"Provision not found. A provision is required for deploying your app to the device."

"Signing key not found. The app could not be digitally signed, because the signing key is not configured."


I had this issue and got past it after doing the following. Hopefully it will work for you as well.

On mac, my provisioning profiles were marked as valid, but builds failed immediately after starting claiming that the provision was not found. After some frustration I noticed that their naming was different than on PC. The names given on mac was a long string of letters, numbers and some dashes while the PC version had the project name instead. Renaming them to fit the PC scheme, [projectname].mobileprovision or Distro_[projectname].mobileprovision, and placing them in ~ [projectfolder]/Build/IOS, made them appear alongside the other profiles in the editor after restarting it. Picking the renamed provisioning profiles made it possible to get past the problem.

In short, rename your profile files to [projectname].mobileprovision or Distro_[projectname].mobileprovision, and place them in ~ [projectfolder]/Build/IOS, then pick them as they appear in the editor after a restart.

I'm thinking the issue could be a change in how the profiles are handled. I'm sure it worked in older versions of the editor to just get the profiles through xcode or download and run them, adding them to the key chain. It seems that now the editor still sees the profiles in the key chain and recognizes that they are valid, but fail to access them when the time comes to build.

Provision not found. A provision is required for deploying your app to the device. 解决方案相关推荐

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