关于 股票 的 English

1: term sheet:
条款 合约
a summary of the key elements of a transaction or agreement.

I asked him if they could draw up a term sheet for us.
The term sheet didn't address all the points we negotiated.
We reached an agreement with consolidated properties over the telephone. Now we just have to wait for the lawyers to draw up a term sheet.

2: Stock option
a right to buy the common stock of a corporation at a specified price, by a specific date

All of your employees will be given stock option.
The company offers its employees benefits such s health insurance and stock options.

3: Outstanding shares
a unit of a corporation's stock that has been issued and is owned by the public or by privae investors.

More than 80 percent of the outstanding shares were held by large finacial institutions.

4: valuation
an estimate of this how much something, such as a company or building, is worth

The valuation of this house is much higher than it was when we bought it.
The valuation looks good.
Thay building would be an excellent location for our new store, but I'm afraid the valuation is too high.

5: have some say
to have some authority or decision-making power

Now that you're a manager, you'll have some say about deadline.

6: on a case-by-case basis
consider each case or situation separately rather than in terms of a general rule.

They will make decisions about salary increases on a case-by-cse basis.
I don't think we should restrict ourselves to a single way of resolving these problems.
We should consider each issue on a case-by-case basis.

7: be clear about
to understand something very well

I explained the new policy to her, so I know she's clear about it.

8: favorably.
in a way that is good or agreeable to someone or something.

The offer will address most of your concerns quite favorably.
If you think carefully and make intelligent decisions, you have a better chance or having thing
work out favorably for you.


In the last assignment, Colin met with Beckett in London to negotiate the

hi All,
I have good news
Beckett told me they wanted to buy XX.

That's great!
Do you have an offer with you?

I asked hime if they could draw up a term sheet for us.
He said they would do it today and deliver ti tomorrow.

So, What did he tell you?
Did you talk about the specifics of the valuation?

The valuation looks good.
Beckett told me they would offer XX million of all the outstanding shares of XX

He spoke in general terms, of course.
But what impressed me was that he said the offer would address most of your
concerns quite favorably.

What about the status of current employees?

Employee who want to stay on will be able to keep their position.

He said that they would make decision about the current staff on a case-by-case basis.

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