
  1. Please excuse me ______ your letter by mistake.
    A. to open B. to have opened
    C. for opening D. in opening
  2. Certainly I posted your letter — I remember ______ it.
    A. posting B. to post
    C. to be posting D. have posted
  3. They must be at home — there’s a light ______ in the bedroom.
    A. to shine B. to be shining
    C. shining D. having shined
  4. If the car won’t start, ______ it.
    A. try push B. try pushing
    C. to try pushing D. to try to push
  5. Mr Smith dislikes ______ such clothes but his wife likes _____ them.
    A. to wear, to wear B. to wear, wearing
    C. wearing, to wear D. wearing, wear
  6. _____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.
    A. Walk B. Walking
    C. The walk D. To walk
  7. When you’re learning to drive, _____ a good teacher makes a big difference.
    A. have B. having
    C. and have D. and having]
  8. _____ this report _____ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise.
    A. Getting, done B. Get, done
    C. To get, to do D. Getting, to do
  9. I regret _______what I said. I shouldn’t have said it.
    A. to say B. saying
    C. to be saying D. said
  10. I shall never forget _______ the Alps for the first time. It was really beautiful.
    A. to see B. seeing
    C. saw D. being seeing
  11. In the whole interview, he tried to avoid _______ their questions.
    A. to answer B. answering
    C. to have answered D. having answered
  12. He was lucky and narrowly missed _______.
    A. to injure B. injuring
    C. to be injured D. being injured
  13. I understand _______ to discuss the matter.
    A. your not wanting B. not your wanting
    C. you not to want D. you to not want
  14. Don’t be late. No one would like ________.
    A. to be kept waiting B. being kept waiting
    C. to be kept to wait D. being kept to wait
  15. He can’t make himself _______. His spoken English really needs ________.
    A. understand, improving B. understood, improving
    C. understand, to improve D. understood, to improve
    1—5 CACBC
    6—10 BBABB
    11—15 BDAAB


  1. light动名词_初中英语语法学习:动名词专项训练

    ★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的<初中英语语法学习:动名词专项训练>,供大家参考.更多内容请看本站写作翻译频道. 动名词专项训练 1. Please excuse me ___ ...

  2. light动名词_动名词专项训练

    说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,谢谢! 动名词专项训练 1.Please excuse me ______ your letter by mistake. A. to open ...

  3. light动名词_动名词专项训练·附详解

    说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,谢谢! 动名词专项训练 1.When you're learning to drive, ________ a good teacher mak ...

  4. 英语语法总结--动名词

    一.动名词作主语.宾语和表语 动词变为进行时的规则: (1)动词以单个e 结尾,去掉e:加 ing动词以ee结尾,直接加ing ,如:agree→agreeing;see →seeing (2)动词为 ...

  5. English语法_动名词-概述

    Contents 1> 动名词形式 1.1> 原型动词变型 例 1> Doing 2> 作名词,当主语 例 1> Riding horses 例 2> Keepin ...

  6. English语法_动名词-句型

    Contents 1> 动名词 否定形式 例1> Saying 例2> not being able to 2> 动名词 意义上的主语 例 1> getting 例 2& ...

  7. 新概念二册 Lesson 20 One man in a boat独坐孤舟 ( 动名词 doing)

    文章目录 1 课文 2 单词 2.1 catch [kætʃ] (caught [kɔ:t] caught)v. 抓到 2.2 fisherman [ˈfɪʃəmən] n.钓鱼人,渔民 2.3 bo ...

  8. 新概念二册 Lesson 44 Through the forest穿过森林(复习动名词doing)

    文章目录 1 课文 2 单词 2.1 forest [ˈfɒrɪst] n. 森林 2.2 risk [rɪsk] n. 危险,冒险 2.3 picnic [ˈpɪknɪk] n. 野餐 2.4 ed ...

  9. 英语语法最终珍藏版笔记-10动名词

    动名词 动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语.动名词仍保留动词的一般特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语. 动名词的否定形式是在前面加上not, never等否定词. (一 ...

  10. 英语语法_不定式动名词

    Contents 1> 单形式 例1> admit 例2> suggest 例3> ptetend 例4> dislike + ving 2> 双形式 例1> ...


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