第二十六章:测试 习题答案

  • 本章的BinarySearch
    • Binary_Search.h
  • 26.2
    • 26.2 测试集
  • 26.3
  • 26.4
  • 26.5
  • 26.8 and 26.9
    • 26.8 测试集
  • 26.11
  • 26.12
  • 26.13
  • 26.14



#include"../../std_lib_facilities.h"template<typename Iter, typename T, typename BinOp = less<T>>
bool my_binary_search(Iter first, Iter last, const T& to_find, BinOp bin_cmp = BinOp{})
{//递归方法//if (first == last)   //last是指向end的// return false;//Iter mid = first + distance(first, last) / 2;//if (*mid == to_find)//    return true;//else if (*mid < to_find)   //往右半部分搜索// return my_binary_search(mid + 1, last, to_find, bin_cmp);//else//{//   往左半部分搜索//   return my_binary_search(first, mid, to_find, bin_cmp);//}//循环方法while (first < last){Iter mid = first + distance(first, last) / 2;if ((bin_cmp(*mid, to_find) == false) && (bin_cmp(to_find, *mid) == false))return true;else if (bin_cmp(*mid, to_find)){//往右半部分搜索first = mid + 1;}else{//往左半部分搜索last = mid;}}return false; //没搜到


#include "Binary_Search.h"template<class T>
struct Test {string label;      //唯一标签T val;            //要搜索的值vector<T> seq; //数值序列bool res;         //期望的计算结果
//参考格式:{ 27 7 { 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 } 0 },对应Test结构体顺序 (各字段之间需要有空格)//读入格式化的各种类型序列 比如{ 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 } 的方法
template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& seq);//终止输入循环,需要终止符号 term
void end_of_loop(istream& is, const char term, const string& err_msg);template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Test<T>& t)
{char ch1;is >> ch1;if (ch1 != '{')        //如果读入的不是'{',说明不是读入测试集,可能是别的格式化字符串{is.unget();is.clear(ios::failbit);return is;}string lab;T v;vector<T> s;bool r;char ch2{ 0 };if (!(is >> lab >> v >> s >> r >> ch2))error("error in reading test case");if (ch2 != '}')error("bad end of test case");//成功读入后,要赋值给Test& tt.label = lab;t.val = v;t.seq = s;t.res = r;return is;
}//读入格式化的各种类型序列(除了string) 比如{ 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 } 的方法
template<typename T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& seq)
{char ch;if (is >> ch && ch != '{'){is.unget();is.clear(ios_base::failbit);return is;}T v; //读入的将要放入向量的单个数值while (is >> v)seq.push_back(v);end_of_loop(is, '}', "bad termination of numeric sequence");return is;
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<string>& seq)
{char ch;if (is >> ch && ch != '{'){is.unget();is.clear(ios_base::failbit);return is;}string v;    //读入的将要放入向量的单个数值while (is >> v){if (v.back() == '}'){//is.putback('}');break;}seq.push_back(v);}return is;
}void end_of_loop(istream& is, const char term, const string& err_msg)
{if (is.fail()){is.clear();char ch;if (is >> ch && ch == term)return;error(err_msg);}
template<class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Test<T>& t)
{os << "{ "<< t.label << ' '<< t.val << ' '<< "{ ";for (const int x : t.seq)os << x << ' ';os << "} " << t.res << " }";return os;
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------template<class T>
int test_all(istream& is)
{int error_count = 0;for (Test<T> t; is >> t; ) {bool r = my_binary_search(t.seq.begin(), t.seq.end(), t.val);if (r != t.res) {std::cout << "failure: test " << t.label<< " binary_search: "<< t.seq.size() << " elements, val == " << t.val<< " -> " << t.res << " != " << r << '\n';++error_count;}}return error_count;
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------int main()
try {int err_cnt{ 0 };ifstream ifs{ "SimpleExercise_TestCase4.txt" };if (!ifs)error("can't open file SimpleExercise_TestCase4.txt");err_cnt = test_all<string>(ifs);cout << "error count = " << err_cnt << endl;ifs.close();return 0;
catch (exception& e)
{cerr << e.what() << endl;return 1;
catch (...)
{cerr << "Exception!\n";return 2;

