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[Windows] Disconnection [Error Code 2002]"If you are disconnected during play or logged out due to an unstable connection, there is a possibility of a transmission issue.

Please try these steps to see if they resolve the issue.

1)Restart communication equipment

Turn off the power of your communication equipment for 30 minutes to an hour.

Unnecessary data accumulated on the equipment will be initialized, possibly allowing for smoother transmission.

2)Update firmware of communication equipment

Update your ""firmware,"" the program running your communication equipment.

If firmware is outdated, your communication equipment may not function properly, so please update your firmware before trying the version update again.

*Consult with the help manual when updating firmware. Also, even if your firmware is up to date, rewriting it may improve the situation.

3)Check settings for security programs and firewalls

There is a possibility that security programs and firewalls are interfering with files related to the game. Please remove these functions for files related to ""FFXIV: ARR""

4)Check security services of your internet provider

Depending on your internet provider or service plan, there may be security services included.

Please confirm that these security services permit online gaming.

5)Because other applications may interfere with your installation, close any running apps

The following steps can be followed in msconfig to stop all apps

1. If using Windows7, enter this character string in the search field near the bottom of the start menu


2. ""System Configuration"" will be activated.

Select the ""General"" tab and under the ""Startup Selection"" category, select ""Select startup options""

3. Remove the check from the ""Load startup categories"" box and press the ""Apply"" button

4. Upon clicking the ""OK"" button you will be prompted to restart your computer.

Windows will be started with the minimum amount of applications running, so please try your download

*Please follow the above instructions at your own risk. Settings will have to be set back to normal after the download.

6)Remove routers

In order to diagnose the issue, remove routers and hubs temporarily.

*This may change your connection to a broadband connection. Please consult with your provider for connection settings.

7)Check router settings

Check the settings of security functions (such as SPI) for your router.

Also, use a port that can be used for the game.

*For details, please consult with the manufacturer of your router.







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