

(1)位置:在源码目录下的 include/linux/moduleparam.h 中


/*** module_param - typesafe helper for a module/cmdline parameter* @value: the variable to alter, and exposed parameter name.* @type: the type of the parameter* @perm: visibility in sysfs.** @value becomes the module parameter, or (prefixed by KBUILD_MODNAME and a* ".") the kernel commandline parameter.  Note that - is changed to _, so* the user can use "foo-bar=1" even for variable "foo_bar".** @perm is 0 if the the variable is not to appear in sysfs, or 0444* for world-readable, 0644 for root-writable, etc.  Note that if it* is writable, you may need to use kparam_block_sysfs_write() around* accesses (esp. charp, which can be kfreed when it changes).** The @type is simply pasted to refer to a param_ops_##type and a* param_check_##type: for convenience many standard types are provided but* you can create your own by defining those variables.** Standard types are:*  byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong*    charp: a character pointer* bool: a bool, values 0/1, y/n, Y/N.*    invbool: the above, only sense-reversed (N = true).*/
#define module_param(name, type, perm)              \module_param_named(name, name, type, perm)


module_param(name, type, perm)

type: 模块参数的数据类型(支持int long short uint ulong ushort类型)
perm: 模块参数的访问权限(S_IRUSR参数表示所有文件所有者可读)



/*** module_param_array - a parameter which is an array of some type* @name: the name of the array variable* @type: the type, as per module_param()* @nump: optional pointer filled in with the number written* @perm: visibility in sysfs** Input and output are as comma-separated values.  Commas inside values* don't work properly (eg. an array of charp).** ARRAY_SIZE(@name) is used to determine the number of elements in the* array, so the definition must be visible.*/
#define module_param_array(name, type, nump, perm)      \
module_param_array_named(name, name, type, nump, perm)


module_param_array(name, type, nump, perm)

type: 模块参数的数据类型(支持int long short uint ulong ushort类型)
perm: 模块参数的访问权限(S_IRUSR参数表示所有文件所有者可读)



#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/stat.h>MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL");
MODULE_AUTHOR("SKYFALL");static int module_arg1,module_arg2;
static int int_array[50];
static int int_num;module_param(module_arg1,int,S_IRUSR);module_param(module_arg2,int,S_IRUSR);module_param_array(int_array,int,&int_num,S_IRUSR);static int __init skyfall_init(void)
{int i;printk("%s,%d\n",__func__,__LINE__);printk(KERN_EMERG "module_arg1 is %d!\n",module_arg1);printk(KERN_EMERG "module_arg2 is %d!\n",module_arg2);for(i = 0; i < int_num; i++){printk(KERN_EMERG "int_array[%d] is %d!\n",i,int_array[i]);}printk(KERN_EMERG "skyfall dirver enter!\n");return 0;
}static void __exit skyfall_exit(void)
{printk("%s,%d\n",__func__,__LINE__);printk(KERN_EMERG "skyfall world exit!\n");return ;


$(warning KERNELRELEASE = $(KERNELRELEASE))ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)#内核的源码路径, ?= 条件赋值, uname -r 得到内核版本号
KERNELDIR ?=  /home/mint/itop/linux_3.0# := 立即赋值, 得到当前的绝对路径
PWD := $(shell pwd)# -C 切换工作路径, $(MAKE) =  make
modules:$(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modulesclean:rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions Module* modules*.PHONY: modules cleanelse# 生成模块obj-m := module_param.o endif



insmod  module_param.ko module_arg1=10 module_arg2=20  int_array=11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18


cat /sys/module/module_param/parameters/xxx


                     rmmod module_para


 位置: 在源码目录下的   include/linux/stat.h   中#ifndef _LINUX_STAT_H
#define _LINUX_STAT_H#ifdef __KERNEL__#include <asm/stat.h>#endif#if defined(__KERNEL__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2)#define S_IFMT  00170000
#define S_IFSOCK 0140000
#define S_IFLNK  0120000
#define S_IFREG  0100000
#define S_IFBLK  0060000
#define S_IFDIR  0040000
#define S_IFCHR  0020000
#define S_IFIFO  0010000
#define S_ISUID  0004000
#define S_ISGID  0002000
#define S_ISVTX  0001000#define S_ISLNK(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
#define S_ISREG(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
#define S_ISDIR(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#define S_ISCHR(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR)
#define S_ISBLK(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK)
#define S_ISFIFO(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO)
#define S_ISSOCK(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK)#define S_IRWXU 00700     //文件所有者有全部权限
#define S_IRUSR 00400    //文件所有者可读
#define S_IWUSR 00200    //文件所有者可写
#define S_IXUSR 00100    // 文件所有者可执行#define S_IRWXG 00070    /与文件所有者同组的用户有全部权限
#define S_IRGRP 00040    //与文件所有者同组的用户可读
#define S_IWGRP 00020    //与文件所有者同组的用户可写
#define S_IXGRP 00010    //与文件所有者同组的用户可执行#define S_IRWXO 00007   //与文件所有者不同组的用户有全部权限
#define S_IROTH 00004    //与文件所有者不同组的用户可读
#define S_IWOTH 00002    //与文件所有者不同组的用户可写
#define S_IXOTH 00001    //与文件所有者不同组的用户可执行#endif#ifdef __KERNEL__
#define S_IXUGO     (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)#define UTIME_NOW  ((1l << 30) - 1l)
#define UTIME_OMIT  ((1l << 30) - 2l)#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/time.h>struct kstat {u64      ino;dev_t       dev;umode_t     mode;unsigned int   nlink;uid_t     uid;gid_t       gid;dev_t       rdev;loff_t     size;struct timespec  atime;struct timespec mtime;struct timespec   ctime;unsigned long blksize;unsigned long long  blocks;


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