26.2 测试集

{ 101.1 Bohr { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 1 }
{ 101.2 Einstein { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 1 }
{ 101.3 Lavoisier { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 1 }
{ 101.4 Turing { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 1 }
{ 101.5 Abel { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 0 }
{ 101.6 Dirichlet { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 0 }
{ 101.7 Watt { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton Turing } 0 }

{ 102 Bohr { } 0 }

{ 103.1 Bohr { Bohr } 1 }
{ 103.2 Abel { Bohr } 0 }
{ 103.3 Einstein { Bohr } 0 }

{ 104.1 Bohr { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 1 }
{ 104.2 Lavoisier { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 1 }
{ 104.3 Darwin { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 1 }
{ 104.4 Einstein { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 1 }
{ 104.5 Abel { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 0 }
{ 104.6 Newton { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier } 0 }

{ 105.1 Bohr { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton } 1 }
{ 105.2 Newton { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton } 1 }
{ 105.3 Einstein { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton } 1 }
{ 105.4 Abel { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton } 0 }
{ 105.5 Turing { Bohr Darwin Einstein Lavoisier Newton } 0 }

{ 106.1 Bohr { Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 1 }
{ 106.2 Abel { Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 0 }
{ 106.3 Darwin { Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 0 }

{ 107.1 Abel { Abel Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 1 }
{ 107.2 Bohr { Abel Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 1 }
{ 107.3 Aamodt { Abel Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 0 }
{ 107.4 Darwin { Abel Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr } 0 }

{ 108.1 Abel { Abel Abel Abel Abel Abel Bohr } 1 }
{ 108.1 Bohr { Abel Abel Abel Abel Abel Bohr } 1 }
{ 108.1 Aamodt { Abel Abel Abel Abel Abel Bohr } 0 }
{ 108.1 Darwin { Abel Abel Abel Abel Abel Bohr } 0 }




