环境信息: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511
安装版本: 3.1.0 单机

通过 YUM 软件源安装 OBD

sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/OceanBase.repo
sudo yum install -y ob-deploy

2、部署 OceanBase 数据库

[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# pwd
[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# cat mini-local-example.yaml
oceanbase-ce:servers:# Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported- /opt/oceanbase/data#这个路径一定要是是空的,否则会安装失败# Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is  in the setting of severs.# if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"# if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor's name is "eth0", please use "eth0"devname: lomysql_port: 2883rpc_port: 2882zone: zone1cluster_id: 1datafile_size: 8G# please set memory limit to a suitable value which is matching resource. memory_limit: 8Gsystem_memory: 4Gstack_size: 512Kcpu_count: 16cache_wash_threshold: 1G__min_full_resource_pool_memory: 268435456workers_per_cpu_quota: 10schema_history_expire_time: 1d# The value of net_thread_count had better be same as cpu's core number. net_thread_count: 4sys_bkgd_migration_retry_num: 3minor_freeze_times: 10enable_separate_sys_clog: 0enable_merge_by_turn: FALSEdatafile_disk_percentage: 20


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster deploy xlucas -c /opt/oceanbase/mini-local-example.yaml


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster deploy xlucas -c /opt/oceanbase/mini-local-example.yaml
oceanbase-ce-3.1.0 already installed
|                              Packages                             |
| Repository   | Version | Md5                                      |
| oceanbase-ce | 3.1.0   | 56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b |
Open ssh connection ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b repository lib check ok initializes cluster work home
xlucas deployed


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster start xlucas
Get local repositories and plugins ok
[WARN] ( fs.aio-max-nr must not be less than 1048576 (Current value: 65536)
[WARN] ( open files number must not be less than 655350 (Current value: 65535)
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Initialize cluster
Cluster bootstrap ok
Wait for observer init ok
|                   observer                  |
| ip        | version | port | zone  | status |
| | 3.1.0   | 2883 | zone1 | active |
xlucas running


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster display xlucas
Get local repositories and plugins ok
Connect to observer ok
Wait for observer init ok
|                   observer                  |
| ip        | version | port | zone  | status |
| | 3.1.0   | 2883 | zone1 | active |

3.3、安装 OceanBase 数据库客户端 OBClient

sudo yum install -y obclient

运行以下命令,使用 OBClient 客户端连接 OceanBase 数据库:

obclient -h<your_ip> -P<observer_mysql_port> -uroot
[root@xlucas1 ~]# obclient -h127.0.0.1 -P2883 -uroot
Welcome to the OceanBase.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3221487655
Server version: 5.7.25 OceanBase 3.1.0 (r-) (Built May 30 2021 11:21:29)Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.MySQL [(none)]>


MySQL [oceanbase]> select svr_ip,svr_port, cpu_total, mem_total, disk_total, zone from __all_virtual_server_stat;
| svr_ip    | svr_port | cpu_total | mem_total  | disk_total | zone  |
| |     2882 |        14 | 4294967296 | 8589934592 | zone1 |
1 row in set (0.007 sec)


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster deploy xlucas -c /opt/oceanbase/
[ERROR] copy error
[ERROR] Failed to create deploy: xlucas. please check you configuration file


[root@xlucas1 oceanbase]# obd cluster deploy xlucas -c /opt/oceanbase/mini-local-example.yaml
Update OceanBase-community-stable-el7 ok
Update OceanBase-development-kit-el7 ok
Download oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (44.17 M): 100% [####################################################################################################################################################] Time: 0:00:59 777.72 kB/s
Package oceanbase-ce-3.1.0 is available
install oceanbase-ce-3.1.0 for local ok
|                              Packages                             |
| Repository   | Version | Md5                                      |
| oceanbase-ce | 3.1.0   | 56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b |
Open ssh connection ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b repository lib check !!
[WARN] oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b require: libmariadb.so.3Try to get lib-repository
Download oceanbase-ce-libs-3.1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (413.07 K): 100% [##############################################################################################################################################] Time: 0:00:00 826.11 kB/s
Package oceanbase-ce-libs-3.1.0 is available
install oceanbase-ce-libs-3.1.0 for local ok
Use oceanbase-ce-libs-3.1.0-b70d3839280f145a86af26811bbfcdfaeb645509 for oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b
Remote oceanbase-ce-libs-3.1.0-b70d3839280f145a86af26811bbfcdfaeb645509 repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-3.1.0-56f57e9843e719d830ec03c206d914f4b3adc82b repository lib check ok initializes cluster work home
[ERROR] fail to init home path: /opt/oceanbase is not empty


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    1.在官网上下载 4.0 社区版. 2. 在centos 7.9 上安装 服务器配置至少是 CPU 4 Core,内存 16 GB. cat /etc/redhat-release cat /proc ...

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  7. 如何部署 OB 社区版

    第 2 章 :如何部署 OB 社区版 OB庆涛·发表于 2021.11.03运维实践 转载:OceanBase 社区版https://open.oceanbase.com/articles/86001 ...

  8. 收藏|2021年阿里云开源镜像站最热门镜像王全梳理 (附下载链接和Top20镜像王排名)

    阿里云官方镜像站:https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/?utm_content=g_1000307095 简介: 阿里云开源镜像站的初衷在于宣传自由软件的价值,提高 ...

  9. 周六直播丨细致入微 – OceanBase云平台安装部署实战

    简介 OceanBase 是阿里巴巴和蚂蚁金服 100% 自主研发的原生分布式关系数据库,其在普通硬件上实现了金融级高可用.首创"三地五中心"城市级故障自动无损容灾新标准,具备卓越 ...

  10. 「OceanBase 4.1 体验」|快速安装部署

    文章目录 一.Oceanbase数据库简介 1.1 核心特性 1.2 系统架构 1.2.1 存储层 1.2.2 复制层 1.2.3 均衡层 1.2.4 事务层 原子性 ...


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