
一个封装了7种启发式算法的 Python 代码库


pip install scikit-opt

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(Differential Evolution Algorithm,DE)


入参 默认值 意义
func - 目标函数
n_dim - 目标函数的维度
size_pop 50 种群规模
max_iter 200 最大迭代次数
prob_mut 0.001 变异概率
F 0.5 变异系数
lb -1 每个自变量的最小值
ub 1 每个自变量的最大值
constraint_eq 空元组 等式约束
constraint_ueq 空元组 不等式约束(<=0)
min f(x1, x2, x3) = x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2
s.t.x1*x2 >= 1x1*x2 <= 5x2 + x3 = 10 <= x1, x2, x3 <= 5
'''def obj_func(p):x1, x2, x3 = preturn x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2 + x3 ** 2constraint_eq = [lambda x: 1 - x[1] - x[2]
]constraint_ueq = [lambda x: 1 - x[0] * x[1],lambda x: x[0] * x[1] - 5
]# %% Do DifferentialEvolution
from sko.DE import DEde = DE(func=obj_func, n_dim=3, size_pop=50, max_iter=800, lb=[0, 0, 0], ub=[5, 5, 5],constraint_eq=constraint_eq, constraint_ueq=constraint_ueq)best_x, best_y =
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)


best_x: [1.02276678 0.9785311  0.02146889] best_y: [2.00403592]


def demo_func(x):x1, x2, x3 = xreturn x1 ** 2 + (x2 - 0.05) ** 2 + x3 ** 2# %% Do PSO
from sko.PSO import PSOpso = PSO(func=demo_func, n_dim=3, pop=40, max_iter=150, lb=[0, -1, 0.5], ub=[1, 1, 1], w=0.8, c1=0.5, c2=0.5)
print('best_x is ', pso.gbest_x, 'best_y is', pso.gbest_y)# %% Plot the result
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.plot(pso.gbest_y_hist)
best_x is  [0.   0.05 0.5 ] best_y is [0.25]


demo_func = lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + (x[1] - 0.05) ** 2 + x[2] ** 2# %% Do SA
from sko.SA import SAsa = SA(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, L=300, max_stay_counter=150)
best_x, best_y =
print('best_x:', best_x, 'best_y', best_y)# %% Plot the result
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pdplt.plot(pd.DataFrame(sa.best_y_history).cummin(axis=0)) %%
from sko.SA import SAFastsa_fast = SAFast(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150)
print('Fast Simulated Annealing: best_x is ', sa_fast.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_fast.best_y)# %%
from sko.SA import SAFastsa_fast = SAFast(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150,lb=[-1, 1, -1], ub=[2, 3, 4])
print('Fast Simulated Annealing with bounds: best_x is ', sa_fast.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_fast.best_y)# %%
from sko.SA import SABoltzmannsa_boltzmann = SABoltzmann(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150)
print('Boltzmann Simulated Annealing: best_x is ', sa_boltzmann.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_fast.best_y)# %%
from sko.SA import SABoltzmannsa_boltzmann = SABoltzmann(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150,lb=-1, ub=[2, 3, 4])
print('Boltzmann Simulated Annealing with bounds: best_x is ', sa_boltzmann.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_fast.best_y)# %%
from sko.SA import SACauchysa_cauchy = SACauchy(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150)
print('Cauchy Simulated Annealing: best_x is ', sa_cauchy.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_cauchy.best_y)# %%
from sko.SA import SACauchysa_cauchy = SACauchy(func=demo_func, x0=[1, 1, 1], T_max=1, T_min=1e-9, q=0.99, L=300, max_stay_counter=150,lb=[-1, 1, -1], ub=[2, 3, 4])
print('Cauchy Simulated Annealing with bounds: best_x is ', sa_cauchy.best_x, 'best_y is ', sa_cauchy.best_y)



import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltnum_points = 25points_coordinate = np.random.rand(num_points, 2)  # generate coordinate of points
distance_matrix = spatial.distance.cdist(points_coordinate, points_coordinate, metric='euclidean')def cal_total_distance(routine):num_points, = routine.shapereturn sum([distance_matrix[routine[i % num_points], routine[(i + 1) % num_points]] for i in range(num_points)])# %% Do ACA
from sko.ACA import ACA_TSPaca = ACA_TSP(func=cal_total_distance, n_dim=num_points,size_pop=50, max_iter=200,distance_matrix=distance_matrix)best_x, best_y = %% Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
best_points_ = np.concatenate([best_x, [best_x[0]]])
print(best_x)  # 结果序列
print(best_points_)  # 添加起点形成环
best_points_coordinate = points_coordinate[best_points_, :]  # 找到点序列对应的坐标序列
ax[0].plot(best_points_coordinate[:, 0], best_points_coordinate[:, 1], 'o-r')  # 连接


import numpy as npdef schaffer(p):'''This function has plenty of local minimum, with strong shocksglobal minimum at (0,0) with value 0'''x1, x2 = ppart1 = np.square(x1) - np.square(x2)part2 = np.square(x1) + np.square(x2)return 0.5 + (np.square(np.sin(part1)) - 0.5) / np.square(1 + 0.001 * part2)# %%
from sko.GA import GAga = GA(func=schaffer, n_dim=2, size_pop=50, max_iter=800, prob_mut=0.001, lb=[-1, -1], ub=[1, 1], precision=1e-7)
best_x, best_y =
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)
# %% Plot the result
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltY_history = pd.DataFrame(ga.all_history_Y)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
ax[0].plot(Y_history.index, Y_history.values, '.', color='red')


best_x: [0.00294498 0.00016674] best_y: [8.77542544e-09]0             1   ...            48            49
0    2.432570e-01  8.702831e-02  ...  3.420108e-04  1.928273e-02
1    6.365298e-02  4.969987e-02  ...  1.994070e-02  3.016882e-02
2    8.110868e-04  5.950608e-04  ...  1.694919e-03  2.924401e-02
3    9.968317e-04  1.167487e-04  ...  1.288323e-03  2.983435e-04
4    2.318954e-03  2.191508e-04  ...  1.501895e-04  1.733578e-03
..            ...           ...  ...           ...           ...
795  9.406647e-09  8.849707e-09  ...  9.312904e-09  9.406647e-09
796  8.849707e-09  8.849707e-09  ...  8.830077e-09  8.849707e-09
797  8.849707e-09  8.849707e-09  ...  8.849707e-09  8.849707e-09
798  8.830077e-09  8.849707e-09  ...  8.849707e-09  8.849707e-09
799  8.830077e-09  8.849707e-09  ...  8.958900e-09  8.849707e-09[800 rows x 50 columns]


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