设计了一个数据格式,用 make_test_file() 生成测试集文件。

定义一种测试数据格式,可以只需定义一次数据序列,但可在多个测试中使用{   lab1 [...]( lab2.x val res )( lab2.x val res )... }{}内是数据序列和对应的各项测试,lab1表示数据序列的标签,[]内是数据序列()内是测试,其中lab2.x表示测试标签,val表示测试值,res表示测试结果注意括号以及各字段之间要有空格或换行符
#include "Binary_Search.h"template<class T>
struct Test {string lab2x;      //标签:对应一个测试T val;            //要搜索的值bool res;            //期望的计算结果
};template<class T>
struct Test_case {string lab1;      //标签:对应一个序列和针对它的测试vector<T> seq;       //数值序列vector<Test<T>> tests;    //各项测试,标签自动生成bool add_test(const T& val, const bool res);
};template<class T>
bool Test_case<T>::add_test(const T& val, const bool res)
{//加入一项测试,自动添加标签auto it = find(seq.begin(), seq.end(), val);//判断要加入的测试是否正确if ((it != seq.end() && res == true) || (it == seq.end() && res == false)){//正确则加入Test<T> t;t.lab2x = lab1 + '.' + to_string(1 + tests.size());t.val = val;t.res = res;tests.push_back(t);       //加入该测试return true;}elsereturn false;
}//读入格式化的各种类型序列 比如{ 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 } 的方法
template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& seq);//终止输入循环,需要终止符号 term
void end_of_loop(istream& is, const char term, const string& err_msg);//读入测试
template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Test<T>& t)
{char ch;is >> ch;if (ch != '(')       //如果读入的不是'(',说明不是读入测试,可能是别的格式化字符串{is.unget();is.clear(ios::failbit);return is;}string lab;T v;bool r;if (!(is >> lab >> v >> r >> ch))error("error in reading test");if (ch != ')')error("bad end of test");//成功读入后,要赋值给Test& tt.lab2x = lab;t.val = v;t.res = r;return is;
}template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Test_case<T>& tc)
{char ch;is >> ch;if (ch != '{')       //如果读入的不是'{',说明不是读入测试集,可能是别的格式化字符串{is.unget();is.clear(ios::failbit);return is;}string lab;vector<T> s;if (!(is >> lab >> s))error("error in reading test case");//成功读入后,要赋值给Test_case& tctc.lab1 = lab;tc.seq = s;//读入各项测试for (Test<T> t; is >> t;)tc.tests.push_back(t);end_of_loop(is, '}', "bad termination of test case");return is;
}//读入格式化的各种类型序列(除了string) 比如{ 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 } 的方法
template<typename T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& seq)
{char ch;if (is >> ch && ch != '['){is.unget();is.clear(ios_base::failbit);return is;}T v; //读入的将要放入向量的单个数值while (is >> v)seq.push_back(v);end_of_loop(is, ']', "bad termination of numeric sequence");return is;
istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<string>& seq)
{char ch;if (is >> ch && ch != '['){is.unget();is.clear(ios_base::failbit);return is;}string v;    //读入的将要放入向量的单个数值while (is >> v){if (v.back() == ']'){//is.putback('}');break;}seq.push_back(v);}return is;
}void end_of_loop(istream& is, const char term, const string& err_msg)
{if (is.fail()){is.clear();char ch;if (is >> ch && ch == term)return;error(err_msg);}
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------template<class T>
int test_all(istream& is)
{int error_count = 0;for (Test_case<T> tc; is >> tc; ) {cout << "Test " << tc.lab1 << '\n';for (const Test<T>& t : tc.tests){bool r = my_binary_search(tc.seq.begin(), tc.seq.end(), t.val);if (r != t.res) {std::cout << "failure: test " << t.lab2x<< " binary_search: "<< tc.seq.size() << " elements, val == " << t.val<< " -> " << t.res << " != " << r << '\n';++error_count;}}}return error_count;
// n 随机数序列个数,m 测试项数,base 随机数序列的起始,spread 随机数之间的平均间距
void make_test_file(const string& lab, int n, int m, int base, int spread, ostream& os)
{os << "{ " << lab << " [ ";vector<int> v;int elem = base;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {elem += randint(spread);v.push_back(elem);os << elem << ' ';}os << "]\n";for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i){os << "\t( " << lab + '.' + to_string(1 + i);int val = randint(base, elem);os << ' ' << val;bool found = false;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {if (v[i] == val) found = true;}os << ' ' << found << " )\n";}os << "}\n\n";
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------int main()
try {int err_cnt{ 0 };string fname{ "TestCase4.txt" };//ofstream ofs{ fname };//if (!ofs)//   error("can't open file ", fname);//make_test_file("1", 10, 5, 0, 5, ofs);//ofs.close();ifstream ifs{ fname };if (!ifs)error("can't open file ", fname);err_cnt = test_all<int>(ifs);cout << "error count = " << err_cnt << endl;ifs.close();return 0;
catch (exception& e)
{cerr << e.what() << endl;return 1;
catch (...)
{cerr << "Exception!\n";return 2;


题目的中文翻译似乎有误,第一句话应该是:在 binary_search 的测试中加入一个测试,(中文版是测试集中加入一个测试)。

//检查原书的测试用例数据序列template<class T>
int test_all(istream& is)
{int error_count = 0;for (Test<T> t; is >> t; ) {//新加入一个测试,能够捕获 binary_search 修改数据序列这种错误auto before_binary_search_container = t.seq;bool r = my_binary_search(t.seq.begin(), t.seq.end(), t.val);if (r != t.res) {std::cout << "failure: test " << t.label<< " binary_search: "<< t.seq.size() << " elements, val == " << t.val<< " -> " << t.res << " != " << r << '\n';++error_count;}//新加入一个测试,能够捕获 binary_search 修改数据序列这种错误if (t.seq != before_binary_search_container)cout << "failure: test " << test.label<< " had its sequence modified\n";}return error_count;

