All the charts, single package

It’s easy with amCharts 5 – all chart types come in a single, easy to understand package!

No need to figure out product line up – just get amCharts 5 for everything.

And since it was designed to work with modern web dev toolkits like React, Angular, Vue it will just fall into place, right out of the box.


  • Line & Smoothed line
  • Area
  • Column & Bar
  • Scatter & Bubble
  • Candlestick & OHLC
  • Step (incl. w/ no-riser)
  • Floating & Gantt
  • Waterfall
  • Error
  • Stacked (regular or 100%)
  • Heatmap
  • … and any combination of the above


  • Pie & Donut
  • Nested donut
  • Funnel
  • Pyramid
  • Pictorial

Geo maps

  • Map chart
  • Geo heat map
  • Map combined with charts

Maps is an add-on and requires separate license.


  • Sankey diagram
  • Chord, Chord directed, and Chord non-ribbon diagrams
  • Pack
  • Treemap
  • Tree
  • Sunburst
  • Partition
  • Force-directed tree
  • Radar & Polar
  • Word cloud
  • Venn diagram

Efficiency built-in

Canvas rendering

amCharts 5 uses browser’s Canvas API which in most cases is way faster than SVG. Less moving parts in the DOM tree, faster rendering.


Common element groups are isolated into separate independent canvases, so that heavily updated sections do not trigger expensive repaints in places that do not change.

Fast data processing

Data processing in amCharts 5 is designed to be as efficient as possible. Incremental updates, lack of repetitive aggregations, and lightweight data object use makes data processing fast and very memory-efficient.

Faster dashboards

amCharts 5 is capable of running scores of charts on the same page, without crippling the browser, due to its lightweight approach to data parsing and rendering.

Tiny binaries

We made amCharts 5 really small – the core functionality compiles to a file of only around 400KB. Each niche functionality is separated into files, so you load only what you really need. Users will surely appreciate faster load times.

Better tree-shaking

We also designed amCharts 5 to be extremely tree-shakable. If you are using Webpack or similar packager, only code that is really needed will be included into your final application.

The most advanced chart package

Classics with some new twists

XY charts are now so powerful and flexible, you can plot any data on them. Number, date, duration, or category axes are supported, in all directions.

Pie charts are now fully nestable, with support for custom start and end angles, to create half circles.

New geo maps

Our maps use GeoJSON format. Being open and widely accepted standard it opens up a lot of possibilities and sources for ready-made and custom maps.

Furthermore, maps are now very flexible, with multi-series support, configurable down to the nut and bolt.

(Maps is and add-on to amCharts 5: Charts which requires separate license)

More about amCharts 5: Maps


Create multi-layer, multi-series pictorial charts. Any SVG path can be used as a shape for your chart.

Sankey Diagrams

Stunning flow diagrams, in horizontal and vertical.

With draggable, fully configurable nodes.

Enhanced radar charts

With stacked column, bands, axes, and other dramatic enhancements, radar charts are now way more useful.


Completely zoomable, multi-level, highly configurable.


Automatically build heat-maps, with custom axes, color ranges, and awesome new interactive Heat Legend.

Create heatmaps using colors, or point size or both.

Universal and flexible heat rules allow attaching any value in data to any property or properties on any element.

Chord diagrams

Visualize your 2-way relational data in a neat circular Chord diagrams.

We do have different variations of the classic diagram: Chord, Chord directed, and Chord non-ribbon.

True funnel charts

amCharts 5 offers true Funnel charts the way they were meant to be.

Slice’s area size represents the value, so each step’s influence on overall volume reduction is more prominent than with basic funnels.

Trapezoid form can also be configured to further emphasize reduction.

Complete it with other visual elements, like fully configurable slice lines, multiple series support, togglable legends, and many many more options.

Customizable beauty built-in

Powerful theme engine

amCharts 5 comes with a bunch of beautiful themes as well as a super flexible theme engine, which you can use.

We devised a CSS-like rule-based theme targeting system in themes. Using, creating, customizing themes or standalone rules has never been so easy. The new system allows applying defaults to elements based on their type, features, or position in a virtual element tree.

Fresh new look

Default looks designed to look fresh, like something out of tomorrow.

Carefully selected color schemes and default settings were specifically chosen to make the charts stand out.

Silk-smooth animations

Every setting – colors, positions, sizes, opacity, and many more – is animatable to ensure smooth transitions.

No choppy, stepped animations – everything is fluid, including zoom and toggling of series and other items.


Element templates

Most elements are created using templates: a collection of default settings, events, and adapters. Changing template automatically propagates changes to actual elements, making it easy to do batch updates.

Everything’s configurable

Numerous configuration options allow inventive uses, bordering on new chart types.

Angles, colors, positions, radii, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g can be set to bend classic and new chart types exactly the way you need them.

Element states

Easily change how an element looks like under different circumstances, e.g. on some interaction, hover, click, or related to data (eg. column look if a value is down).

The engine will automatically apply the required properties as needed, animating between old and new values smoothly.

Create and apply custom states via the API.

Multi-type multi-axis support

Add any number of axes of any type.

Create overlaid comparison of different time scales.

Use any mix of dimensional values: numbers, dates, categories, or duration.


“Adapters” functionality allows plugging in custom code to dynamically override just about any setting or data value.

Text formatting

All text labels – tooltips, axis labels, titles, etc. – now support rich text formatting options, like changing colors, font weight, or applying just about any styling option from the CSS arsenal.

In addition to formatting support, labels can now contain in-line placeholders for real data, with the ability to apply custom formatting to values.

Accessibility & Interactivity


Accessibility was riding shotgun when amCharts 5 was being developed. All interactive elements are TAB-selectable, with customizable roles, order, and screen-reader texts. Everything that can be moved by touch or mouse, can be moved by keyboard. Everything that can be clicked or toggled, can be interacted with with keyboard, too.

Touch support

Charts have been designed to work with touch devices out-of-the-box. They will work not only on phones or tablets, but also touch capable computers.

Under the hood

Built with TypeScript

Supports strong type and error checking in TypeScript applications.

Enjoy code completion, error checking and dynamic help popups in major IDEs.

Full support for TypeScript and ES6 modules.

100% for JavaScript

Can be fully used in any vanilla JavaScript application.

amCharts 5 does not use or rely on globals, external frameworks or 3rd party libraries.

Universal rendering engine

Can be used to build dynamic, interactive Canvas-based interfaces and applications.

Add various elements to the screen, make them interactive, with a few lines of code. Make them clickable, draggable, hoverable, using built-in interactivity functionality.

Our universal layout engine will place, size and arrange elements according to set rules.

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