This article will tell all my story in my daily file to make some deep memories in my heart for 2023.

The line template:


The template will be used as the mark of the story's start.





Today's new pharse and sentences

It's hard to tell....   很难讲, 对于某事很难讲。

It's hard to tell whether the covid-19 would have a pandemic again  in my country, I don't even know we all prepare well for the next time.


toward .. 对于..

We should always hold the positive attitude toward the problems.





Today is the minor new year for the south china area, people will make a through clean to their house  for the coming of new year,  it means that cleanning the old year and bringing the new year.

At the same time, The first snow is also coming up all the whole day in shanghai,  The big snowflake drops softly, it looks really beautiful, but we must wear more clothes than before for keeping our body warm tomorrow, I send my the best wishes to everyone for the new minor year and all dreams will be the true in the comming year!

今天的中国南方地区人民的小年,人们会对他们的屋子做一次彻底的清洁来迎接新年的到来, 也就是说辞旧迎新。





Firstly,Best wishes to you and your family for a happy new year !  Good health, Good luck and much happiness !

首先,在新的一年里, 最好的祝福给你和你的家庭,身体健康,好运并且幸福。

We all at the start of the new year 2023,  today is my first workday this year, I really wish have a good luck for the all whole year.





Unfortunately,  Most partners didn't get a big bonus at the end of year,  we should definitely not underestimate ourself,  Spring is coming, every industry becomes active, It's a really good signal for  everyone,Just do it and make it happen what you want.

真是不幸,大多数小伙伴们没有拿到年终奖, 我们不能否认自己。春天慢慢到来,所有行业开始活跃起来,这是一个非常不错的信号,去做吧,实现你想做的事情。




Today is the valentine's day, we intend to eat Hot-pot chain haidilao. firstly, we can use this mini program for the reservation in wechat,  we can see this picture  follow and find most of people choosed the smallest table, it means that  young lovers are willing to have an appointment in this special day.

今天是情人节, 我们打算去吃海底捞火锅连锁店。首先我们可以使用这个小程序在微信上预约,我们可以看到大多数人选择小桌,这意味着今天是对于年轻的情侣来讲是个约会的特别日子。




We should use our time resonably everyday,   time is always where it is, it will escape from your hand if you waste your time.  we should exert ourselft and do what we want .  you would not feel regretful for your life when you  recall old days. Maybe this is the significant of life.


How can we keep high-efficency in harness? These items may help below.

我们在日常工作如何保持高效率?  下面这些条目或许有帮助。

  1. Never delay your own things to tomrrow.  永远不要将事情拖到明天。
  2. Exert yourself  and never  to be ego ,  tell them  when you  you can't determine  one thing. 尽自己所能并不要自负, 当你不能决定一件事的时候要告诉他们。




Accoriding to pengbo news, Musk said via a vedio connection call at  Dibai world government summit he would  be relived of his CEO position at the end year of 2023 , and then find a successor to host Twitter, Local time on 15 Feb.

根据彭博新闻报道, 当地时间2月15号,马斯克在迪拜世界政府峰会上通过视频连接说到他将在2023年年底卸任CEO职位,并寻找继任者来主持推特。




Contract staffs  合同工, 指劳务派遣员工,来自第三方公司。

be initiatvie to do sth.  主动地去做某事。

Accoring to the report, apple company have started reducing the  contract staffs secretly.

In the past several days, The company has been initiative to  lost the connection with  handresds of contract staffs. These staffs  employeed by the other outer organization were working with the apple employees for some specific project.





We always duplicate the work of tunning screws every day.  we will be sucessful!  although our behaviors are identical.  ultimately, we will get an award  for our hard work.


I think fry eggs easily, I can give you two if you want.


HK University announced that ChatGPT  is forbiddened.




hastag entrepreneur , 企业家标签

dude,  男人,表示非常酷的男。

how do you manage your work life balance?

how do you manage your time between your work and home?

it really depends on where you are in your life.


I went 7 years without a vocation dude! That's what it's gonna take.





promise 承诺、期望。

1. I will call you back, I promise。我保证会给你回电话的

2. The future was full of  promise。未来充满了无限的期望。

3. I'll make it up to you , I promise。我承诺会弥补你的。




1. figure out .. 发现

badly ..  有时候可以翻译为"极其"

egg.   I alse figured out that if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days.


2.instead of  代替,而不是,后面接名词或动词ing。

rather than 而不是, 和instead of 在成分上必须保持一致。


He watched TV at home instead of going out last night.

He watched TV at home rather than went out last ngiht.

3. polemic  n. 争论、争辩

例:  His speech was impressive for its  polemic rather than its substance.





1. Lockdown.  栅栏,活动受到限制 n.

Prisoner has been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at jail.


2. Sophisticated.  精细的,见多识广的 adj.    形容设备精细,人见多识广。

He is charming, sophisticated companion.


sophisticated equipment.  设备精细

3. amplify  v. 增强、放大、扩展

The chatgtp-4 can amplify what every person is able to do.


4. flourish  v. 繁荣、昌盛、形容植物茁壮成长。

These plants flourish in damp climate.





1. liver ,  肝脏

The largest organ in my body is liver.

2. lung , 肺

3. shipments   n. 发货,运载的货物

drug shipments.

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