26.8 and 26.9


cout << "Rectangle(Point(" << point(0).x << ',' << point(0).y << "),"<< w << ',' << h << ")\n";
#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
#include "../../GUI/Simple_window.h"
//cout << "Rectangle(Point(" << point(0).x << ',' << point(0).y << ")," << w << ',' << h << ")\n";//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------using namespace Graph_lib;//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// read a point of format "Point(int x, int y)"
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Point& p)
{string s;char ch;while (is >> ch) {if (ch == '(')break;s += ch;}is.unget();if (s != "Point")error("expected 'Point'");char ch1;char ch2;char ch3;int x;int y;is >> ch1 >> x >> ch2 >> y >> ch3;if (ch1 != '(' || ch2 != ',' || ch3 != ')')error("expected '(', ',' or ')'");p = Point(x, y);return is;
}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// read contents of circle: "Point(int x, int y), int rad"
Circle* get_circle(istream& is)
{char ch1;Point p;char ch2;int rad;char ch3;is >> ch1 >> p >> ch2 >> rad >> ch3;if (ch1 != '(' || ch2 != ',' || ch3 != ')')error("get_circle(): expected '(', ',' or ')'");//is.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');  // ignore rest of linereturn new Circle(p, rad);
}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// read contents of line: "Point(int x1, int y1), Point(int x2, int y2)"
Line* get_line(istream& is)
{char ch1;char ch2;char ch3;Point p1;Point p2;is >> ch1 >> p1 >> ch2 >> p2 >> ch3;if (ch1 != '(' || ch2 != ',' || ch3 != ')')error("get_line(): expected '(', ',' or ')'");//is.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');return new Line(p1, p2);
}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// read contents of rectangle: "Point(int x, int y), int w, int h"
Graph_lib::Rectangle* get_rectangle(istream& is)
{char ch1;Point p;char ch2;int w;char ch3;int h;char ch4;is >> ch1 >> p >> ch2 >> w >> ch3 >> h >> ch4;if (ch1 != '(' || ch2 != ',' || ch3 != ',' || ch4 != ')')error("get_rectangle(): expected '(', ',' or ')'");//is.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');return new Graph_lib::Rectangle(p, w, h);
}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// returns a pointer to the next Shape extracted from is, null if no successful
Shape* get_shape(istream& is)
{string type;char ch;while (is >> ch) {if (ch == '(') {is.unget();break;}type += ch;}if (type == "Circle")return get_circle(is);if (type == "Line")return get_line(is);if (type == "Rectangle")return get_rectangle(is);elsereturn 0;
}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------int main()
try {Simple_window win(Point(400, 100), 800, 700, "My window");string ifname = "TestCase8.txt";ifstream ifs(ifname);if (!ifs)error("can't open ", ifname);Vector_ref<Shape> vec;while (true) {Shape* s = get_shape(ifs);if (s) {vec.push_back(s);win.attach(vec[vec.size() - 1]);}elsebreak;}win.wait_for_button();
catch (exception& e) {cerr << e.what() << endl;
catch (...) {cerr << "exception \n";

