我正在使用Python 3中的类,而且我很难与他们合作。我在这里有两个程序(一个正在导入另一个)






#set global constant

SHIFT_2 = 0.05

SHIFT_3 = 0.10

#person class

class Person:

#initialize name, ID number, city

def __init__(self, name, ID, city):

self.__ID = ID

self.__name = name

self.__city = city

#display employee name

def show_person(self):

print('Name:', self.__name)

print('ID:', self.__ID)

print('City:', self.__city)

#display salary

def show_pay(self):

print('I make lots of money')

#return formatting

def __str__(self):

name_string = '(My name is ' + self.__name +')'

return name_string

# Hourly employee class

class Hourly(Person):

#initialize method calls superclass

def __init__(self, name, ID, city, base_pay, shift):

Person.__init__(self, name, ID, city)

self.__base_pay = base_pay

self.__shift = shift

#show_pay overrides the superclass and displays hourly pay rates

def show_pay(self):

if self.__shift == 1:

print('My salary is ', self.__base_pay)

elif self.__shift == 2:

print('My salary is ', (self.__base_pay * SHIFT_2) + self.__base_pay)

elif self.__shift == 3:

print('My salary is ', (self.__base_pay * SHIFT_3) + self.__base_pay)

#salary employee class

class Salary(Person):

#intialize method calls superclass

def __init__(self, name, ID, city, ann_salary):

Person.__init__(self, name, ID, city)

self.__salary = ann_salary

#show pay overrides superclass and displays salary pay rates

def show_pay(self):

print('I make ', self.__salary)

print('which is ', self.__salary // 26, 'every two weeks.')

#volunteer employee class

class Volunteer(Person):

def __init__(self, name, ID, city):

Person.__init__(self, name, ID, city)

def show_pay(self):

print('I am a volunteer so I am not paid.')这是主要的程序

import employee

def main():

#create list

employees = make_list()

#display list

print('Here are the employees.')



def make_list():

#create list

employee_list = []

#get number of hourly employees

number_of_hourly = int(input('\nHow many hourly will be entered? '))

for hourly in range(number_of_hourly):

#get input

name, ID, city = get_input()

base_pay = input('Enter employee base pay: ')

shift = input('Enter employee shift 1,2, or 3: ')

#create object

Hourly = employee.Hourly(name, ID, city, base_pay, shift)

#add object to list


#get number of salary employees

number_of_salary = int(input('\nHow many salary will be entered? '))

for salary in range(number_of_salary):

#get input

name, ID, city = get_input()

ann_salary = input('Enter employee annual salary: ')

#create object

salary = employee.Salary(name, ID, city, ann_salary)

#add object to list


#get volunteers

number_of_volunteers = int(input('\nHow many other volunteers will be entered? '))

for volunteers in range(number_of_volunteers):

#get info

name, ID, city = get_input()

#create object

volunteer = employee.Person(name, ID, city)

#add object to list


#invalid object

employee_list.append('\nThis is invalid')

#return employee_list

return employee_list

def get_input():

#input name

name = input("Employee's name: ")


while name == '':

print('\n Name is required. Try again.')

name = input("Employee's name: ")

ID_valid = False

ID = input("Employee's ID: ")

while ID_valid == False:


ID = float(ID)

if ID > 0:

ID_valid = True


print("\nID must be > 0. Try again.")

ID = input("Employee's age: ")

except ValueError:

print("\nID must be numeric. Try again.")

ID = input("Employee's ID: ")

#get city

city = input("Enter employee's city of residence: ")

#return values

return name, ID, city

def display_list(human_list):

#create for loop for isinstance

for human in human_list:

#create isinstance

if isinstance(human, employee.Person):






print('Invalid employee object')

#call main function



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