os: centos 7.6
db: oracle 19.3

开发环境做压测时报错 WARNING: too many parse errors,简单分析了下.


PDB1(3):WARNING: too many parse errors, count=49360 SQL hash=0xa4a6bcc4
PDB1(3):PARSE ERROR: ospid=19135, error=12872 for statement:
PDB1(3):SELECT hopo.a_id, hopo.a_number, hopo.amount, hopo.currency, hopo.a_date, hopo.source_code, hopo.order_number, hopo.a_type_code, hopo.status, hopo.a_scene
PDB1(3):Additional information: hd=0x728db780 phd=0xaf348bc0 flg=0x110676 cisid=116 sid=116 ciuid=116 uid=116 sqlid=c74zdxqkadg64
PDB1(3):...Current username=peiyongbin
PDB1(3):...Application: java@node01 (TNS V1-V3) Action:2019-07-30T16:37:19.949643+08:00
PDB1(3):WARNING: too many parse errors, count=49460 SQL hash=0xa4a6bcc4
PDB1(3):PARSE ERROR: ospid=27728, error=12850 for statement:
PDB1(3):SELECT hopo.a_id, hopo.a_number, hopo.amount, hopo.currency, hopo.a_date, hopo.source_code, hopo.order_number, hopo.a_type_code, hopo.status, hopo.a_scene
PDB1(3):Additional information: hd=0x70a987a8 phd=0xaf348bc0 flg=0x110676 cisid=116 sid=116 ciuid=116 uid=116 sqlid=c74zdxqkadg64
PDB1(3):...Current username=peiyongbin
PDB1(3):...Application: java@node01 (TNS V1-V3) Action: 
$ oerr ora 12872
12872, 00000, "First slave parse gave different plan"
// *Cause: First hard parse on slave given QC-supplied environment and
//         parameters gave different plan from QC. Try again with outline.
// *Action: No external action. Internally used for outline-based reparse. $ oerr ora 12850
12850, 00000, "Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: %s needed, %s allocated"
// *Cause: When executing a query on a gv$ fixed view, one or more
//         instances failed to allocate a slave to process query.
// *Action:Check trace output for instances on which slaves failed to start.
//         GV$ query can only proceed if slaves can be allocated on all
//         instances.

ora 12872

这是12.2的新特性,自动生成解析失败的信息写入db alert log, 即使没有在数据库启用event 10035, 以前版本可以通过启用10035 event分析解决失败信息写入alert log.
WARNING: too many parse errors 并不是每次解析都提示,默认是在同一SQL在60分钟内每出现100次就会提示一次worning到DB ALERT LOG.
对于这个阀值应该是有隐藏参数”_kks_parse_error_warning” 控制的。


SQL>  set lines 200;
set pages 200;
col inst_id format 99;
col con_id format 99;
col name for a35;
col description for a30;
col value for a10;selectx.inst_id,y.con_id,x.ksppinm  name,x.ksppdesc description,y.ksppstvl  value,y.ksppstdf  isdefault,decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE')  ismod,decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,2),2,'TRUE','FALSE')  isadj
from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y
where 1=1and x.inst_id = y.inst_idand x.indx = y.indxand x.ksppinm like '%parse_error%'
order by translate(x.ksppinm, ' _', ' '),x.inst_id,y.con_id
------- ------ ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- --------- ---------- -----1      1 _kks_cached_parse_errors       KKS cached parse errors    0      TRUE      FALSE      FALSE1      1 _kks_parse_error_warning       Parse error warning        100        TRUE      FALSE      FALSE

ora 12850

SQL> show parameter QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED;NAME                     TYPE    VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
query_rewrite_enabled            string  TRUE
SELECT /*+ opt_param('query_rewrite_enabled', 'false') */alter session set "_optimizer_enhanced_join_elimination"=FALSE;
alter session set "_optimizer_multicol_join_elimination"= FALSE;
alter session set "_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled"=false;

‘WARNING: too many parse errors’ in the 12.2 Alert.log (文档 ID 2320935.1)

‘WARNING: too many parse errors PARSE ERROR: error=12872’ Messages in Alert Log Can Be ignored (文档 ID 2348380.1)

After Upgrade from to, Application Processing Error ‘ORA-12850: COULD NOT ALLOCATE SLAVES ON ALL SPECIFIED INSTANCES: 2 NEEDED’ (文档 ID 2408314.1)

How To Diagnose ORA-12850 Could Not Allocate Slaves On All Specified Instances (文档 ID 1350377.1)

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