26.8 测试集



#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
#include "../../Matrix.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>using namespace Numeric_lib;
using namespace std::chrono;// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// 大神那里拷贝过来的填充随机矩阵多线程大法
// Multithreaded fill
void row_fill_task(Matrix<double, 2>& m, int r1, int r2, unsigned int seed)
{const int low = -10;const int high = 9;thread_local static default_random_engine ran{ seed };for (auto i = r1; i < r2; ++i)for (auto j = 0; j < m.dim2(); ++j)m(i, j) = randint(low, high);
}Matrix<double, 2> threaded_fill(int dim)
{Matrix<double, 2> m{ dim, dim };const int N{ thread::hardware_concurrency() };      //线程数const int r = dim / N + ((dim % N) ? 1 : 0);vector<std::thread> vt;int M = m.dim1() - r;int i{ 0 };for (i = 0; i < M; i+=r)vt.push_back(std::thread{ row_fill_task, std::ref(m), i, i+r, randint(1,100) });vt.push_back(std::thread{ row_fill_task, std::ref(m), i, m.dim1(), randint(1,100) });for (auto& t : vt)t.join();return m;
double row_sum(Matrix<double, 2> m, int n)    // sum of elements in m[n]
{double s = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += m(n, i);return s;
double row_accum(Matrix<double, 2> m, int n)  // sum of elements in m[0:n)
{double s = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += row_sum(m, i);return s;
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------class Timer_Type {public:Timer_Type() :t1{}, is_start{false}{}void start(const string& msg = ""){if (is_start){cerr << "clock had been starting!\n";return;}is_start = true;cout << msg << " clock start!\n";t1 = system_clock::now();}void terminate(const string& msg = ""){is_start = false;auto t2 = system_clock::now();cout << msg << " took "<< duration_cast<milliseconds>(t2 - t1).count()<< " milliseconds\n";}private:system_clock::time_point t1;bool is_start;  //是否开始计时
};int main()
{const int N{ 10000 };     //方阵的维度Matrix<double, 2> m = threaded_fill(N);vector<double> v;Timer_Type timer;// compute accumulated sums of rows of m: (slow)//timer.start("Slow method");//for (int i = 0; i < m.dim1(); ++i) //    v.push_back(row_accum(m, i + 1));//timer.terminate("Slow method");// compute accumulated sums of rows of m: (faster)double rows_acc{ 0 };timer.start("Faster method");for (int i = 0; i < m.dim1(); ++i){rows_acc += row_sum(m, i);v.push_back(rows_acc);}timer.terminate("Faster method");cout << v.back() << '\n';return 0;
catch (exception& e)
{cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;return 1;
{cerr << "Exception occurred!\n";return 2;


#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>using namespace std::chrono;// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Multithreaded fill
void vector_fill_task(vector<double>& v, vector<double>::size_type i1, vector<double>::size_type i2, default_random_engine ran)
{constexpr int min = 0;constexpr int max = 1000;thread_local uniform_real_distribution<> ureal{ min,max };for (auto i = i1; i < i2; ++i)v[i] = ureal(ran);
}vector<double> random_vector_double(vector<double>::size_type n, const unsigned seed)
{default_random_engine ran{ seed };const int N_thread{ thread::hardware_concurrency() };const int r = n / N_thread + ((n % N_thread) ? 1 : 0);vector<double> v(n);vector<std::thread> vt;int M = n - r;int i{ 0 };for (i = 0; i < M; i += r)vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, i + r, ran });vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, n, ran });for (auto& t : vt)t.join();return v;
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------class Timer_Type {public:Timer_Type() :t1{}, is_start{ false }{}void start(const string& msg = ""){if (is_start){cerr << "clock had been starting!\n";return;}is_start = true;cout << msg << " clock start!\n";t1 = system_clock::now();}void terminate(const string& msg = ""){is_start = false;auto t2 = system_clock::now();cout << msg << " took "<< duration_cast<milliseconds>(t2 - t1).count()<< " milliseconds\n";}private:system_clock::time_point t1;bool is_start;  //是否开始计时
};void check_vector(vector<double> v, const string& title)
{if (v.size() == 0){cout << "vector is empty\n";return;}cout << title << endl;cout << "begin\t\tmid\t\tend\n";cout << setprecision(8) << v[0] << '\t' << *(v.begin() + distance(v.begin(), v.end()) / 2) << '\t' << v.back() << endl;
}int main()
{const int N1{ 500000 };     //浮点数的数量const int N2{ 5000000 };vector<double> v1 = random_vector_double(N1, N1);vector<double> v2 = random_vector_double(N2, N2);Timer_Type timer;check_vector(v1, "v1 before sort");check_vector(v2, "v2 before sort");timer.start("N = 500 000");sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());timer.terminate("N = 500 000");timer.start("N = 5 000 000");sort(v2.begin(), v2.end());timer.terminate("N = 5 000 000");check_vector(v1, "v1 after sort");check_vector(v1, "v2 after sort");return 0;
catch (exception& e)
{cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;return 1;
catch (...)
{cerr << "Exception occurred!\n";return 2;


