《大学英语(三)》在线平时作业11.[单选题] ________ , he had asked three persons before he got there.
    A.Not knowing where was the bookstore
    B.Knowing not where the bookstore was    C.Not knowing where the bookstore was
    D.Not to know where the bookstore was
2.[单选题] — Sorry, I kept you waiting.   — __________________ .
    A.I'm sad  
    B.I don't care    C.That's all right. There's no hurry
    D.No, not at all    
    答:——C——3.[单选题]  —Good morning, John. How are you doing?—_____________
    A.I’m pleased.    B.Good night.
    C.Not so bad. And you?
    D.How do you do?
    答:——C——4.[单选题] John always enjoys jogging (慢跑) in the morning, _________ sometimes it rains.
    A.even though
    D.so    答:————
5.[单选题] The meaning of time ______ from country to country.
    B.differs    C.different
    D.difference    答:————
6.[单选题] Be quick! Time is ______ out.    A.running
    B. coming
7.[单选题] He spends two hours every day surfing the Internet to learn about the ______ developments in the field.
    B.later    C.latter   
8.[单选题] I’ll have to _________ your offer.
    A.turn up    B.turn in  
    C.turn down
    D.turn over
9.[单选题] A completely new situation is likely to ________ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.    A.rise
    B.raise    C.arise 
10.[单选题] —Thanks for coming all the way over here.—_____________
    A. Don’t be sorry.    B.It’s no problem.
    C.Not at all.
    D.Thank you, too.
11.[单选题] He is always ______ at the sound of fire alarms.    A.scares
    B.scared    C.scaring
12.[单选题] I saw _______ the day before yesterday,    A.the both other two girls  
    B.the two other both girls    C.the both two other girls
    D.both the other two girls
13.[单选题] —Great party, isn’t it?—_____________
    A.Yeah, really.    B.My friends are great.
    C.Have we met before?    
    D.Glad to meet you again.
    答:————14.[单选题]  He has got used ______ in the countryside.
    B.to live
    C.to living
    D.living    答:————
15.[单选题] ______ this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.
    A.To look at
    B. Looking at    C.Looked at
    D.Look at
    答:————16.[单选题] The Premier and the Foreign Minister ________ present at the state banquet last night.
    C.were     D.is
    答:————17.[单选题] —Hello, is that police station?—_____________
    A.No. Why are you calling?
    B.Yes. Can I help you?
    C.You are right. 
    D.Yes. What’s your question?
18.[单选题] ______, the couple stayed up late reading.
    A.As they were tired      
    B.Although they are tired    
    C.Tired as they were            D.Tired as they are
19.[单选题] The young man has developed another bad ______.
    B.custom    C.use
    D.usefulness    答:————
20.[单选题] Several years went by ______ she realized that her husband had lied to her.    A.as
    D.when    答:————



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