1. ILM的翻译

1. Tomographic images show that the frontier of the lithospheric mantle of Indian plate subducted beneath the center of Qiangtang terrane, and there is a great scale vertical low-velocity zone from deep to surface at the frontier of ILM. It supplies a channel for deep mantle upwelling. Hot materials of deep asthenospheric mantle might flow upward along the channel, then potassic and ultrapotassic lavas erupted in the northern Tibet.


2. Study on Chance-Constrained Programming Model of Resource Distribution and Convey in Stochastic Environments; 2. A model is established for ILM in the framework of chance-constrained programming aiming at maximizing the expected profit.


3. This paper will discuss how tiering storage is an important component of an ILM practice, but not everything.


4. In a tiering context, ILM is how we manage the repositories based on the requirements over time.


5. The coesite-diamond-bearing eclogite distributed in the northern part of the UHPM belt suffered three stages of metamorphism. The first stage is the Ep amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is represented by the paragenesis of phe+Qtz+Cro/Bar Bar+Ep+Ab occurred as inclusions in Grt and Omp; The second stage is the peak metamorphism of eclogite facies with mineral assembledge of Grt+Omp+Coe±Dia±Ky±Zo±Phe+Rt. The P -T condition is 800±50℃, ≥28Kb; The third stage is the amphibolite facies retrograded metamorphism from the peak one, which can be divided intothe early amphibolite facies stage with the mineral assembledge of Amp+ Pl+Di+Qtz±Ep+Ilm/Ttn and the late greenschist facies one with the mineral assembledge of Ep+Chl+Bi+Tr+Ab.


6. It established the relation between apex angle and tucking angle of gusset of extrusion line for blown-ilm through geometrical deduction.

摘 要 :通过几何推导,确立了吹膜机组插板顶角与插板插入角之间的关系。

7. DLM is a subset of ILM.


8. The Transformers possessed such a rich level of detail and complexity it took the ILM animators 38 hours to fill them in a single frame of the film.


9. Bad Kitty was the ILM animation crew's nickname of the nexu during the making of Episode II.


10. ILM addresses these issues among others so that an appropriate technology can be automatically used to store data for each phase of its lifecycle.


11. ILM was stained by ICG in experimental group and ICG was instead by balanced salt solution in operational blank control group during the vitrectomy.


12. 911查询·英语单词

12. AIM: To compare the anatomical and visual outcome in primary idiopathic macular hole surgery with or without indocyanine green (ICG) stained internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling.


13. The appropriate starting site for removal of posterior cortex and ILM should be the site without inner layer retinoschisis.


14. On the basis of the principle of ILM the authors lead the interruptive load into power transmission congestion management and propose an optimal dispatching mode to eliminate the congestion by optimized power flows with the assistance of interruptible load control.


15. On the other hand, the intrinsic incentive function of ILM cannot reduce the substitution cost efficiently either.


16. In subsequent sections, we discuss how these commands are used for ILM.


17. Based on the principles of formation of surface film, the discriminative equation of forming multi-layer ILM were derived and verified by experiments.


18. ILM

18. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling and perfluoropropane tamponade (C3F8) to treat macular retinoschisis in high myopic eyes.


19. One of the objectives of ILM is to use cost efficient IT infrastructure based on business value of information.


20. Objective To determine the anatomical and visual outcome in primary surgery for idiopathic stage 3 or 4 macular holes with indocyanine green (ICG) - assisted retinal internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling.


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