#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>using namespace std::chrono;// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Multithreaded fill//返回随机字符串,用户指定长度
string rand_string(int len)
{if (len <= 0)return "";//以ascii的26个小写字母作为随机字符串的字符constexpr int litter_min = 97;constexpr int litter_max = 122;thread_local static std::default_random_engine ran;thread_local uniform_int_distribution<> uint_char{ litter_min, litter_max };stringstream ss;for (auto i = 0; i < len; ++i)ss << static_cast<char>(uint_char(ran));return ss.str();
void vector_fill_task(vector<string>& v, vector<string>::size_type i1, vector<string>::size_type i2, default_random_engine ran)
{constexpr int len_min = 0;constexpr int len_max = 99;uniform_int_distribution<> uint{ len_min, len_max };for (auto i = i1; i < i2; ++i)v[i] = rand_string(uint(ran));  //获得随即长度[0:100)的随机字符串
}vector<string> random_vector_string(vector<double>::size_type n, const unsigned seed)
{default_random_engine ran{ seed };const auto N_thread{ thread::hardware_concurrency() };const int r = n / N_thread + ((n % N_thread) ? 1 : 0);vector<string> v(n);vector<std::thread> vt;int M = n - r;int i{ 0 };for (i = 0; i < M; i += r)vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, i + r, ran });vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, n, ran });for (auto& t : vt)t.join();return v;
}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------class Timer_Type {public:Timer_Type() :t1{}, is_start{ false }{}void start(const string& msg = ""){if (is_start){cerr << "clock had been starting!\n";return;}is_start = true;cout << msg << " clock start!\n";t1 = system_clock::now();}void terminate(const string& msg = ""){is_start = false;auto t2 = system_clock::now();cout << msg << " took "<< duration_cast<milliseconds>(t2 - t1).count()<< " milliseconds\n";}private:system_clock::time_point t1;bool is_start;  //是否开始计时
};void check_vector(vector<string> v, const string& title)
{if (v.size() == 0){cout << "vector is empty\n";return;}cout << title << '\n';cout << "begin:\n";cout << v[0] << '\n';cout << "mid:\n";cout << v[v.size()/2] << '\n';cout << "end:\n";cout << v.back() << '\n';
}int main()
{const int N1{ 500000 };     //浮点数的数量const int N2{ 5000000 };vector<string> v1 = random_vector_string(N1, N1);vector<string> v2 = random_vector_string(N2, N2);Timer_Type timer;check_vector(v1, "v1 before sort");check_vector(v2, "v2 before sort");timer.start("N = 500 000");sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());timer.terminate("N = 500 000");timer.start("N = 5 000 000");sort(v2.begin(), v2.end());timer.terminate("N = 5 000 000");check_vector(v1, "v1 after sort");check_vector(v1, "v2 after sort");return 0;
catch (exception& e)
{cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;return 1;
catch (...)
{cerr << "Exception occurred!\n";return 2;


