Exercise 1:

1, The road that leads to the house is steep.    代物,主语

2, The artist whose picture won the award is my uncle.    所有格,从句结构貌似完整

3, We visited the place where Lincoln was born.    关系副词,从句结构完整 (= in which)

4, The house which is located on top of the hill belongs to me.    代物,主语,限定性定语从句(= that)

5, This is the year when our sales will reach the highest point.    关系副词,从句结构完整 (= in which)

6, Can you tell me the reason why you are always late ?    关系副词,“the reason”

7, He is the man whose factory I purchased.    所有格,从句结构貌似完整

8, This is what I recommend you to do.    复合关系代词,缺先行名词。(= the thing which)

9, Where can I buy the same dictionary as you have ?    准关系代词,as - 表相似物,that - 表同一个物体

10, Give the book to whoever needs it.    复合关系代词,缺先行名词。 (= the person who)

11, The book of which the cover is broken is mine.    所有格,whose可以代人也可以代物,(of which the cover = whose cover),注意冠词the

12, I like whatever you do for me.    复合关系代词,缺先行名词。

13, John is not such a man as would kill anyone.    准关系代词,特殊用法 ,前面有“such + 名词”,(=as the man who),注意冠词的位置

14, There is nobody but has his faults.    准关系代词,特殊用法 (=There is nobody that does not have his faults)

15, He has a larger vocabulary than I do.    准关系代词,代vocabulary,比较级(comparative)

16, It is education that makes us what we are.    that代education,what是复合关系代词,缺先行词。

17, Was it you or the wind that shut the door.    先行词有两个,一个是人,一个是物,只能用that指代。

18, The retiring teacher made a speech in which she thanked the class for the gift.    介词+关系代词,有先行词,从句结构完整

19, That is the most beautiful music that I have ever heard.    最高级,只能用that指代

20, On the bus I saw a student who I thought was your brother.    负略插入语“I thought”

21, President Reagan greeted Carl Lewis, who was the winner of four gold medals at the Summer Olympics.    非限制性定语从句。“里根总统迎接卡尔路易斯”

22, Although he was listening, he didn't hear what she was saying because there was so much noisy.    复合代词,缺先行词

23, We were given just so much food as will keep us alive. 准关系代词,特殊用法 so much ... as 中的as是准关系代词,作从句主语,(= as the food which)

24, The rich woman offered a reward to whoever could find her lost cat.    复合关系代词,缺先行词

25, The boy whom I believed to be honest deceived me.    注意和插入语的区分,宾补,这里有“to be honest”。



Exercise 2:

26, The electronics industry requires skills and technology that has been developing for decades in the industrially advanced countries.

have been developing,


27, The detectives were finally able to arrest the man who his finger prints had been found on the table.

whose finger prints

28, Edgar Allan Poe is the classic example of a man of genius which never managed to adjust to the world.

who never

29, The biggest single hobby in America, the one that Americans spend most time, energy and money, is gardening.

the one on which


30, The show must win the approval of the critics and audience in New York, which it opens tonight at the Palace Theater.

where it opens...





《赖氏经典英语语法》练习三 关系词相关推荐

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  2. 【02 英语语法:复句的语法】

    复句的语法 复句:把单句 连在一起(标点符号,连词,关系词) 1. 连接符号 1.1 破折号 - :补充说明,同位语 1.2 冒号 : (同位语) 1.3 分号 ; (= , 连词),替换 限定 逗号 ...

  3. 20190922 (3) 学习英语语法的基础句法(主语 1 )

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  4. 英语语法---限定词详解

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  5. Pocket英语语法---三、英语动词的特点是什么

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  6. 【贪玩巴斯】带你一起攻克英语语法长难句—— 第三章——名词(短语)和名词性从句{主语、宾语、表语和同位语}全解 ——2022年2月6日-16日

    [贪玩巴斯]带你一起攻克英语语法长难句-- 第三章--名词(短语)和名词性从句{主语.宾语.表语和同位语}全解 --2022年2月6日-16日 1.名词(短语)能做什么成分? 2.解释同位语是什么? ...

  7. 计算机英语词汇频率统计,托福英语语法经典词汇与频率统计

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  8. 《英语语法新思维初级教程》学习笔记(三)冠词

    参考资料: 1. <英语语法新思维初级教程> 2. 英语国际英标表 ▶ 知识点 ▼ 限定词的是对名词起限定作用的各类词的总称,具体作用有限定名词所指的范围,对名词起泛指或特指.定量或或不定 ...

  9. 英语语法学习总结整合版

    目录 一.英语语言概述 1.1词的分类 1.2构词法 1.3句子成分 1.4短语 1.5从句 1.6句型 1.7逻辑英语 附:知识点补充 英语宾补和双宾的区别是什么 复合宾语(宾语补足语) 什么是状语 ...

  10. 英语语法基础篇-foundation

    2010年四级语法讲义   主讲:屠浩民 欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材 句子类型:英语语言由词汇和语法构成.大学阶段的语法是融入到阅读.写作.完形.翻译等题目中,帮助读者更好地推测作者想要表达的意愿和情 ...


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