
Whenever we try to access a website, a DNS name resolution query is executed to resolve its IP address. The operating systems cache this data to avoid reaching out to name servers every time.

每当我们尝试访问网站时,都会执行DNS名称解析查询来解析其IP地址。 操作系统缓存此数据,以避免每次都与名称服务器联系。

为什么要清除DNS缓存? (Why to Clear DNS Cache?)

Sometimes a website IP address is changed when it’s moved to another server. In that case, if we hit the cached IP address, the website won’t work.

有时,网站的IP地址在移至另一台服务器时会更改。 在这种情况下,如果我们点击了缓存的IP地址,则该网站将无法正常运行。

DNS entries have the “Time To Live (TTL)” value associated with it, which tells the Operating System name resolution service when to invalidate the DNS Cache.


But, if you want to reach out to the new IP address before TTL expires, the only solution is to flush the DNS cache.


Ubuntu服务进行DNS名称解析 (Ubuntu Service for DNS Name Resolution)

The systemd-resolved.service is used to run the DNS queries and maintain the DNS Cache.


We can use the following command to check its status.


# sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved
Ubuntu systemd-resolved.service Status
Ubuntu systemd-resolved.service状态

We can run the following command to check the DNS Cache statistics.


# sudo systemd-resolve --statistics
Ubuntu Dns Cache Statistics
Ubuntu Dns缓存统计信息

There is a slight difference in the service and command name. The command name doesn’t have the last character “d”.

服务和命令名称略有不同。 命令名称没有最后一个字符“ d”。

如何在Ubuntu上清除DNS缓存? (How to Clear DNS Cache on Ubuntu?)

We can run the following command to clear the DNS cache on Ubuntu.


# sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches

Then, check the statistics again to confirm that the “Current Cache Size” is 0.


Ubuntu Dns Flush Cache
Ubuntu Dns刷新缓存

重新启动systemd解析的服务以清除所有DNS缓存统计信息 (Restarting systemd-resolved service to clear all DNS Cache Statistics)

The DNS flush command doesn’t clear the cache hits and misses statistics. If you want to clear all the Cache stats, then you have to restart the systemd-resolved service.

DNS刷新命令不会清除缓存命中和未命中统计信息。 如果要清除所有缓存统计信息,则必须重新启动systemd解析的服务。

# sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
Ubuntu Restart Systemd Resolved Service

结论 (Conclusion)

It’s very easy to flush cache on Ubuntu. The command to flush the DNS can be run by the root user or a user with sudo privileges.

在Ubuntu上刷新缓存非常容易。 刷新DNS的命令可以由root用户或具有sudo特权的用户运行。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/40077/ubuntu-clear-dns-cache



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