// Stroustrup - Programming Principles & Practice
// Chapter 26 Exercise 14
// Repeat random string container fill using map so the sequences are already
// sorted. I used a set instead since there wasn't really a 'pair'.
//#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>using namespace std::chrono;std::mutex mtx;                     // where is the best place for this?// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Timing
class Make_timer {public:Make_timer() : t1{ system_clock::now() } { }void reset() { t1 = system_clock::now(); }void operator()(const std::string& label){auto t2 = system_clock::now();std::cout << "  " << label << " took: "<< duration_cast<microseconds>(t2 - t1).count()<< " microseconds\n";}
private:system_clock::time_point t1;
};// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Random string generation
std::string get_string()
{constexpr unsigned int min = 1;         // smallest stringconstexpr unsigned int max = 100;       // largest stringconstexpr unsigned short low = 33;      // low end of char-rangeconstexpr unsigned short high = 126;    // high end of char-rangestd::stringstream ss;thread_local static std::default_random_engine ran;auto len = std::uniform_int_distribution<>{ min, max }(ran);for (auto i = 0; i < len; ++i)ss << static_cast<char>(uniform_int_distribution<>{low, high}(ran));return ss.str();
}template<typename C> C random_fill(int n)
{C vs;for (auto i = 0; i < n; ++i)vs.insert(get_string());return vs;
}// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Multi-threading  fill-set
void fill_task(std::set<std::string>& vs, int n, std::mutex& m)
{set<std::string> v = random_fill<std::set<std::string>>(n);std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{ m };for (const auto& a : v)vs.insert(a);
}set<std::string> threaded_fill(int n)
// fill a large set with random strings
// thread number performance:
// 1: ~107
// 4: ~32s
// 8: ~28s
{std::set<std::string> vs;constexpr int num_threads = 8;std::mutex mtx;vector<std::thread> vt;            // still using vector for threadsfor (auto i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)vt.push_back(std::thread{ fill_task,std::ref(vs),n / num_threads,std::ref(mtx) });for (auto& t : vt)t.join();return vs;
}// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Multi-threading  fill-vector
string rand_string(int len)
{if (len <= 0)return "";//以ascii的26个小写字母作为随机字符串的字符constexpr int litter_min = 97;constexpr int litter_max = 122;thread_local static std::default_random_engine ran;thread_local uniform_int_distribution<> uint_char{ litter_min, litter_max };stringstream ss;for (auto i = 0; i < len; ++i)ss << static_cast<char>(uint_char(ran));return ss.str();
void vector_fill_task(vector<string>& v, vector<string>::size_type i1, vector<string>::size_type i2, default_random_engine ran)
{constexpr int len_min = 0;constexpr int len_max = 99;uniform_int_distribution<> uint{ len_min, len_max };for (auto i = i1; i < i2; ++i)v[i] = rand_string(uint(ran));  //获得随即长度[0:100)的随机字符串
}vector<string> random_vector_string(vector<double>::size_type n, const unsigned seed)
{default_random_engine ran{ seed };const auto N_thread{ thread::hardware_concurrency() };const int r = n / N_thread + ((n % N_thread) ? 1 : 0);vector<string> v(n);vector<std::thread> vt;int M = n - r;int i{ 0 };for (i = 0; i < M; i += r)vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, i + r, ran });vt.push_back(std::thread{ vector_fill_task, ref(v), i, n, ran });for (auto& t : vt)t.join();return v;
}// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Utility
template<typename C>
void check_output(const C& c)
{std::cout << "first element: " << c.front() << '\n'<< "last element: " << '\n'<< c.back() << '\n';
}// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
int main()
try {const int test1 = 500000;const int test2 = 5000000;Make_timer timer;std::cout << "Filling both sets...\n";timer.reset();set<string> s1 = threaded_fill(test1);set<string> s2 = threaded_fill(test2);timer("set fills");std::cout << "Filling and sorting both vectors...\n";timer.reset();vector<string> v1 = random_vector_string(test1, test1);vector<string> v2 = random_vector_string(test2, test2);sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());sort(v2.begin(), v2.end());timer("vector fills and sorts");return 0;
catch (std::exception& e) {std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';return 1;
catch (...) {std::cerr << "Unknown exception\n";return 2;

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