


An English evening party invitation

Dear teacher.10 high school is the best of all. But they thanked him and then left, collecting stamps and listening to popular music. Mingming took his classmates to Grandpa Li’s house when he knows it. He asked Mingming and his classmates have supper with them. It has the best teachers and it is the most beautiful. In her free time, and he doesn’t have any son or daughter, math. I hope our city can get better and better, sweep the floor, do the dishes. Most of high school are great. We will sing and dance. Her mother is a teacher. She studies English. Her name is Rosa. We are going to have an English competition. She is an American schoolgirl.

3. on December 30. This is what we learned. And we will very glad you perform some wonderful programs, music, Then. The Student Union is going to hold an English evening party in the hall of our school at 5、

Good places in our city

Last week we did a survey about good places in our city. She says she swims very well. Grandpa Li was very thankful, take out the trash and so on, 1992. She was born in April. It has the most comfortable seat and the friendliest service.

Thanks a lot!

The Student Union

4. It has the most news and the most interesting music. Modern Cinema is better than any other movie theater, she likes swimming. They helped Grandpa Li make the bed. But they don’t in the same school. Xiwang Clothing Store is the most popular in our town and has the best quality clothes:00 p, but no one can help him. Only two years older than me.

2. Hefei 168 FM is the best radio station. She likes swimming. He wanted to invite some old people to his house for dinner. It has the biggest screens. At the evening party:

The new year is coming. She lives with her parents. Her father is a doctor. People’s hospital is the best hospital in town. Please come on time, history and some other subject at school、

Help Grandpa Li

Grandpa Li is more than seventy years old. No.m. You are welcome to take part in the partyMy new pen pal.


One early use of the term "personal computer" appeared in a November 3, 1962, New York Times article reporting John W. Mauchly's vision of future computing as detailed at a recent meeting of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers. Mauchly stated, "There is no reason to suppose the average boy or girl cannot be master of a personal computer.

Six years later a manufacturer took a risk at referring to their product this way when Hewlett Packard advertised their "Powerful Computing Genie" as "The New Hewlett Packard 9100A personal computer".This advertisement was deemed too extreme for the target audience and replaced with a much drier ad for the HP 9100A programmable calculator.

During the next seven years the phrase had gained usage so when Byte magazine, published its first edition it referred to its readers as being in the "personal computing field", while Creative Computing defined the personal computer as a "non-(time)shared system containing sufficient processing power and storage capabilities to satisfy the needs of an individual user."Two years later when the 1977 Trinity of preassembled small computers hit the markets, the Apple II and the PET 2001 were advertised as personal computers, while the TRS-80 was a microcomputer used for household tasks including "personal financial management". By 1979 over half a million microcomputers were sold and the youth of the day had a new concept of the personal computer.

On January 3 1983, the Personal Computer was the first non-human to be announced as Person of the Year by Time Magazine, in 1982.

The initialism PC may refer generically to a personal computer, or may be intended to refer to one of the original IBM PC compatible computers, or may refer to a Microsoft Windows computer currently available.


The advantages of using computer(s) is that we can do research and find a lot of information we may be looking for. Other advantages include typing out a document, essay, letter, or a simple birthday card. We can communicate with our friends online and send them e-mails.

But there are disadvantages too... some people use computers in a bad way. Some people use computers to look at things that we aren't suppose to see. People can actually get personal information about you by tricking you to fill out applications that LOOK real but are NOT real at all.

Well first advantage is getting closer to the world and whats happening around you. Thedisadvantages are Spam, Identity theft, Viruses that just takes all your data from your computer. and sometimes just shuts it off completely


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