HPD(Hot Plug Detection),在HDMI的一对联接中,为热插拔的实现而设计的。简单地说,当发送端接入接受端时,接受端会回应HPD信号给发送端,进而发送端会启动DDC通道,而读取接受端EDID的信息,然后进行HDCP的交互,如果双方认证成功,则视频、音频正常工作,否则联接失败,不同系统会有不同的处理。


An Important element to proper interpretation of EDID is "Hot Plugging". The following presents a recommendation for achieving consistent results during a Hot Plugging event.

DVI 1.0 define a HPD signal function that indicates to the host whether a  monitor is connected. HPD is designed to be powered by the DDC +5V coming from the host, and to be independaent of whether the monitor is powered or not. In this way, a host device can detect the monitor and read its characteristics from EDID without the monitor being powered. On a PC, this feature allows the system to load the correct display configuration without delaying the boot process.

In short, in this context, HPD serves as an indication that the EDID is available to be read, however HPD may also have alternative uses. It does no imply any other state of readiness. The relevant definitions from the DVI 1.0 specification are:

a. HPD - Signal is driven by monitor to enable the system to identify the presence of a monitor;

b. The monitor is required to provide a voltage of greater than +2.4V on the HPD pin of the connector only when the EDID data structure is available to be read by the host.

Implementation Notes: As an example for hot plug support, a simple monitor implementation of HPD support could be a pull up resistor to the EDID power supply. After HPD goes active, the host is only expected to read EDID and determine that a valid display mode is available and supported.

Note --- Whenever the EDID information in a device changes for any reason(e.g. if the EDID was updated, or is capable of dynamically changing its information content), the receiving device pulses HPD low for at least 100ms. This recommendation follows from the HDCP repeater implementation requirement that HDCP repeater pulse HPD low for at least 100ms to indicate the connection of new device or disconnection of an existing one.


鏈接: http://blog.csdn.net/linweig/article/details/5518858


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