击“我会小心,我保证!”。

Once you have clicked through, your browser window will look like this.


It may seem a bit overwhelming at first look, but the change that needs to be made is simple to do. Now that you have your about:config window open, right-click in the browser window area and select “New –> Boolean”.

乍看起来似乎有些不知所措,但是需要进行的更改很容易做到。 现在您已经打开了about:config窗口,右键单击浏览器窗口区域,然后选择“ New –> Boolean”。

As soon as you select “Boolean”, you will see the following window asking you to “Enter the preference name”, enter/paste “extensions.checkCompatibility” (without the quote marks) and click “OK”.

选择“布尔”后,将立即出现以下窗口,询问您“输入首选项名称”,输入/粘贴“ extensions.checkCompatibility”(不带引号),然后单击“确定”。

Once you have clicked “OK”, you will see this window. The default should already be set to “false”, but if not select “false” at this time. Click “OK” again and your new about:config setting will be all set up.

单击“确定”后,您将看到此窗口。 默认值应已设置为“ false”,但如果此时未选择“ false”。 再次单击“确定”,将完成所有新的about:config设置。

As soon as you have clicked “OK”, you will see the new about:config value highlighted in your browser window like this.




Now you are ready to install your favourite extensions. Once you have finished installing them, opening up the addons window will reveal the following message listed for each of your newly added extensions. While it will say that your extensions are not compatible, you should have no problems with your extensions functioning as normal. This should get you up and running to have lots of fun with your new nightly build of Firefox!

现在,您可以安装自己喜欢的扩展程序了。 一旦完成安装,打开插件窗口将显示为每个新添加的扩展列出的以下消息。 它会说您的扩展不兼容,但是您的扩展正常运行应该没有问题。 这将使您起步并运行,从而使您的每晚版本新版Firefox都充满乐趣!

Note: Only on rare occasions will an extension not function correctly or exhibit odd behaviour.


Get the latest Mozilla Firefox TraceMonkey Nightly Builds

获取最新的Mozilla Firefox TraceMonkey夜间构建

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/get-your-favourite-extensions-to-work-in-firefox-alpha-builds/


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