Input Method Editor

An input method editor (IME) is a program that allows computer users to enter complex characters and symbols, such as Japanese Kanji characters, by using a standard keyboard.


This overview describes the IME and explains how to use the input method manager functions to create and manage IME windows.

  • About Input Method Editor
  • Using Input Method Editor
  • Input Method Editor Reference


¨         关于输入法编辑器

¨         使用输入法编辑器

¨         输入法编辑器参考

About Input Method Editor

The input method editor relieves users of the need to remember all possible character values. Instead, the IME monitors the user's keystrokes, anticipates the characters the user may want, and presents a list of candidate characters from which to choose.


By default, the IME provides an IME window through which users enter keystrokes and view and select candidates. Applications can use the input method manager (IMM) functions and messages to create and manage their own IME windows, providing a custom interface while using the conversion capabilities of the IME.


IMM is only enabled on East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) localized Windows. On these systems, call GetSystemMetrics with SM_DBCSENABLED to determine if IMM is enabled. Note that Windows 2000 provides full-featured IME support in all localized language versions, however, that IMM is enabled only when an Asian language pack is installed. An IME-enabled application can callGetSystemMetrics with SM_IMMENABLED to determine if IMM is enabled.

IMM只在东亚(中国,日本,韩国)本地化的Windows中才可用。在这些系统中,以SM_DBCSENABLED消息调用GetSystemMetrics函数来确定IMM是否可用。注意,Windows 2000在所有本地化版本中都提供了全功能的IME支持,然而仅在安装了亚洲语言包的时候IMM才可用。一个IME-enabled(IME可用)的程序会以SM_IMMENABLED调用GetSystemMetrics函数来确定IMM是否可用。

Status, Composition, and Candidates Windows

The status, composition, and candidates windows form the user interface for the IME. The status window indicates that the IME is open and provides the user the means to set the conversion modes. The composition window appears when the user enters text and, depending on the conversion mode, either displays the text as entered or displays converted text. The candidates window appears in conjunction with the composition window. It contains a list of "candidates" (alternative characters) for the selected character or characters in the composition window. The user can scroll through the candidates list and select the desired characters, then return to the composition window. The user can compose the desired text in this way until the composition string is finalized and the window is closed. The IME sends the composed characters to the application in the form of WM_IME_CHAR or WM_IME_COMPOSITION/GCS_RESULT messages. If the application does not process these messages, the DefWindowProc function translates them into one or more WM_CHARmessages.

状态窗口、字母组合窗口和列选窗口构成了IME的用户界面。状态窗口指示出IME处于开启状态并且提供给用户设置转换模式的方法。字母组合窗口会在用户输入字符的时候出现,其形式基于转换模式,同时显示已经输入的字母或者是已经转换了的字符。(conversion mode转换模式=输入法,比如微软拼音、五笔字型……其实不同的输入法的本质是不同的转换规则。)列选窗口会紧挨着字母组合窗口显示。它包含了一个由“候选条目”构成的列表,此列表匹配选中字符或者是字母组合窗口中的字符。用户可以滚动列选窗口并且选择想要的字符,然后(焦点)返回到字母组合窗口。借此用户可以组合想要的文本直到字符组合成的字符串结束,窗口会关闭。IME将使用WM_IME_CHAR或 WM_IME_COMPOSITION/GCS_RESULT消息把组合好的字符发送给窗体中的应用程序。如果应用程序没有处理这些消息,DefWindowProc函数会把它们翻译成一条或多条WM_CHAR消息。

By default, the system automatically creates and manages status, composition, and candidates windows for all windows that require text input. For many applications, this default processing is sufficient. These applications rely entirely on the system for IME support and are said to be IME-unaware because they are unaware of the many tasks the system carries out to manage the IME windows.


An IME-aware application, on the other hand, participates in the creation and management of IME windows. Such applications control the operation, position, and appearance of the default windows by sending messages to and by intercepting and processing messages intended for these windows. In some cases, applications create their own IME windows and provide complete processing for their custom status, composition and candidates windows.


IME Window Class

The "IME" window class is a predefined system global class that defines the appearance and behavior of the standard IME windows. The class is similar to common control classes in that you create a window of this class by using the CreateWindowEx function. Like static controls, an IME window does not respond to user input by itself. Instead, it notifies the IME of user input actions and processes control messages sent to it by the IME or applications to carry out a response to the user action.

IME-aware applications sometimes create their own IME windows using the IME class. This allows the application to take advantage of the default processing of the IME window while having control of the positioning of the window.



IME Messages

The system sends IME window messages to the window procedure of the application when certain events occur that affect the IME windows. For example, the system sends the WM_IME_SETCONTEXTmessage to the application when a window is activated. IME-unaware application pass these messages to the DefWindowProc function which sends them to the corresponding default IME window. IME-aware applications either process these messages or forward them to their own IME windows.

You can direct an IME window to carry out a command, such as change the position of composition window, by using the WM_IME_CONTROL message. The IME notifies the application about changes to the composition string by using the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message and about general changes to the status of the IME windows by sending the WM_IME_NOTIFY message.

当某些能影响IME窗口的事件发生时,系统将向应用程序的窗口过程(window procedure)发送IME窗口消息。例如:当(应用程序的)窗口激活时系统将向应用程序发送WM_IME_SETCONTEXT消息。IME无感知类型的应用程序会把这些消息传递给DefWindowProc 函数,函数会把它们发送给相应的IME窗口。IME感知型的应用程序也会将这些消息或者把这些消息传递给自己的IME窗口。

你可以直接控制IME窗口来执行命令,诸如可以用WM_IME_CONTROL消息来改变字母组合窗口(composition window,见上文)的位置。IME会使用WM_IME_COMPOSITION消息来通知应用程序关于字母组合字符串的变化,或用WM_IME_NOTIFY消息来通知关于IME窗口状态的常规改变。

Input Context

An input context is an internal structure, maintained by the IME, that contains information about the status of the IME and is used by IME windows. By default, the system creates and assigns an input context to each thread. Within the thread, this default input context is a shared resource and is associated with each newly created window.

输入上下文(Input context)是一个内置结构,由IME来维护,它包含了IME窗口所使用的有关IME状态的信息。默认情况下,系统会为每一个线程创建并指定一个输入上下文。在线程中,这个默认的输入上下文是一个共享资源,并且将会与每个新建窗口关联。

To retrieve or set information in the IME, an application must first retrieve a handle to the input context associated with a specified window. You retrieve the handle by using theImmGetContext function. You can use the retrieved handle in subsequent calls to the input method manager functions to retrieve and set IME values, such as the composition window style, the composition style, and the status window position. Once you have finished using the context, you must release it using the ImmReleaseContext function.


Because the default input context is a shared resource, any changes you make to it apply to all windows in the thread. However, you can override this default behavior by creating and associating your own input context to one or more windows of the thread. The changes you make to your own input context apply only to the windows with which it is associated.


You can create an input context by using the ImmCreateContext function. To assign the context to a window, call the ImmAssociateContext function. This function returns a handle to the previously associated input context. If you have not associated an input context with the window before, the returned handle is for the default input context. Typically, you save this handle and later reassociate it with the window when you no longer want to use your own input context.

Once an input context is associated with a window, the system automatically selects that context when the window is activated and receives the input focus. The style and other information in the input context affects subsequent keyboard input for that window, determining whether and how the IME operates.

You must destroy any input context you create before terminating your application. First, you must remove the input context from any association it has with windows in the thread by using theImmAssociateContext function. Then, call the ImmDestroyContext function.





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