代写Python or R作业、代做Python语言程序作业、代写Longitude留学生作业

日期:2018-11-13 10:19

Your task is to run some analysis on this data set and extract insights. Any code should be written

preferably in Python or R. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability - there is some room for

interpretation. Please make sure your results are well presented and explained.

In our data set, the city of Seattle only receives 911 calls for four reasons - a hot latte spills all over your

lap (ouch!), Beavers attack unsuspecting passersbys (watch out for those beavers!), Seal attacks (can't

be too careful), and Marshawn Lynch sightings (people get very excited and choose to call 911 for some



1.A: What is the most common reason for calling 911?

1.B: Display these results graphically

2.A: Please create a graph of the 911 calls using the 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' (graph type is up to you)

(differentiate call type using colors)

2.B: Are there any data points that look mislabeled?

3.A: If we were to use only 'Latitude' and 'Longitude', could we make an intelligent decision as to why a

resident dialed 911? (In other words, if we take off the labels - can we still determine which category a

911 call would most likely fall into?) Please describe this algorithm and your reason for choosing it.

3.B: Does the algorithm chosen utilize Euclidean distance? Should we be concerned that 'Latitude' and

'Longitude' are not necessarily Euclidean?

3.C: Please display the results of your algorithm, along with the associated code

3.D: Please display the number of correct categorizations

3.E: What insight can we extract from this analysis?

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