Mapping Subsidiaries(子公司账簿) to Your Parent(总公司账簿) :

Use the Consolidation Mappings  window to map your subsidiaries' charts of accounts to your parent's chart of accounts.Navigate: GL Manager / Consolidation / Define /  Mapping.

   To define a consolidation mapping

   To enter segment rules

                    Possible Actions for Parent segment is:

* Copy Value From: Copy all values in your subsidiary segment to the same values in your parent segment. The segments do not have to use the same value set, but must use the same segment values

*Assign Single Value: Assign one specific value that will be used for the parent segment. You must enter the value that the parent chart of accounts will use.

*Use Rollup Rules From: Map values from your subsidiary segments to your parent segments using the rule specified in the Rollup Rules region

   To enter account rules


  • You must define a segment rule action for each segment in your parent's chart of accounts. You cannot define more than one action per parent segment.
  • Segment rules are preferable to account rules.
  • Account rules override segment rules if there is any conflict.
  • If you define segment rules for dependent segments in your chart of accounts, the list of values for the dependent segment value may appear to contain duplicate entries (if you have defined the same dependent value and description for different independent segment values). Choose any entry with the appropriate value; the Global Consolidation System does not use the description.

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