
class CNN(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super(CNN,self).__init__()self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,out_channels=16,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2),)self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(16,32,3,1,1),nn.ReLU(),nn.MaxPool2d(2),)self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(32,64,2,1,1),nn.ReLU(),nn.MaxPool2d(2),)self.out = nn.Linear(128,4)def forward(self,x):x = self.conv1(x)x = self.conv2(x)output = self.out(x)return output

此时就会出现如下的错误 :


def forward(self,x):x = self.conv1(x)x = self.conv2(x)print(x.shape)output = self.out(x)return output>> torch.Size([30, 32, 6, 6])  #池化层输出形状

([30, 32, 6, 6]) 其中的30是设置的batch_size,后三维才是其真正的形状,而全连接层的输入是一维特征,因此需要添加一个flatten层进行压平操作。压平后如下:

torch.Size([30, 1152])

鉴于pytorch框架的特点, 需要再添加一个全连接层来衔接压平层和最后一层全连接层,其输入形状为1152,输出为128。(即在以上代码conv3和out再封装一个层):

    def __init__(self):super(CNN,self).__init__()...... self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(32,64,2,1,1),nn.ReLU(),    nn.MaxPool2d(2),)self.dense = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(),nn.Linear(1152,128),nn.Linear(128,4),)def forward(self,x):x = self.conv1(x)x = self.conv2(x)output = self.out(x)return output


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